Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Owning and running a business are two very different things. You said he is CEO of those companies. Is that not what you said? He is not.

    Just because a majority shareholder can fire a CEO doesn't mean that he runs the company. He hired the CEO for that job. The only thing a powerful shareholder oversees is the stock price. If the stock does not perform up to expectation they fire the CEO.

    Bezo probably has a seat on the board of directors at those companies as a way to stay in the loop and hire the next CEO if need be. That's not the same as being CEO.... Lol.

    Save the false statements for the trumptards.

    You said 45 ran those businesses you didn't say he hired others to run them
  2. bodhesatva

    bodhesatva Well-Known Member

    I start with the source, yes. That's not strange. Again, if you wrote a paper for school and cited a terrible source, it doesn't matter what your argument is. If you want to cite an outside source to defend a position, the discussion always starts with the credibility of that outside source.
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    He took the little inheritance he was given and parlayed that into billions of dollars. He often also oversaw the construction of his buildings.

    Recent years, yes he put his name on buildings because 1.) he earned it and 2.) that's the nature of the Branding business when you have built your name.

    However, understand he did build buildings, One of the things that smart business people do is they hire good people to help them succeed and continue to build their business, and as you know already. he in fact he was the first man to ever hire a woman to be in charge of construction of his buildings, of which she said that he told her that 'men are better at her job than women are, but a good woman in her job is better than 10 good men in it.'

    It's almost as if being a successful businessman is repulsed by so many on the Left ...it's really sad and a slap in the face of business people who take all the risks and log the hours to the point they then can provide jobs for others, to help them with the growing business
    Trump pays his employees well and he provides employment for thousands and thousands of people.
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Ah..semantics. Ok then...you said he's "stupid" because he "runs" the companies...now that you know he hires CEO's...he is now smart, right?
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well 10 back and forth posts later you still have not opined on his comments, so at this juncture, l doubt you will. Cheers.
  6. bodhesatva

    bodhesatva Well-Known Member

    And if you'd ever like to provide, you know, a name, or anything at all besides "some unnamed guy," I'm happy to listen. Cheers!
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I told you I heard it in bits and pieces on the radio and I don't remember his name. If his article is invoked again, I will look it up.
  8. bodhesatva

    bodhesatva Well-Known Member

    Okay, sounds good Bliss! I mean that: no snark intended.
  9. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    You trying to down play the meaning of words?

    Well let me show you how unimportant "semantics" is

    You just wrote a book and presented it to a few distributors.

    Distributor A offers you 20% of profit.

    Distributor B offers you 20% of sales.

    Which distributor do you sign with?

    A.) Distributor A
    B.) Distributor B
    C.) Semantics are not important either will do.
  10. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Lol at "little inheritance." In 1978 he was given at least a million dollars by his father. Adjusted for inflation that's a bit over $3.5 million. In what universe is that kind of money a little inheritance? Not to mention the benefit of automatically having access to his father's list of connections. What, did Donald Trump do all of that by himself, too?

    A lot of us on the left have no problem with businessmen running for office but unlike a lot of you on the right we know that "business experience" with nothing more isn't going to make you a great, or even good, president. Trump could own twenty beauty pageants and it still wouldn't teach him anything about health care, or the coal industry, or foreign policy, or immigration. Running a business and being president have almost nothing in common with each other. Claiming that someone would make a good president because they ran a business makes about as much sense as claiming that someone would make a great doctor because they know how to disinfect a cut.

    And as far as paying his employees, Trump is notorious for not paying contractors and other people who have worked for him over the years. And I don't mean not paying them enough money. I mean not paying them at all.
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well here we go again..same topics. Same different answers.

    On deportations...
    As I have shown you, Obama counted deportations as those who were turned around at the border - other presidents counted them only if actual arrests from within the United States and then deported - there's a difference.

    #2. As far as his unemployment numbers, you say it's been going diwn since 2001..and yet...
    The labor participation rate.... was 62.7 percent in December, 2014 a 38-year low that recalled the “economic malaise” of the Carter presidency.


    Again, there were more people forced to work part-time, who wanted full-time work.
    Keep in mind even the CEO of the Gallup poll called out the bullocks on Obama and his unemployment numbers.

