Charlottesville protest

Discussion in 'In the News' started by GAmomlisa, Aug 12, 2017.

  1. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  2. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Message showing apparent hack appears on neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer

    Post says site will be shut down within 24 hours after it published article critical of civil rights activist killed in Charlottesville

    A screenshot of the homepage of the Daily Stormer carrying the ‘end of hate’ message

    A message purportedly posted by hackers has appeared on the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website, saying the site has been taken over in response to a post criticising a woman who died during violence at far-right rally in Virginia over the weekend.

    The post on the website’s homepage said the international hacking network Anonymous had taken control of the site, which was founded and is edited by Andrew Anglin, who endorsed Donald Trump for president.

    On Sunday Anglin published an article criticising Heather Heyer, who was killed at a white supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday.

    The web-hosting company GoDaddy said on Sunday it had given the Daily Stormer 24 hours to move its domain to another provider, after the article denigrating Heyer was published.

    Your Anon News, one of the biggest Anonymous-linked Twitter accounts, said on Monday that it did not think the hack of the Daily Stormer had been perpetrated by an established member.

    Heather Heyer, who was killed in Charlottesville on Saturday.

    “We have no confirmation that ‘Anonymous’ is involved yet,” it wrote on Twitter. Furthermore, the account suggested the post may have been a Daily Stormer stunt.

    The post in the name of Anonymous claims the website will be shut down within 24 hours, but this was almost inevitable considering GoDaddy’s withdrawal of support.

    “Looks more like a [Daily Stormer] stunt,” the Your Anon News account said. “Wonder if they are having issues finding a new host.”

    Heyer, a legal assistant who had championed civil rights issues, was killed on Saturday when a car ploughed into a crowd of protesters who had assembled to challenge a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.

    The post on Monday said Anonymous had taken over the site in Heyer’s name, stating she was a “victim of white supremacist terrorism”.

    “For too long the Daily Stormer and Andrew Anglin have spewed their putrid hate on this site,” it said. “This evil cannot be allowed to stand. It took a united force of elite hackers from around the world to breach the systems and the firewall.

    “The events of Charlottesville alerted us to the need for immediate action. We want you Nazis to know: your time is short.”

    Part of the post that appeared on the Daily Stormer website on Monday.

    Anonymous is a hacking collective that grew out of the internet forum 4Chan in the late 2000s. It has become well known for a series of high-profile cyber-attacks on political, religious and corporate organisations, including Islamic State, the Westboro Baptist church, PayPal, MasterCard, Visa and Sony.

    The loose international collective structure means that, while some operations have appeared to be coordinated efforts spanning actors in several countries, anyone can mimic Anonymous’s trademark Guy Fawkes masks and style with little to disprove it as an action of Anonymous.

    Anonymous describes itself as an “internet gathering” with a “very loose and decentralised command structure that operates on ideas rather than directives”. This essentially means that anyone could claim to be part of Anonymous. At the same time, anyone who operates as part of Anonymous can perform actions that others in Anonymous are not party to.

    Various offshoots of the main Anonymous collective also exist including various country-specific and alternative groups such as AnonSec and GhostSec, which often claim affiliation with Anonymous.
  3. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    Very interesting post.
  4. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    People must finally respect that women have choices in this 21 century.
    U can not stop societal changes.
  5. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    Are u saying that WW should choose BM over WM ?
    If we are to reject white priviledge.
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well l was rooting for this post until the bolded..
    Really? Seriously? o_O
    So you would leave your mother, sister or wife by the side of the road because she can't change a flat? There is nothing more comforting to a woman than to be able to call her man to come help her change a tire. My husband would have done it in a heartbeat. When l divorced, my Bff's husband became my defacto husband tire-changer.
    Men become our superheroes when it comes to stuff like that. <3
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2017
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Africa is definitely Patriarchal.
    But please don't use the slavery reason as an excuse for today's Black American man.

    (I'm assuming you meant to type 'Matriarchy doesn't come from Africa')
  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    You believe slavery has no consequence on the lives of Black Americans today??

    You do know once were were 'freed' in 1865, many Black Americans lived under a legal form of the same institution informally called Jim Crow laws.

    Consciously or not, the experience and traditions of slavery in America still inform and direct many non-Black attitudes against Black Americans today.

    We just had a alt-right rally in Charlottesville, comprised of neo-Nazis, the KKK and White nationalists, attitudes and points of view that were supposed to have died after the Civil War and WW2, and yet they still exist generations later in 2017.

    Saying the experience of slavery in America no longer matters implies you have a poor understanding of the racial dynamic in this country over the last 150 years.

