Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Latest Newsweek cover....!
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Rather that ^

    Than this v

  3. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Ya think??

    By the end of August, Trump, who ripped Obama for taking ANY vacation time off, will have taken 53 days off compared to Obama's 15 during the same time period.

    Being called the first gay POTUS isn't a slur, unless you believe being the first POTUS to actively fight for the civil and marriage rights of the LGBTQ community is a bad thing.
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well l hope your not including time off in August because the WH is undergoing extensive repairs to the archaic heating and cooling system that Obama was supposed to fix.
    Donald is getting it done.

    So you can remove the 'vac' time you included.
    Repairers said it will be completed August 24th ish.

    Furthermore, Obama will go down as the hypocryte Gay President.

    A striking admission of political dishonesty from the keeper of the Obama flame

    Axelrod: Obama Misled Nation When He Opposed Gay Marriage


    Obama told Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church that
    marriage could only extend to heterosexual couples. “I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman,” Obama said at the time. “Now, for me as a Christian — for me — for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God’s in the mix.”
  5. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Another misleading anti-Obama shot from in the bubble. Is it a shock to anyone to hear that a politician compromised with his advisors on an issue to get elected? Now lets look at President Obama's actions on gay rights, in his 8 years, he ended "dont ask, dont tell", he was an outspoken leader stating that "gay rights are civil rights", strongly rebuked Putin for their gay rights record during the Russian olympics, supported gay marriage in the multiple state elections and the eventual supreme court ruling. In other words a STERLING record of support and progress on gay rights, that might not have been possible if he did not initially compromise to get elected in the first place, and you want to label him a hypocrite on the issue? No deal, not even close.

    As far as 45's vacation time, look at the chart in this link from the Washington post,

    "By our count, by the end of August, Trump will have spent all or part of 53 days in office at leisure, compared with 15 days for Obama through August 2009. What’s more, Trump will have played at least 33 rounds of golf, nearly double Obama’s 17 rounds — and that’s even before Trump gets to his vacation spot, an actual golf course. There’s certainly subjectivity to this. Perhaps you don’t view Trump’s trips to Mar-a-Lago as vacations. Perhaps you don’t count partial days. Perhaps you have another metric you would like to use."

    Now that is TRUE Hypocrisy, "On the campaign trail, Trump was adamant: He would rarely play golf — “I’m not going to have time to go play golf,” he once said — and he certainly wasn’t going to take a lot of vacation." For a presidential candidate who pledged to take little vacation and play next to no golf, though, the apples-to-apples comparison above is striking.

    "According to new reports, not even three months into his presidential tenure, Trump has cost U.S. taxpayers at least $24 million to cover expenses for trips to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm, Beach Florida nearly every weekend. To put that in perspective, President Obama spent approximately $24 million on travel over the first two years of his time in office. Since taking office, Trump has spent 9 out of 11 weekends at a Trump-owned property.

    According to the Independent UK, Obama spent $97 million on travel expenses over his two-term presidency, which equates to an average of $12.1 million each year. Trump, however, has spent double what Obama spent per year, in less than 3 months.

    Let’s not forget to mention the fact that it cost New York City about $24 million to provide security at Trump Tower, from Election Day to Inauguration Day, or $308,000 per day. If that was Obama, you would be screaming bloody murder Bliss.

  6. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    The being gay comment/accusation sort of reminds me of the movie The Siege when Denzel Washington's character was in a heated debate with Bruce Willis' character who said... "Don't get in my face, Hubbard. I might decide you're an Ethiopian." to which Washington's character immediately replied... "And you're just stupid enough to think that's an insult."
  7. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Agreed! Like anyone... Time off, vacation, leisure/recrational time is quite necessary. This dudes' vacays and weekend getaways are the heights of hypocrisy like much of what he does/says. He went on and on about President Obama's golfing and vacations. In his mind it was always a waste of taxpayer's money when the Obama family had a life (as they should) and did things outside of the WH. Anything from Obama and the family going out for ice cream, attending a basketball game or even a date night.

    Now this current dude who in his own words would be working all the time and have no time for anything else, goes away frequently, and profits from it!
  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    I still don't get why she rides so hard for a POTUS she didn't vote for, has a 33% approval rating and is currently under investigation by special counsel for his ties to Russia, and yet Bliss never misses a chance to kick BHO in the balls for whatever reason.

    I mean, when I talk to folks here in D.C. who actually voted for Trump, more often than not they roll their eyes and shake their head.

