Exactly my thoughts when l read this story on Daily Mail yesterday. I was shocked and disgusted it's not a felony, or perhaps just not in her State. Either waybit needs to be. False claims of rape, sexual abuse and racism should all be felonies, IMO.
True, but they're playing with the shit way too much. As TDK said... It should be a felony. We already have far too many people serving decades in prison because of someone (alleged victim, proscution or police) telling lies.
Sorry, she lost all her credibility. Even if one occured in the room, she blew her chance to get justice. Frankly l don't believe her at all. She should be charged if it was indeed consensual.. . https://www.google.com/amp/amp.tmz.com/2017/04/26/gareon-conley-video-rape-accuser-bar
I feel like I want to see real statistics on how common this is. Of course it happens sometimes, but what I'm afraid of is that we're trying to scare up a sense among people that this is common or widespread, in the way that crimes committed by immigrants are highlighted to imply that immigrants commit more crime when in fact they are far less likely to commit a crime than native born Americans are. This has been studied extensively, and the statistics are pretty conclusive. Please note that I could be wrong: I'm just a bit skeptical, is all. It also doesn't mean it shouldn't be prosecuted when it actually happens, I'm just trying to keep things in perspective.
Started doing my own research, but I'm open to further reading if someone else knows more about this than I do. This study finds the incidence of false reports to be somewhere between 2% and 10%, meaning that 90-98% of all rape charges are not false. 10% would be pretty significant, in my opinion, whereas 2% is pretty darn small, so it's hard to say what to conclude based off that study alone.
Consider this, though: even if the actual percentage of those reports may be small, the potential consequences can be absolutely disastrous. In Georgia, rape carries a sentence of 25 years to life with no parole unless you serve a life sentence...and even then you aren't even parole eligible until you've served at least 30 years.
I have noticed however that more detectives have become somewhat "hip" to the "a group of Black men raped me" where no other conclusive evidence is apparent. As we see on the video, men were questioned and not harrassed. It still doesn't eliminate that subconscious terror that a Black man might feel, ( that) he could be framed, or arrested in error, or even shot if he makes the wrong move. Nervousness could also be misconstrued as suspicious behavior. Shuddering thoughts.
It's no doubt that most rape accusations are probably legitimate. However, we will probably never get an accurate number of false rape accusations. Sometimes an actual victim recants their story because they don't want to go through the ordeal of the legal process. And sometimes innocent people are tried and convicted without ever actually being exonerated.
I can't remember, but there was a story about a high school athlete that was wrongly accused of rape and went to jail for it, years later I believe the "victim" confessed it never happened. He was released, but of course it ruined his career ambitions of being a football player.
Most women don't lie about sexual assault. Even immature, crazy females like this one. I don't think anyone is trying to imply that this chick represents a trend, although all of us know there are some women who have lied about being raped.
Well here's the thing how do you prove a rape claim is false unless you have an alibi or someone changes their mind about consent? I think we sometimes under estimate how depraved and indifferent some people are.