    No one said because of slavery you as a Black person can't achieve anything. But the racial history of this country is the reason why my mother ALWAYS told me to do your best, just understand no matter how well you do there will be White people who are going to consider you inferior.

    Anywhere in this country where we still have monuments erected to Confederate soldiers and generals, men who were traitors to this country and attempted to overthrow the federal government all for their 'right' to own slaves, the legacy of slavery still persists.
  9. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    While I don't agree with not going out to help someone, especially a relative or your wife, at some point, this is something you need to learn for yourself. Your husband or your friend's husband should have been teaching you how to to this(or youtube, ehow, etc.). Changing a tire is a task the even children can do. Changing all four tires is one thing, but for emergency or sudden flat purposes, there is no reason you should not be able to put a tire on your car, especially in an emergency situation/time critical situation.

    It should be comforting to a woman that her man is able to teach them something(women don't want to be with a man who they can't learn something from). With all the women going to shooting ranges, power lifting, riding dirt bikes and taking MMA these days, changing a tire ain't nothing.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    *Sigh* C'mon now, l know all that, am very aware of the Slavery history. Show me where in my post where l said, "Slavery no longer matters". Stop doing that shit, AB, (you did it in the Offensive awards thread on a different topic, as well).. l was actually referring to how many men of today voluntarily abandon their women.

    Which your analogy of explanation of failed patriarchy appears to hold slavery as the reason for it today.

    At some know...take back the family unit. Become the Boss again. Stop using " black men couldn't protect their family in slavery" as the "reason" for today as to why they won't. You never faced that anguish, so no excuse to not protect your family today.
  11. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member must be young. No other explanation. My generation we didn't have YT. We had our guys. Our wonderful guys.
    Having said that, l check my oil, and fluids and top them up, l change my battery, put air in my tires, jump-start cars, mine and others...But even then, men stop their cars to ask me if l need help when my hood is up. I always appreciate their concern and offers. That's why l totally love chivalrous men. <3.
  13. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Yeah, wasn't thinking with the youtube part. But that's good you know all those things because there are tons of people, women and men, who don't know those things and won't learn them thinking someone is always going to be there. The issue isn't having someone doing it for you, it's not being able to do it yourself if needed(Sounds like you don't fall into that category though).
  14. GAmomlisa

    GAmomlisa Well-Known Member

    This is true! We are not going back anytime soon, and WM feel like they are on the losing end of these societal changes
  15. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I agree. I usually don't go for the girly girl types anyway, but if she calls me for help I won't question it. Likewise there are also things I don't want to be questioned about, unless out of pure curiosity.
  16. GAmomlisa

    GAmomlisa Well-Known Member

    Im not sure if he is saying that or not, but I will say that is definitely not an absurd notion! The rejection of white male supremacy can occur in ways big and small, and one of the most fundamental ways we can reject it is by simply rejecting them in favor of MoC more generally, whether they are black or latino or arab, etc
  17. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yes and no. I'am just being honest it's how far you are willing to go to be in supportive and fight against white supremacy, really. But like many have said ww are a trophy to them, number one prize possession, their Queen under conditions. Black men are their number one enemy that is what "racial theorists" have spewed for centuries. They slept with our women and even raped them, but will kill a black man if he DARED touch a white woman. I have posted on here before where before ALL IR marriages were illegal, white men were the only ones that could marry anyone of any race in some states, while white women were only allowed to marry white men. They do not like this union at all!! Especially if you are with a black man that is threat to their power. Knowledge is power, now days they are lenient with white women dating black men that they don't have to worry about, but a brotha that is fearless and have knowledge... Only then will they realize that their white crown has been taken. Lady Ruth Khama was a fine example of that. If you hadn't, I recommend you watch the movie A United Kingdom. Very good film and how a white woman loses her support and crown from white supremacy once she chooses a black man.

    That is also why they LOVE these sistas that jump all over black men for being with white women. Their is a reason why the same certain type of black women are getting more powerful and freedom in Hollywood. They help keep black men and white women apart. It's something VERY deep that they fear about this union and it has something to do with a black man's potential power.
  18. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I'm a tell you right now, black men are at the top and 2nd of that list, because we are more likely to fight against racism(their power), not just racism against black people, but all.
  19. GAmomlisa

    GAmomlisa Well-Known Member

    True, and certainly black men are the group that white men are most deathly afraid of in many ways!
  20. MightyLighty

    MightyLighty Well-Known Member

    American Slave system created what we is known as the 'mammy'.


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