Oh, I'm totally with you here. My comments about LeVar is just to say we know the person he is. Trump's response is just the latest of his lame, attention seeking rants, and I actually agree with LaVar not giving in to Trump's crap.
He's clearly a delusional man. It's been revealed that The Chinese Dictator had no clue who the kids were. They most certainly would have rotted in jail, make no mistake. The Chinese leader did it only as a favor to Trump, l'm sure he's expecting a favor in return. That's the cost of political bartering. But all you hear is 'Trump's a racist!" Trump's a racist!" for wondering if he will get a Thank You. Like every ass bitching wouldn't or never wondered themselves, or expected a thanks for something big they did for someone. Liars. Finally, LeVar is such an entitled PRICK, he thinks shoplifting in a cold Commie country is no big deal. That his son would walk. SMH. He's a trash father and yet he had the nerve to say this about other men's sons..
http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/20/polit...ar-ball-are-perfect-for-each-other/index.html I totally agree. Both are moronic, PITA, know it all types/gotta have attention and spew nothing but BS. The problem is while one remains relatively harmless to anyone outside of his own circle.... the other is the POTUS.
This isn't about Levar Ball. This is about how shallow and petty Donald Trump is. First of all, Trump is the only POTUS I know of who's ever wanted credit publicly for getting U.S. prisoners and hostages released. Why? Because Trump is all about himself and has NO character. Did Reagan ever credit himself for the release of the Iranian hostages in 1980?? Did Obama ever pat himself on the back for ordering the Navy sniper shot that killed Somali pirates and freed U.S. hostages??? Did BHO ever say HE was the one responsible for taking out Bin Laden?? Did George W. Bush ever take full credit for the release of two American missionaries held captive by Filipino Islamic militants?? Did Ford and Carter ever credit themselves for the release of American POWs after the Vietnam War?? Not one of these former POTUSes issued a formal statement from the WH saying it was all about ME. No one else. I did it by myself. Levar Ball is right in one respect, Trump didn't personally negotiate the release of those players. That was done by the State Department. The problem is, nothing is collaborative with Trump. In his world, only one person can get the credit, and that's HIM. This is the idiot you keep defending in all his glory, the president who thinks the State Department is irrelevant and isn't concerned that we have almost a third of senior State Department posts not filled. I heard a commentary this weekend that diplomacy is the cheaper alternative to war, which is one of the main reasons we invest the human capital in staffing our embassies around the world. Imagine if the Pentagon was missing a 3rd of its generals and the president said, "I'm the only one that matters,"?? Listen to Trump say it himself. This is one of the reasons so many Americans believe he's unfit for office, because he doesn't know the function of government or how its various moving parts work, and simply doesn't care to know. About the release of those UCLA basketball players, why would Trump tell them he should have left them over there, all because he got into a twitter beef with one of their parents?? That's not how a president is supposed to act. Remember when Cindy Sheehan was protesting what seemed like almost everyday outside the WH blaming Bush for the death of her son?? Know what Bush said to put her back in her place??? NOT A DAMN THING. Because as president, Bush knew that everything wasn't all about him. He knew everyone wasn't always going to like or agree with him, or believe his policies were right. If Trump sincerely helped get those UCLA players released because he believed it was the right thing to do, that's what he should have done. You don't get into a twitter beef with crazy ass Levar Ball and blame his actions for why you should have left those kids in China. There are so many things that are just punk about Trump. No person that egotistical, insecure and defensive should ever be allowed to live in the WH.
What do you know? LaVar was right. Trump was lying AGAIN to aggrandize himself. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/20/...an-rights.html?smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=0 Oh and while we're on the topic of shameless self-aggrandizement:
"Shoplifting" Is a broad term. Not only was the value high, but according to this report, it was more than once and not only expensive glasses... Report: 3 UCLA Players May Have Shoplifted From Several Chinese Stores http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2017/11/11/ucla-players-several-stores/ Furthermore, Amnesty lawyers said it could take years to secure any release. If you think it's a nothingburger a.k.a LaVar, go steal what they stole and see if you can walk so easy.
I heard this from a high-ranking Officer, he said "soldiers feel that finally they can just do their job, without having to call in first for (delayed) permission for every little thing, which some say cost lives. The micro-management by upper Goverment (who were nowhere near the frontlines) because of fear of offending the opppsition, was frustrating Military personnel." Also... https://www.militarytimes.com/news/...ver-here-s-how-the-military-rates-his-legacy/
Apparently, "just do their job" means indiscriminately killing civilians. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/w...scrapping-attacked-human-rights-a7962517.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...in-syria-do-just-that/?utm_term=.3204d32f09ab http://www.newsweek.com/trump-has-already-killed-more-civilians-obama-us-fight-against-isis-653564 The US isn't a fucking military dictatorship. The civilian government is supposed to provide oversight to the military not the other way around. Trump is giving the generals free reign because doesn't he know or care about the intricacies of warfare or international politics. https://www.vox.com/2017/5/25/15632614/trump-military-generals-syria-yemen-afghanistan
Cops also love Trump because of his "hands off" approach to overseeing law enforcement. His neo-Confederate attorney general has totally backed off of scrutinizing problem departments with proven track records of abuse and racial discrimination that were being investigated by Obama's justice department. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-bobb-consent-decrees-work-20170425-story.html As a woman who claims to have an affinity for black men, do you also think that's something to brag about?
Indiscriminate killing of foreign civilians is what radicalizes young Muslims and makes them potential volunteers for terrorist groups. WHen you read and see their propaganda, the one point these terrorist groups emphasize is the U.S. military's killing of innocents. Killing an entire village of 100 people just so you can murder 3 terrorists is not how you win hearts and minds, or find allies in the ME. I seem to recall conservatives were criticizing Obama for his counter-terrorism strategy in the ME using drones, because he was killing too many combatants instead of capturing more prisoners. LOL. The man can't catch a break. About Obama's favorability/unfavorability with the military, most of that IMO is just politically and racially motivated. Most of our troops never see combat anyway, so why would so many of them have so much dislike for the Commander In Chief??? If you broke down Obama's favorability among the military along racial and ethnic lines, I'm sure the split would be more obvious. Most the Black troops probably have a favorable view towards Obama. Most the White troops probably don't. The hispanics and Asians probably fall somewhere down the middle. We'll see how popular Trump is with the military when he throws them under the bus when they screw up.
^This. There were a large number of military officers who were birthers. Here's one example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Court-martial_of_Terry_Lakin Terry Lakin was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army and a doctor who refused deployment because he claimed that Obama was born in Kenya and not the legitimate POTUS. This isn't some ignorant teenager who just enlisted. This is a well-educated man. He's just racist as fuck. There are plenty of those types in the military. https://www.armytimes.com/news/pent...r-troops-sees-white-nationalism-in-the-ranks/
Love how POTUS likes to punch down to individual private citizens who all just HAPPEN to be black. But race has nothing to do with it, right?
Fuck off with that obtuse bullshit. Trump ain't on Twitter attacking Rosie O'Donnell to rile up his base every time that he suffers some kind of political setback or embarrassment. https://www.theatlantic.com/politic...mp-lavar-ball-marshawn-lynch-tweeting/546686/ It's obvious to everybody with a functioning brain what these people are about. I've said it before and I'll say it again: it's fucking bizarre, to say the least, to have a woman who claims to have some sort of preference for black men here on his this forum stanning for this overtly anti-black, white supremacist administration on a daily basis.