Not what you said. You brought up slavery/house negro. This you all wrote is quite different. I've always said on here the worst racists are liberals. Boston is classic. Philly too.
I don't get why you guys are seeing this as either or. I'm saying in addition to living in diverse areas we should also have a safe haven just like everyone else. Like where I live we have plenty of Asians but if for whatever reason shit gets hot they have Chinatown to go to and it's gang infested and heavily policed. Get what I mean now?
Lol liberals aren't murdering us. They may lie and use us for votes but they aren't destroying food programs housing and healthcare try again
Yes B it is called the Yankee Backhand from UpSouth. Sadly,a conservative Black person would just cowtow to those people. Remember that IceCube video True To the Game?
True indeed when it comes to White liberals it is tinkering their brains and with White conserversatives a complete overhaul.
Exactly. Nothing wrong with black people having somewhere to go where they know the cop that pulls him over won't be against him because he is black. Like I was saying before. No one would need to tell other races to stay away. All black people would have to do is own the businesses. Blacks are the most inclusive people on the planet, it's about time we show others that we can also put ourselves first. That's what the group economics is about. Once we show others that we can and will defend ourselves with power when necessary. MLK's dream will finally be realized. People will then want to treat us as humans. Then we can continue to treat them as humans like we have always done. I still plan on reading your article in a min.
Food programs? Healthcare? Lol at you believing the Left's headlines. Didn't your Mayor say.. "It's not an overstatement to say (with this budget) CHILDREN WILL DIE!!!! SMH.
I wouldn't say they are worse just more harder to spot. Which means you can't really let your guard down around them like you can with white people in the south. (except for those you know of course) Who prefers to be in a situation where you don't know who is racist and who is not?
I live in an area like that and the unfortunate thing is they are few and far between. So you don't know who's like that but for the most part they aren't actively racist they just won t invite you to certain things they don't make it part of their mission to mess with your life
Bliss so the budget put out by the Trump administration where they will cut Medicaid food stamps hud and school lunches is the liberal media messing with us?
Lol. How obtuse can a person be right? Hahaha! You have to not notice the daylight on your way to work to top that.
Yes. They never tell the real truth. its all hyperbole to frighten us. This budget won't pass as is, none ever do. They're not cuts, they're projections and restructuring over the next 10 years and this country will be vastly different. The 22 million not covered is a lie because that figure includes the amount not mandated to buy insurance. TBH, This topic is it's own thread discussion so feel free to start one in the politics section. Carry on.
The most infuriating thing is that @Bliss is from Philly. Philly is a perfect example of a city that is racially/ethnically segerated.