Ex-President Donald Trump

Discussion in 'Politics' started by blackbull1970, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Yes I guess its hard for me to appreciate words without the sound. Its not like math. Equations paint pictures and represent shapes. I can't get pictures from words unless its a clever song or story.
  2. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    You should really give duolingo a try, they sound out the words and have pictures that go along with the learning. All totally free
  3. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Lol. I created a French thread already. Haha! Cool song.
  4. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Bet. I'll look into it thanks.
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    So another of Mueller's Agents caught..that's two exposed this week

    ANOTHER Mueller deputy caught sending anti-Trump message: Top prosecutor told Obama holdover who refused to defend travel ban that 'I am so proud'

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  6. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    You're reaching.lol

    Many lawyers felt that Trump's travel ban was unconstitutional because it was a thinly veiled Muslim ban. You can't ban citizens from coming into the country because of their religious faith.

    One lawyer complimenting another lawyer for standing up for the Constitution isn't really controversial.

    Look, the Mueller investigation will stand on the facts. If you have a problem with the Mueller investigation, which I'm sure you will, why not wait for it to come out first instead of trying to discredit the entire process beforehand.

    Mueller is a registered Republican. He's on your team.

    I don't know why some conservatives refuse to believe just maybe Trump isn't this ethical and righteous populist hero some of you believe him to be.
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  7. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    Mueller was the smartest, the most competent genuine and trustworthy man ever when they appointed him. Now that he's digging up some things they didn't want he and his people are the devil. Trump himself approved of Mueller. Now we are hearing talks of "agents' and conspiracy theories from his camp and his followers. In fact, everyone who doesn't fit the picture is a devil. It's nothing new. There's no proof of anything in it.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    How can it be a "Muslim Ban" when it was merely Trump enforcing Obama's ban already on the books?

    As you know, there's ONE BILLION MUSLIMS, so stop with the muslim nonsense. It covered only a few countries temporarily for 90 days ..just 90 days AB, who didn't vett properly along with a terror history.

    She was "Upholding the Constitution" my ass, she was protecting no such thing and you damn well know it, the President has full power of whom they allow into this country. She was an Obama holdover who defied her position's obligation and her new boss. This is why the The Supreme Court upheld the ban.
    This senior deputy in Mueller's probe needs to be removed stat, l can't believe you're defending this taint.
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    FBI will hand over anti-Trump texts its top Hillary and Russia investigator sent his lover after buckling to warning it could be held in contempt of Congress
    By Nikki Schwab, U.S. Political Reporter
    • FBI senior Agent on the Mueller Russia Probe, Peter Strzok's, texted anti-Trump sentiments to his lover
    • He was on the Mueller probe until the texts to his mistress, an FBI lawyer, Lisa Page, were revealed internally in August
    • But he was also senior official in the Hillary Clinton secret server probe which let two of her aides off with untruths
    • He then CHANGED the language of Comey's memo about Clinton to remove 'grossly negligent', the standard for prosecution of mishandling intelligence, to "extremely careless" so she could not be arrested
    The text message scandal broke when both the Washington Post and the New York Times reported that the messages were the reason Strzok got reassigned to the FBI's human resources department earlier this year.

    As the Post put it, the messages 'expressed anti-Trump sentiments and other comments that appeared to favor Clinton.'

    A spokesman for Mueller's office told the newspaper that Strzok was removed 'immediately upon learning of the allegations.'

    Page had already left the Mueller probe by the time the text messages were discovered. She has since returned to the FBI.

    But Strzok was also a critical figure in the Clinton secret server probe, interviewing her top two aides, Huma Adedin and Cheryl Mills, who were not charged with lying to the FBI despite their evidence they knew nothing of her server being at odds with emails they had sent, and removing language from a memo which would have led to Clinton herself being charged.

    In August ABC News reported on Strzok's removal from the Mueller investigation, as the special counsel's team looked into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and whether there was collusion with President Trump's campaign.

    But Mueller never disclosed why he was ousted.
  10. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    You're reaching.lol

    Many lawyers felt that Trump's travel ban was unconstitutional because it was a thinly veiled Muslim ban. You can't ban citizens from coming into the country because of their religious faith.

    One lawyer complimenting another lawyer for standing up for the Constitution isn't really controversial.

    Look, the Mueller investigation will stand on the facts. If you have a problem with the Mueller investigation, which I'm sure you will, why not wait for it to come out first instead of trying to discredit the entire process beforehand.

    Mueller is a registered Republican. He's on your team.

    I don't know why some conservatives refuse to believe just maybe Trump isn't this ethical and righteous populist hero some of you believe him to be.

    Stop trying to scapegoat Obama whenever Trump decides to do dumb shit.
    Trump's ban on ANYONE entering the U.S. from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and Libya for 90 days, no matter what, is NOTHING at all like Obama's administration halt of processing Iraqi refugee for 6 months in 2011.

    Obama's actions were a response to a specific terrorist plot by Iraqi refugees in Kentucky attempting to send aid to Al Qaeda who didn't disclose their previous terrorism ties.
    Even while Obama put a halt on processing new Iraqi visas, Iraqi refugees were still being admitted into the country.

    What were Trump's reasons for attempting to block the entry of citizens from the 7 countries I listed, even if they had green cards, or were attending university in the United States, or had gone back home briefly to visit relatives??
    There was no 'reason', except Trump didn't want Muslims coming into the country and the courts recognized it.
    There was no imminent threat, there was no diplomatic crisis.
    Trump was just being Trump, which means a White nationalist bigot.

    The POTUS isn't a king.
    Trump can't make declarations that are unconstitutional. Every court in the country where the Trump administration tried to get his Muslim ban enforced rejected it because the parameters were too broad.