    Is it really all good with Trump for you, Bliss????
  9. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Even with the positive jobs report. He called those figures "fictious" and "disasterous", all before 1/2017 while the (up)trending markets and declining unemployment was such long before Obama was re-elected. Of course, 45 is now happy (and takes credit for) about those figures.
  10. MightyLighty

    MightyLighty Well-Known Member

    Bliss is funny, she didn't vote for Trump, but attacks Obama over shit that makes no sense.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2017
  11. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Eh, maybe it's just me but I'd rather be called gay than lazy. But I'm also not homophobic and don't consider being called gay an insult.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    So you admit, he's a liar. And a hypocrite. Dice it anyway you like to fit your bubble, those were HIS words.

    See response above. And whether he wanted to support gay rights or not, he was put in a corner because the gays are his base, and the "gay civil rights" movement is the most powerful movement in the country above all else.

    Again, as I wrote in my post, the 'vacation' in August was forced, because the White House was in desperate need of an entire heating and cooling overhaul due to the hot humid muggy August DC weather and they could not stay there. This is why he's taking a '17 day vacation" as you put it - it's not even a real vacation, he's still going to be working.
    So you can drop those from the '53" day total.

    Tell me Loki, do you think with the daily obstruction, diversion and disgusting pathetic fake Russia russia russia tactics that the Democrats have used to try to paralyze and stop our President from doing his job, he deserves an 18 Hole round?
    I don't blame him for taking in some links, and those who expect him to put up with the incessant garbage from the rabid Left can stick the putt where the sun doesn't shine, lol.

    More of your misleading commentary from in your bubble. Where are you getting the figure of $24 million dollars to go to Mar-a-Lago? Show me the figures.

    What l can tell you is your numbers are based off of an Obama vacation to Miami, which cost the tax payers $3 million dollars. So they are misappropriating the cost based on an imaginary figure.

    Furthermore, he has held office there by entertaining several dignitaries and world leaders and conducting business.
    So you can drop those from the '53" days too.

    Based on false figures. See above.

    Why would l be screaming? The reason President Trump had security there is his child had to finish the school year out. And then there are the liberal loons that exist in NYC trying to hurt him and his family.
    Have l ever "screamed bloody murder" about S.S security for Obama when he went on vacation after vacation to Martha's Vinyard, Hawaii and jetting around the world? Nope.
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Who said it was an insult. That is pointing out his legacy. Own it and be proud.
    Obama was lazy too. He spent 18 whole months on ACA. Why so long? Imagine if they used that cover for Obama. Jesus take the wheel.
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well, l liked Obama in the beginning. I supported him and he turned out to be a liar and a snake. I told you this before. Siccing the IRS on people, hacking into reporters emails and threatening them, the NSA's rise to power, the anti-israel, pro-lslam stance, the ACA lies, the Benghazi lies, negotiating with and paying billions to Iran, allowing the free flow of unvetted illegals...and don't give me the most deported President inhistory. Bull - shit. Lol.
  15. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    That was the way you implied it. Your post literally said that it's better to be considered lazy than gay. You do know what the word rather means and how it's used, don't you?

    ...Because it was really important legislation that would affect the lives of millions of people and a large segment of the economy? That's not exactly the kind of thing you rush through. And in what way does spending a lot of time working on something imply laziness?

    After all, even the Republican health care plan---oh, I forgot. Too soon? Lol.
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Positive jobs report? That's a doozey.
    What jobs? People stopped looking because there were no decent jobs. Part-time service jobs, that's about it. Obama thus far is the only President (since Hoover) to not have guided the US economy to 3% growth during any of the years he was in office.
  17. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I think we can go ahead and put this myth to bed lol.
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Rather, as in l'd rather have the first cover, than the gay floating, rainbow angel crown worn on my head, with the words, first ever gay President, cover. Please.

    What was wrong with the old plan? A few tweaks, fine.
    A complete overhaul, pricing most Americans out who didn't have the cash to spare, to accomodate the few?
    Then threatening a tax return shakedown for not signing up? How many do you know who could afford the Gold plan?
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I didn't.
  20. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    So in other words, being called gay is worse than being called lazy. Thanks for basically confirming what I said earlier.

    What "old plan?" If you're referring to life before the ACA, there was no plan. That was the entire point of the ACA to begin with: to help people who never had healthcare coverage to finally get healthcare coverage. It was far from perfect but as we've seen with the GOP, they don't have any actual solutions of their own. If a few tweaks are all that you think is needed then tell your GOP reps that; tweaking the ACA makes much more sense than Trump's plan to repeal the ACA and maybe possibly coming up with something at some unspecified future date.

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