    "The administration’s jobless-rate claims fool no one beyond the Beltway, and certainly not Jim Clifton, the president and CEO of the Gallup polling organization. Mr. Clifton calls the 5.6 percent unemployment rate “the Big Lie.” Chastising mainstream media and Wall Street for “cheerleading for this number,” he says it’s “extremely misleading.”


    Mr. Clifton notes the inconvenient truth that if someone is “so hopelessly out of work that you’ve stopped looking [for a job] over the past four weeks,” the Labor Department “doesn’t count you as unemployed.” If you work one hour a week and are paid at least $20, “you’re not officially counted as unemployed” in the under 6 percent figure.

    As for the Racial schism,
    Obama stopped calling for unity and togetherness. He basically fell back and drew on the history of this country as his guiding light.

    Thus, what emerged was; either you leaned towards this country as being one of hope and freedoms and opportunity for most every one (in particular as compared to the rest of the world), or you saw this country as immensely oppressed and that Minorities are the victims and Whites are privelidged and racist and oppressors ( in particular as compared to the rest of the world).

    Would you agree on these view points, give or take? or no, not at all?
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    No question that $1 million inheritance from a wealthy father was very little and again, he parlayed that into billions of dollars - don't dismiss that feat just because you don't like him.
    Trump is 70 years old and still in business - are you trying to tell me that the contacts you say that he made through his father.. would stay with him if they didn't like him, after all these years? The man would have been finished a long, long time ago.

    He's a very charismatic man in person and even his enemies have acknowledged that. He's also quite savvy - the labor union leaders said for the first time ever, they were invited by a President to come in and sit at the negotiating table and offer their viewpoints with the heads of Corporations. They appreciated that.

    I know all about him not paying some contractors, however for him to not pay contractors is farcical, considering how many contractors have worked on his properties throughout the world and continue to this day and for the last fifty years.

    Finally, you had no problem voting in a person that had only two years in the Senate, and prior who was a community organizer - somehow he had all the knowledge in the world for every topic that you describe Trump does not have. Trump has ran and ran things, Obama never ran anything. But l still believed in his hope and change ethos. Which is why l am giving President Trump the same chance.
  13. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Lol no, but nice try. Go back and read all of my posts on politics and everything I ever said about Barack Obama; I never said he was perfect and I never said that he knew about everything. No one does because that would be impossible. But just to give one small example unlike Trump, Obama does understand how the balance of powers between the three branches works. Contrary to Trump's belief the legislative branch doesn't exist to protect the executive branch. Nearly every time Trump opens his mouth he shows just how little he knows about the job he's been elected to do.

    That's the difference between good leaders and bad leaders: good leaders realize that they don't know everything, make an effort to learn about things they don't know and surround themselves with people who have knowledge in areas that they don't. Bad leaders? They surround themselves with yes men, demand loyalty and devotion from those yes men, and throw people under the bus the minute that they're no longer needed.

    And contrary to Trump, Obama didn't spend his days and nights obsessed with what newspapers and morning cable news shows had to say about him; when he wanted the ACA passed he took an incredibly active role in making that happen. If Trump at least tried to look like he actually cared about an issue that he campaigned extensively on I might be inclined to cut him a bit of slack but he's just as lazy as he has ever been, preferring to play golf and rant about fake news as opposed to actually trying to learn about something he claims to care about.

    And no, $3.5 million is not even close to a small inheritance lol. Even if it was small compared to what his father was actually worth it's still a lot of money any way you look at it. That much money would have most people set for life.

    You're letting your blind, unquestioning devotion to all things Trump blind you to all of his flaws and problems.
  14. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Bliss, just to keep things lighthearted, sometimes I feel you are in the bubble like the video below.

    That being said, on deportations, directly from the link I sent you, "President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the "Deporter in Chief."

    Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

    I have pointed this out to you at least 3 times before, either you just did not read it before, or you are determined to stay in the bubble, but once again, Obama's numbers DO NOT INCLUDE turn arounds at the border. And the same method of counting for prior Presidents was used to calculate Obama's numbers.