    This is the 3rd iteration of Trump's travel ban, which now includes Venezuela(wtf??), Chad and North Korea.lol

    There is no end date for Trump's latest ban. Makes sense. Because it's temporary.smh.

    You may disagree with Yates' legal position, but don't act like she was a part of conspiracy to gum up the works for the Trump administration.
    Apparently the Supreme Court, a federal court in Hawaii and a court in Maryland agreed with her.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2017
  11. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Comments like this make kinda sad that I hid Bliss, but my tolerance for nonstop goalpost moving, deflection, hypocrisy, and conspiracy-based nonsense is only so high.
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  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    A quick FYI.. Trump never declared Green card holders..that was stupid Immigration officers in NY who didn't know what to do, so they banned everyone. It was chaos. Very bad communication.

    Wow...Obama only targeted Iraq?

    Here you go..


    That refers to a 2015 act, signed into law by Obama, revising the United States’ visa waiver program. The visa waiver program allows citizens from 38 countries to enter the United States without a visa for up to 90 days.
    Under the legislation, citizens of those 38 countries who had traveled to Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Sudan after March 2011 were no longer eligible for the visa waiver. Libya, Yemen, and Somalia were later added to the list.

    Andreboba, I'm really surprised to hear you spout that every court in the land said what Trump did was unconstitutional, when you know for a fact that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is heavy-loaded with liberal judges - it was only three judges in total, not every court in the land, and as you know the most Supreme Court of the land agreed with President Trump on Monday.
    What are you not understanding, seriously?

    The U.S. Supreme Court on June 26 gave a partial approval to the Trump administration's emergency request to put the president's travel ban into effect immediately while the legal battle continued.
    On Monday, June 4th, 2017, the High Court ruled (7-2) the law can be enforced in full.

    AB, You know his ban is not unconstitutional. You can't excuse your political biases and ignorance by saying it was "too broad", - nothing really adjusted from the original ban, except some countries. Like it or not, he has legal executive oversight on immigration.

    Section 212(f), states:
    “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”


    Section 212(f) after 1965. In 1981, President Ronald Reagan used it to bar “any undocumented aliens arriving at the borders of the United States from the high seas,” while in 1986, he used it to bar Cuban nationals, with some exceptions. In 1994, Bill Clinton used it to bar anyone in the Haitian military or government affiliated with the 1991 coup d’état that overthrew the democratically-elected president. Ten years later, George W. Bush used it to bar corrupt members of the government of Zimbabwe from entering the U.S. And in 2012, Barack Obama used it to bar hackers aiding Iran and Syria.

  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Mueller knew in August that married FBI lawyer who worked with Mueller, exchanged 10,000 texts with her anti-Trump agent lover who was a key player in Mueller's Russia probe and helped clear Hillary.
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    ANOTHER Mueller investigator comes under scrutiny: Attorney on Russia probe is revealed to have previously represented the Clinton Foundation

    A member of special counsel Robert Mueller's legal 'dream team' is also coming under scrutiny, this time for her prior work providing legal representation for the Clinton Foundation.

    Jeannie Rhee is a former Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the Justice Department, where she worked in the office of legal counsel.

    But it is some of her past work as a private lawyer that is now drawing attention, as Republican investigators and outside media turn their focus on members of Mueller's team.

    Rhee joined a legal team that defended the Clinton Foundation from a racketeering lawsuit...
    Rhee also represented Obama security advisor Ben Rhodes as he negotiated a congressional investigation in connection with the 2012 Benghazi attacks. Rhodes was one of Obama's most trusted advisors.
  15. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Feature works like a charm. If you don't watch fox news, or associate with the confederate flag waving breitbart crowd, then why read their shitty posts?
  16. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Seriously. That gets exhausting after a while. Ain't nobody about to read all that shit.
  17. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    I hope Bliss is paying attention to the violent protests that have already started in Jerusalem after Friday prayers.

    I hope she's cool with the death toll to follow all because our current POTUS is a full bred idiot.
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Your comrnent is despicable.
    It appears you are waiting with bated breath for deaths from their violent outbursts so you can blame the President. Where is your outrage at the violence?
    Israelis, their Prime Minister and Jews world-wide fully support the decision that the U.S re-acknowledged what has have been all along, and support the move of our Embassy there.

    Seriously, why don't you condemn those crazy and violent muslims you sympathize with who want to murder innocent people?

    On second thoughts, When have you ever? The daily violence in the name of 'Allah' directed at Christians, Jews and Agnostics that has continued for decades hasn't warranted a peep from you. How sad.
  19. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Its worse than spamware and you already know what's being said "but, but, Obama."
    It's Obamas fault.
    Some kind of way he did the same thing when he was president.......lol
  20. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Did you just say that I condone acts of terrorism committed by Muslims??lol
    Still reaching.

    As for our dummy POTUS, diplomacy is about pragmatism and dealing with real world realities and conflicts among various groups.
    Intentionally and unnecessarily inserting himself and the United States into the Jerusalem question so publicly has again sparked tensions in the ME.

    Palestinian and Islamic militants aren't 'rational' about the issue of Jerusalem, so why would Trump decide to throw gasoline on the entire region all for the sake of being 'right''???

    I was told a long time ago you can be right on an issue, but you can be DEAD right too.
    Tell me what Trump accomplished other than fracturing the delicate peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians??
    ANd there's no one in Trump's administration with the diplomatic experience or resources to calm this situation.

    Trump says he wants to fight terrorism, but instead what he's done is give groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS another reason to attack the West.
    I truly believe Trump had no clue how explosive a statement it was to announce that he planned to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

    No country in the world with consulates in Israel has embassies in Jerusalem, because of what it would symbolize to Palestinians and the rest of the region.

    Trump is an idiot when it comes to foreign affairs.
    Now we all get to witness that his idiocy has deadly real world consequences.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2017

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