Pro-Black men who mess with White Women behind closed doors

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Mrmike757, Aug 11, 2017.

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  1. Reverie

    Reverie Well-Known Member

    This is so weird, is the pill or other hormonal birth control very expensive in the states?
  2. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    I find it weird also. I heard somewhere that contraceptives were free at planned parenthood centers, therefore the outcry when Trump defunded them. I think it's social/cultural issue. After all, even if you have to pay for birth control it's still cheaper than bringing up a child.
  3. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    Don't mind him maybe he needed that money.:eek:
  4. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    Those are some serious issues that one cannot solve in a day. As for your question: I live in Germany. Good your nieces/nephews have your brother and his girlfriend around. Hope your nieces get the inspiration to do somethibg different with their lives than having one child after the other from a young age.
    On a different note, I have a good friend in San Diego. She's half German/half American. Lived in our neighborhood for a few years. We are planning to visit them some time next year or the year after. Looking forward to it, California looks so beautiful.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
  5. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, many of us can relate to your friend. We start off with the idea of helping out and making a difference in communities of high need. It's really a tough thing to stick with though and most don't make it for long. Somewhere in the mix you have to take care of yourself and your own and in trying to have some sort of balance, we typically have to go a different direction rather than to become drained, pulled into it all, etc.... and not good for anyone. Sometimes, it's just too costly. It's not just the schools, it's the Human Services programs, medical, etc.
  6. K

    K Well-Known Member

    If you are raised to think that the way to do things is to have babies young and keep having them because that's the way you get free housing, food, welfare, medical and continue to get it....that's what you are familiar with, know, and the plan to follow. That's obtainable. Other things are dreams and seem out of reach, foreign, and not possible. Just like if you are raised to see that the way you get what you want is to steal, hurt others, get big money dealing drugs, sex work, etc......and you aren't seeing any other way to do it. Hell the teachers aren't driving the benz, the social workers aren't making it, anyone who's harping on do the right thing aren't probably flashing the clothes, shoes, cars, etc. So even if they are around doesn't look so appealing.

    Birth control is easy to get and it's promoted. But that isn't going to help get them what they think they want and need. And sex ed starts at birth not at 13. Girls are getting pregnant at 12 (some even younger...basically as young as possible) Having sex ed at 13 is too little too late. But the thing is, it's much more than sex ed. It's about valuing themselves and learning that there is something better out there for them. That's the tough part. How can you really know that if everyone and everything around you is a mess and that's your only real point of reference?
  7. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Good points. I think first and foremost young people need to be taught to value education, and all that comes with it. I'm not focusing on college as it's not for everyone, but if college is not in the cards... then a realistic talent/trade that they'll be able to use to earn a living.

    Somehow they also need to be taught to not put so much value into the material things and/or fast money. It's alarming how so many will look down on an entry level job because the pay is low, and they want to "get paid" now. Even in some of the not-so-young... It boggles my mind to see someone driving a luxury make car, expensive designer clothes/accessories, but living in a hole in the wall in the hood and no savings. Things like saving for your retirement, starting a college savings for the kids and so on sadly are too often not given thought and action.

    When I was young... most of us were afraid of having a baby at such young ages simply because we knew we could not care for them. Too many young adults are having children just because with no financial means of raising the child. So much needs to be done.
  8. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Nothing can be done for the hood. Intelligent black men, you're gifted for a reason. Get out
  9. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Honey...young people can't be taught any of that if the adults aren't modeling it themselves. Let's be real. All the things you said are adult behaviors. It's all about the stuff and wanting it NOW. Our society is that way. Whether you have the means or not. That's what the focus is. It takes a major paradigm shift. I'm not saying each person can't make a difference. I'm just saying that what's needed is a societal shift and I just don't see it happening. We are at a point where this has become multi generational. Even those who are living better lives are doing exactly what you described. They have the big house, cars, stuff, and their whole life is all about getting the money and the stuff. We live in a society where the prevailing attitude is - it's NEVER enough!
  10. K

    K Well-Known Member

    I hate to say it, but I really have to agree with this. The best chance and the best way to make a difference is to get OUT. Hopefully with that you can find a way to model for those who do have it in them to do what it takes.

    There's really something to be said about environment and the truth is that living in that does not motivate or support growth or success. It's a struggle and a fight every single day. If you are going to be fighting and struggling every day....then do so where you are able to gain traction and the ability to move forward.
  11. Reverie

    Reverie Well-Known Member

    I know, this is how it was the place I grew up. I am so happy I wasn't caught up in it.
  12. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Sep 16, 2017
  13. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Actually that's the last place I would go with this conversation. I have no interest in holding up any politician for any type of role model. Usually, whenever any of that comes up, I'm out.
  14. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    Sad when you look at it, but who will step up for the job? I am very appreciative of the support I received growing up. Sure I've seen some things I wish I'd didn't but I had a somewhat decent upbringing. These kids today don't have anyone in their corner. Depressing and most blacks who make it out the hood don't look back, or only mess with folks like them.
  15. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    It's not but the education is what people in these environments are lacking. A young girl from age 8-18 probably only knows what she sees. Her mom has multiple kids, and doesn't seem to care what she does. She goes out in the world looking for love in all the wrong places. Some of these women were molested at a young age and figure that no one cares , I actually have women in my family like this. It's poor decision making passed down from generation to generation.
  16. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    I really hope so too. And I hope you enjoy your time here when you decide to visit.
  17. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    Pretty much lol. School and my career took to places I never knew I would be.
  18. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    I understand what you're saying. But for most people they live with shitty parents who don't give a damn about them. Children left to raise themselves with no idea about how to become successful members of society. All they know is the hood, and they have to worry about how they and their family is gonna eat tonight. I don't agree with the activities just giving you an idea which I'm sure you're aware.
  19. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    Exactly. It almost takes someone not from that environment to reach out and school them. Kids think that it's normal and they learn at a young age how to be promiscuous. Usually from the parents who aren't together but show high levels of sexual activity with other strangers.
  20. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Some of the replies aren't taking into account that not only are the role models at home "lacking" quite often the local education system in such areas is also "severely lacking" I was reading about US sub-standard public education in low income areas and is it really surprising that the same cycles perpetuate again and again. Good quality public secondary education could do wonders as well as school meal programs ( hungry kids don't focus on learning) any cost to raise standards would be covered by those saved from a life of welfare. I hate the whole poor people choose to be poor rhetoric, it's dehumanising and implies people are just too stupid to want better, when really choices are slim and basic education inadequate.
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