Yes Trump did cast doubts over Obama's college records Bliss per below, as far as your other Birther claims, I could go point by point as to how they have all been discredited or debunked but I know it would not make a bit of difference for you. "Chuck Todd, host: “Do you believe President Obama is a citizen who was born in the United States?” Donald J. Trump: “Well, I don’t like talking about it anymore because, honestly, I have my own feelings. I think he should have taken the $5 million. I don’t know why he spent $4 million in legal fees to keep his records away. Nobody has seen his records. I don’t know.” Todd: “We’re talking about the birth certificates.” Trump: “… I mean his college records. He spent $4 million in legal fees to make sure that nobody ever saw” them."
Yes, l'm aware of that interview. That's why l noted in my comment to DudeNY. Look, his own grandmother when asked years ago, relayed being at his birth, also this poster pic was taken inside her home in a's been there since 2005. At the end of the day, is it so bad if his American mom went into labor there? Serious question. Forget the Presidency, it's over and done in relation to his terms and the rules. Just curious if it really bothers you as much as l feel like it does, to you and AB. Does it make him any less of our President if his life was essentially America (excluding the Indonesia years?)
Yup! My mistake... it was after President Obama had released his birth certificate which of course Trump and the other haters did not accept
Bliss perhaps you are missing the whole point of birtherism, it started not as some mere academic political debate about the rules of eligibility, it's sole goal was to remove President Obama from office based on baseless conspiracy theories that he was ineligible to begin with and were rooted in racism. That's what bothers us, not the academic debate. For example, Trump alluded to but never really went after Ted Cruz with similar reasoning, in that case nobody was denying that Cruz was born in Canada including Cruz himself, in that case an interesting debate about the letter of the law could be had. "That's not what we heard on the tape. What we heard was a very rough translation in which an elderly woman agreed to the leading question that Obama was born in Kenya and that she was present. But it was immediately and clearly corrected -- repeatedly. When we contacted Trump’s organization, Michael Cohen, his political aide, referred us to Jerome R. Corsi, author of The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, which makes a case against Obama, calling him a political extremist who associates with radicals and has disturbing connections to Islam. (PolitiFact found the book was riddled with errors). In a brief telephone interview with PolitiFact, Corsi said he has spoken to Trump and that the statement about Obama's grandmother was, in fact, based on her taped conversation with McRae. Corsi pointed us toward an article he wrote for the conservative WorldNetDaily, in which he says that he spoke to two unnamed Kenyans familiar with Sarah Obama's dialect, and that they claimed she was clear in saying that she witnessed Obama's birth in Kenya. Futhermore, Corsi said they told him it appeared her later efforts to recant appeared to be heavily coached by those around her. Corsi has a book questioning Obama's birthplace coming out next month. We note that in a Chicago Tribune story in March 2007, national correspondent Tim Jones wrote that in an interview with Sarah Obama, she said she received the news of Obama's birth via a letter to her in Kenya and that she was "was so happy to have a grandchild in the U.S." Trump is serving up re-heated leftovers that have long ago been debunked. Anyone who listens to the tape of the phone conversation with Sarah Obama can hear how tightly you need to edit this interview to present it as evidence of a presidential cover-up. We rule Trump's claim that Obama's grandmother in Kenya said he was born in Kenya False."
Well then l must have missed the point as you emotionally infer, because it always appeared to me to be about factual eligibility. I distinctly recall that Canditate Trump did go after Cruz, as it waa a point of personal discussion with some friends. It was also confirmed by these reports... Donald Trump Goes 'Birther' On Ted Cruz Surprisingly, this WP piece was intetesting...if not only the first page.. How Donald Trump made the birther attack on Ted Cruz stick
Trump said no one at Columbia/Harvard knew who Obama was, suggesting he never attended. Hillary never said Obama wasn't born in Hawaii. That's all on Trump. Trump started birtherism. You're his girl, Bliss...own it.
