Once u go black u never go back

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by IndoGal, Feb 16, 2007.



    It was inevitable.
  2. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    Stereotypes &Myths.Once you go...

    :( Sorry to hear about the divorce first off.Only you know what's best for you dating-wise. So I can totally respect your feelings on that.
    Your post is good because it's good to see a myth "debunked."It shows that you think for yourself and don't buy into stereotypes, but rather you go with what feels best for you on the inside.
    It all works out for the best when you start from the inside.
  3. Lexington

    Lexington New Member

    That's was quick. I think this is what Amani Toomer's ex has in mind.
  4. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Who is Amani Toomer?
  5. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    Do you not wish to date BM anymore? Or is it just that you are with a WM at the moment? The expression is based on the myth that we only date BM for their penis!
  6. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Big surprise :lol: :lol:
  7. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Umm... I doubt it. I think now that I'd be most comfortable with a man from my own country or a neighboring European country. So, that excludes white Americans as well. There are longterm things I'm considering, such as raising kids. My ex-husband is a Muslim. I realized that I don't want to raise my kids as Muslims. I did feel okay with it in the beginning, but as I got to know the religion and the lifestyle better, I changed my views. Currently I'm dating a Ukrainian, myself I'm Russian. We are of the same religion and similar culture. I'm very pleased with my current relationship.
  8. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Not everyone takes the chance to go outside their comfort zone and be open to new experiences and cultures. I think it says a lot about you that you were willing to try.
  9. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    I guess everyone is entitled to change their preferences. Some people feel more comfortable with their own race.
    At the moment I will only date BM. Who knows, some day I may change too. I have also dated Muslim men - but only African as opposed to Arab. I am not religious myself but I am completely accepting of others religion. I even started learning about Islam so as to understand him and his culture. So at the moment I am open in my dating preferences.
  10. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    I should have said - open in my dating preferences ie I do'nt really care what religion etc, as long as he is black.
  11. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Why "as long as he is black?"
  12. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member


    Much love Ma! Good luck and God Bless!!
  13. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Thanks girl! :) Sometimes you need to go through a tribulation in order to come to a necessary conclusion... :) Your husband and kids are so cute... God bless you guys too!
  14. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    Meaning that my only preference is that my bf would be black.His religion etc would be secondary.
  15. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    I understand your preference is bm, I was just curious as to why. Is it simply black men that you are attracted to - or some other reason you only date black men?

    I'm just curious. I work with a ww who 'only' dates bm, has since she's started dating, and she says she is only attracted to bm and that's just how it is. Makes sense to me, I'm jsut wondering if it's the same for you or if you've made some kind of conscious decision to only date bm.
  16. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    I used to date WM, but since I have started dating BM, I havent gone back to white. Its not a conscious decision as such, its just that I prefer BM for various reasons. I often find WM to be insulting to me because I do date BM, so maybe that does put me firmly by the side of BM.
  17. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    I was just wondering. That makes me so angry that anyone would be insulting to you based on your past dating history. When I first started dating my man he asked me if I was aware that would happen. He said he knew for a fact that it had happened with other women he had dated.

    So here is this guy who cares enough about me to look out for me and make sure I was walking into a situation with my eyes open, even if it meant that I possibly wouldn't date him - and THAT'S the guy who I should stay away from? No way.

    Actually, when we first got together he was a little suspicious that I was trying to keep the situation under wraps. We did really low key stuff b/c we started dating during a busy time for both of us, and I wasn't in the mood to be hitting a crazy social scene. Like one time I was coming over on a Sat and I knew he was kind of shot so I offered to stop and pick up dinner for us. He made some comment like 'What, you don't want to be seen havign dinner with me?" So there I was trying to be extra nice and he was seeing it in a totally different way.

    When I realized he felt this way, I made sure to be extra affectionate to him when we were in public to show him I was proud to be with him. As time passes, I think he is getting it thru his thick head!

    But if we don't work out and a future guy doesn't want to date me b/c of this relationship, then that is fine. Anyone who feels that way wouldn't be someone I would want to have a relationship with anyway.
  18. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately thats the way it is. Some of my white friends didnt like the idea of me dating BM. particularly African men. These guys were just using us etc etc So inevitably I was hanging around black students more and more, as I was getting insulting comments from white guys. Luckily I had some girlfriends who also dated Bm, so that made it easier for us.
    It certainly has made me more critical of WM. I sometimes think that I now enjoy turning up to a party in a sexy mini skirt, with my beloved black bf. At least Im happy. :)
  19. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I don't think you actually mean that. Your ONLY preference is that your boyfriend is black?

    You set skincolour over similar values, shared interests etc etc?

    Sorry, to me that's absurd.

    I understand that if you're not very religious, you can be happy with anyone, as long as the other one is also not paticulary religious (for instance non-practising christian and non-practising muslim. That just shows they both have the same value: "religion is not important".

    But most people, probably you too, have some sort of values and beliefs that they feel strongly about, wether those values are based on religion or not. If the other part don't share those values, the relationship don't have much of a future.

    For instance you might feel strongly for having a monogamous relationship. If you do, you would probably not be happy for very long with a guy who want an "open" relationship, just because he'd black.
  20. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    well it's like I said Once you go black you do go back. Because black guys
    now know when white woman say that statement they be trying to get with a brotha or make us happy and some shit like that, we caught onto
    real fast.

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