White Teen girl fundraises 10K after parents disown her cause she has black boyfriend

Discussion in 'In the News' started by ColiBreh1, Jan 13, 2017.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    An audit is not required for a damn gofundme account. Stick to chasing squirrels and I'll stick to my profession k?
  2. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    You are lying . You were the main one dismissing statement when I said we get disowned by there family. So cut that out.
  3. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Hey dumbass you as a CPA should understand what I'm saying.. .You are to get proof.

    You are sitting there telling everyone else they are assuming but you are assuming too.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Proof from what? An audit only occurs after a transaction occur not preemptively unless checking for internal controls within a bigger organization like gofundme itself and that's usually for mergers and/or chapter 11. Someone asking for money is not an auditing event. It only becomes eligible for audit once she receives money and that's the job of the IRS. Happy now?
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    No GL you generalized and made it seem like every white woman is in danger of that happening which isn't true
  6. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Smh.. .
  7. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    That's right. So you need to show proof that she has been trying.
  8. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Good lord where did anyone even insinuate she "risk her life" to get an education?? I was taking about waiting some damn tables, not hoeing around lol. The fact that you see yourself and girls you've dated in her means nothing. Just because circumstances may be similar doesn't mean her character is. I think you're stubborn and fighting this battle only because you don't want to admit that you got suckered in by the innocent, cute white girl routine. You know this girls gofundme makes her look privileged, lazy and spoiled so stop pretending.
  9. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    I think people are missing the story here. This girl's parents cut her off not because she needed to 'grow up' and learn to take care of herself, etc.
    Her parents refused to pay her college tuition because they are RACIST and did not approve of her Black BF.
    RaiderLL, unless the girl is attending a community college, there are very few schools where a college student can pay for their tuition, room and board by waiting tables. Or from any part time job.

    My impression was the girl had already applied and been accepted to a 4 year institution under the correct assumption her parents were going to pay for her to attend.
    Now school starts this coming fall and she's ass out because her folks decided to show their daughter just how racist they are.
    It's a bit surprising to me that people on this site are more offended by this girl asking for some financial help from strangers to help her raise money for college, when I've seen prostitutes and escorts start gofundme pages to raise money for implants(!!), and aren't focused more on the fact her parents were racist enough to financially cut her off because she's dating a Black guy.

    I guess the girl had one of two options; decide not to attend school, get a job, move out of her parent's home and try to save money and apply for loans to go to school.
    Or, she could try to raise as much money as she can in as short a period of time as possible so she can pay for her tuition.

    Other than some type of scholarships or student loans, or financial gifts from relatives, in 2017 the absolutely best way to fund raise in cyberspace is a gofundme page or something similar.

    In fact the girl did apply for financial aid and grants and work-study, so she's taking a financial burden on herself to pay for school on her own. I just don't see the 'hustle' aspect really on her part. The facts are the facts.
    If this girl were 28 years old instead of 18 and lost her job because her racist boss found out her husband was Black, I wonder if the response on this board would be the same??

    It really sounds like some of you are advocating the position that yeah there's racism in the world, suck it up and get over it.
    BTW there are hundreds of kids who try to raise money for college on gofundme. Her story just happens to have a unique spin on it.

    It's not like she's getting massive donations either. Most that I've seen on her page on in the $10 to $20 range.
    I hope none of you are ever in the position where you feel as if you need to ask a stranger for financial help.

    Lastly, if TDK is a sucker for advocating for this girl, then there must be hundreds of men and women of all colors just like him because Allie has raised a total of almost $30,000 since this story broke.

    I for one am happy to see a young White woman stand up for her convictions and refuse to bend and take the easy way out.
    How many of you on this board, excluding RaiderLL because I know she WOULD(lol), when you were eighteen and had been accepted to college under the assumption your parents were going to financially support you, and were told by your parents they would only provide that support if you STOPPED dating your GF or BF because of their race...would have kept dating that person???
    When I was that age, there is no way I'd let a GF prevent me from going to college and if that meant 'breaking up' just to appease my folks, done deal.
    This girl made an ADULT decision based on principle and I respect the hell out of her for that.
  10. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Then that's your opinion & POV. You're welcome to it.

    Why are YOU continually coming into this thread telling everyone else that they are cold or bitter or not giving a fuck about people achieving a higher education for not seeing this particular scenario the way you do????
  11. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    I stated this before and TDK and others dismissed it.

    Ww face racism and make sacrifices to be in an IR all the time.

    Yes they are in danger of facing this kind of stuff all the time. You can say hyperbole but the fact remains they face it.

    This is why a lot of ww don't date IR until they can afford itt but you guys were calling them idiots and cowards. I called it reality. I said this a long time ago don't take IR likely cause ww do face shit and not just BM but I was the asshole. Huh.

    In this girl's case she faced it and she chose and she have to deal with it.

    I'm looking at her side eye. She can work. She can apply for college and put herself through.

    I put myself through and so did others. She can do the same.
  12. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    "Look" ? She is
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Its an exchange fam its not like there isn't a back and forth going.
    And for the record it is cold to believe education is some type of privilege that people should be in debt for for decades. But we can agree to disagree
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    GFunk said she should join the military if she wanted to go to school that's where someone said she should risk her life. No her gofundme doesn't say that to me and I don't feel like I got sucked in anymore than if I gave five bucks to a homeless person asking for food but buys boos instead. You are totally applying your circumstances and life history to the situation and like I said it's not 1994 grandma Sam Goody ain't hiring lol.
    I guess we see this totally differently fair enough
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
  15. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    For the record the only reason there is a "back & forth" going here is because you have chosen to spin this girl's cash grab into some noble venture.

    Secondly you're pushing YOUR OPINION on how "it is cold to believe education is some type of privilege that people should be in debt for for decades." has no bearing on anyone else because.....IT'S YOUR OPINION.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Damn well said fam
    I think one of the reasons I'm going so hard is because it's weird to me that I have suck opposing views from people I consider hardcore progressives. Like you said Raider is the fight for the little guy and what's right kind of person. I'd say the same about Ra K and GFunk. It's the weird callous grow and like you said just suck it up the world is racist. Shouldn't we as people who fully support or are in IR bm/ww relationships support this kind of thing?
    I really dont get why this screams scam to everyone else. Does her look signal something? It can't be her circumstance because I'm sure if we haven't lived it definitely know of people who caught a ton of friction for having a black boyfriend. So why is this so outrageous. I'd love those with opposing views to tell me their thoughts. No has really said why they think this is a scam just that it is.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    But you insist that it's all a scam. You're pushing right back. You could just as easily walk away from the conversation so why does it fall on me?
  18. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Dude. Stop trying to make yourself look like a hero. You're the one who is choosing to make this girl's situation a noble cause and have continued to insist that everyone else not on board is somehow/cold/bitter/don't care about education/don't invest in the future of society and other "ya'll don't give a fuck" narratives. You keep spinning those narratives, so of course people are going to respond to set you straight. Remember, this is a "debate" for you......
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    No one made this a noble cause I am not asking or telling any of you what to do. I'm stating my opinion you choose to engage that's where it ends
  20. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Donald Trump is looking for a back-up spin doctor to Kellyanne Conway to help sell all his bullshit. You'd be a good fit.

    This whole damn thread you basically tried to turn into an "Is Education a Right or Privilege" discussion. GTFOH with that you just stating an opinion shit.

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