I own nuthin, lol. I'm not like you, all up Hillary's vagina, defending her at all cost. She sowed the seed, set it in motion amd rolled it out. Her implications for all intents and purposes was to infer he wasn't American and was he even "American"? (Additionally, Michelle whether a Freudian or deliberate slip, didnt help!, lol) (.15 sec mark) ****** That link you posted was a very interesting read. I was not aware that there was even a claim he may not have attended Columbia University, or that "400 of Columbia students" interviewed did not remember Obama there". So they found 3 people?, one a woman who said that they would play soccer outside the library and then he would decline going for beers with them because he would say "I'm going to the library". (The guy who loved to Smoke's weed with his college buddies?) Question: Has Columbia confirmed his transcripts? Because Snopes didn't exactly debunk it, they said some recall him there. Every tangible link l clicked to prove he was there @ the article he wrote, were dead links for both Snopes and Politifact. That's weird. Can you post any working link of his article in Sundial paper? I also read elsewhere that the professor below, and Obama, both say they had thrown out his Senior paper when asked to produce it... Michael L. Baron, who taught the year-long honors seminar in American Foreign Policy that Barack Obama took during his senior year at Columbia and recalled in an NBC interview Obama’s “easily acing” the class and receiving an A for his senior paper on the topic of "nuclear negotiations with the Soviet Union." Anyhoo, if he didn't embellish his resume, l can totally buy that he was like a hermit or "a monk during college" as he said... l couldn't name one person l went to college with if l was asked. Faces yes...(now Primary and high school, l could...College is just too transient.) He said he buckled down and good for him if he did. Trump took the words of 400 students over Obama. Go figure, lol. It's apparent with Obama and Trump, there's a dislike between them. Obama is Apollo and Trump is Rocky. That aside, one cannot question Obama's Harvard education nor his intellect, period. He is extremely intelligent, an exceptional orator and a critical thinker which l have always noted. Is he the best political decision maker? That is where l cease my admiration for him. It's always been about policies. Thus, its not about being anyone's "girl", l'm about policies, because l truly adore this country, l love the Constitution and Flag and l will always defend it, l don't care who snowflake l offend because of my love for her. It comes off like Obama does not truly loves this country, perhaps because of his formative years in Indonesia. From day one, he seemed to resent U.S patriotism via his policies, and that may be due to anti-U.S sentiment in Muslim-majority Indonesia? IDK.. (*Busy work day today 'n tomorrow..TL)
Not sure what you mean by emotionally, there were actual lawsuits filed mainly by the lunatic below, it was very satisfying to see her get hit with a $20,000 fine.
"...When asked about his thoughts on President Trump's help in releasing his shoplifting son from jail, LaVar Ball didn't have much to say. His son, UCLA basketball player, LiAngelo Ball, and the student's fellow teammates, Jalen Hill and Cody Riley, returned to the United States this week after they were detained in China for days following a high-end store heist. LaVar told ESPN, 'Who?', after the President's name was mentioned for his meeting in handling the matter with Chinese President, Xi Jinping..." The father added: 'What was he over there for? Don't tell me nothing. Everybody wants to make it seem like he helped me out.' ****** Ungrateful tool. His son theives in a Communist country and he can't even admit it took another man to bring his son home and give him better life advice!!
Ball, a piece of garbage who in turn raised a garbage kid and thief. Trump was right, he should have left the Chinese deal with them in accordance to the law of their land.
I'll be the first to say that LeVar Ball is a moron. That said... Trump certainly had the option of not intervening. Of course Trump being the attention-craving person he is... Gets involved and is now butthurt because the elder Ball won't kiss his ass.
Trump is an equal opportunity defamer. There are two glaring exceptions, of course - White supremacy scumbags and his man crush Putin.
He practically demanded a Thank You before they even had to chance to say anything, so this could be Lavar seeing right through him. Also you don't want to let a narcissist racist like Trump believing he is over on you, because he is CLEARLY not a sincere man, especially when he knows you don't agree with him. I mean he wanted his Thank You first when even he admitted himself that it was JinPing that made their release possible. It is hard to thank people like that knowing that they are still going to be an asshole in the end. But it is stand up not to stoop to their level. Right is right. In the end this is just Two big egos going at it, my money is on Lavar. lol.
You amuse me. However, no amount of apologetic tomfoolery can alter the fact that Trump is a divisive, thin-skinned schmuck.