    On the unemployment numbers you misunderstood, most anti-Obama arguments regarding unemployment numbers center on the fact that the LFPR dropped at the same time the unemployment rate was being cut in half under Obama, so that drop in the LFPR skewed the unemployment numbers and made them look better than they actually were. My point is that the LFPR has been dropping since 2001 and the unemployment rate skyrocketed under Bush, yet fell under Obama. And that is exactly what your washington post article was trying to argue, that just does not hold water.

    As for the Racial schism, I can post youtube video after youtube video throughout his Presidency, where he was calling for racial unity and harmony, I would strongly disagree with you that mentioning the troubled racial past of this country is somehow turning his back on the healing and call for togetherness that was his cornerstone policies regarding race. Please show me one example of how he "fell back" from unity and togetherness. For example look at one of his last interviews on race per below, very eloquent, balanced, and speaking with compassion for all while speaking from a place of truth and strength.

    Last edited: Jul 28, 2017
  15. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    To be fair, when Donald's father died, it's not like the Don didn't have a penny in his pocket and Fred Trump gave him $2 million in a will and told Donald to make his way in the world.

    Donald was running his father's real estate holdings long before Fred Trump died. At the time Donald Trump's net worth was estimated to be $200 million, all because he was the son of Fred Trump and hand selected to be his successor.

    If you took the average person with any business acumen the opportunity to run the business of his multi-millionaire father after college, those same people would be 'successful' twenty years later.

    Hell, if Trump had liquidated his father's business upon his death and put the assets in a conservative investment account, Trump still would have been a billionaire in his 50s.

    per Politifact;
    Rubio has a point that Trump isn’t entirely a self-made man. Trump took over his father’s business, and he inherited money when his father died. Verifying the specific amounts remains difficult.

    A link well worth the read; http://www.politifact.com/florida/article/2016/mar/07/did-donald-trump-inherit-100-million/

    So, when Trump implies he didn't receive a dime from his father until his death and then turned $2 million into several billions, well that just isn't true.

    Even Donald's siblings have made statements that Trump was given $200 mil by their father when he died.

    Genuinely successful businessmen don't have 7 bankruptcies throughout their professional lives and are unable to secure loans from ANY bank in the United States, because said businessman has a reputation for not paying back on his debts.
  16. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    [QUOTE="Since1980, post: 1062811, member: 39753"]Donald Trump was born into a wealthy family and was given everything he ever got in life on a silver platter. He inherited not only his family's name and money, but also his family's connections. It takes absolutely no intelligence to have everything handed to you. And what makes you so sure that he hasn't been outsmarted by someone else before now? Being rich can buy you a lot of second (or third, or fourth) chances.

    The only thing he's done is somehow not manage to piss away all of his money on hookers and blow. It doesn't take any intelligence to not fuck up; not fucking up is the default position. His business strategy consists largely of buying things that other people have built, slapping his name on it, and hoping to turn a profit at some point. Henry Ford he is not.

    x1000. Great post.
  17. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Even Trump admitted Obama has removed Millions of people http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-m...right-deportation-numbers-wrong-talks-about-/

    It is the game of politics. Can't keep you divided if both sides are telling the truth. But with Trump it's pretty easy as he exposes himself a lot and the whole political game. He is easy pickens for the left, and really for anybody. It becomes increasingly hard for people that aren't loyal to him to defend him. Hints why he wants loyalty, easier to lie and rule over people that would never question you and always defend you.

    As far as that last video, don't forget to mention Obama was at that townhall on race relations whereas Trump was nowhere insight and I doubt he will ever hold one. Obama has spoke on police brutality and sympathized with the victims of it, Trump's response is to empower police departments and was more concerned with ending anti-police atmosphere... and he is endorsed by the KKK who threw a fucking parade when he was elected. What racial hate group threw a parade for Obama.
  18. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Bliss, President Obama was in the Illinois State senate for 7 years before his two as a U.S. Senator, not just a community organizer.
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Ok fine...in fact, l remember now seeing copies of his pamphlet he gave out when he ran for it...........
  20. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Let's not forgot that business is not government. This is why it takes one president one attempt to get health care through and another with multiple attempts. Experience counts. Of which Trump has none....

    Even with the experience that Obama had, they still question such a short amount of time. Senate Members have been caught trashing trump for his lack of experience. These members were in his own party to make it even worse.

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