Is it fair that women have all the POWER in the dating/mating game and men have none ?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by FromUKNHereToPlay, Dec 18, 2016.

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  1. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    So true. Far easier for an unattractive man to get sex than an unattractive women. ...So on the whole, men can get sex easier than women. lol
  2. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    That's because women don't generally care too much for looks unless their head is so far up their ass.
  3. Your crazy

    OK. What would it take for a man to walk up to you and take you home and F**K you on the first night ?

    Exactly. Most likely even though you may have done that in the past. Chances are, you would not bang a guy on the first night and most women would not. I reminded of the programme "Beauty and the geek" were women had to go into bar with no make up and get drinks from guys and then they had to experience the rejection that man face ALL THE TIME

    Fast forward to 4.53 seconds in and these women are in tears, one of the women said "this is the worst day of my life"

    I could not help but


    when she said that.

    They almost needed counselling and bear in mind this was just for an hour or so, not the year in, year out, routine daily rejection that men face.

    If women expect men to understand their struggles with weight and body image, they should also seek to understand men’s issues with rejection and game.

    Most women who get angry at men’s pick-up tactics have never tried to approach a stranger, win their trust, and ask them out. The only group that treat’s men’s fear of rejection with anything resembling empathy is the pick up industry. It’s not surprising given the amount of rejection men face

    The intention isn’t to give up roles, but simply to understand the others experience better. While a woman might sympathize with a man’s challenges with rejection, she is STILL going to chose the most confident and appealing partner, the same way a man who understands women’s body issues still prefers the most attractive women.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
  4. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    They do, but it's not a priority. When it comes to who they want to f*ck quickly (& quietly ;^) ), looks count. When it comes to who they want to pay the bills, not so much.
  5. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Hahah. Thats the sad reality for some.
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  6. Any woman can get laid whenever she wants. It takes absolutely no effort. And neither does finding a date.

    Problem is women think “But I don’t want to have sex with any guy”

    Which just goes to show that more is expected of men than of women. Which further supports my statement that women have it easier than men.

    This is because guys always want to fuck, and a lot of guys will just fuck anything. This whole idea that any single guy can get laid any time he wants to is insane.

    I know a lot of guys who have gone years without so much as having a date. Good looking, intelligent guys with good jobs of all ages ranging from 23-50. And a lot of single guys go on long dry spells. Women don’t give it up that easily, and they usually want something in return. The ~15% alphas get ~85% of best women, and a lot of the rest of guys are left holding the bag.

    Women have the luxury of holding out for a prize, because they have so many damned options. If the average man got approached by 20 women every day, just like the average woman gets approached by 20 guys every day, then he could afford to have strict standards and reject any woman who seemed boring to him..
  7. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    jeesh -- if all you want to do is fuck, all you need is a job. oldest profession ain't going away.

    "Any woman can get laid whenever she wants."

    No -- women cannot get laid whenever they want. At least not by a human. Some chicks can't even give it away. And there's no whorehouse on every corner to service them. They can try to buy sex, but the price is far higher than for men, both in $$ and pride. And still there's no guarantee that someone is willing to sell (unlike the billion dollar industry out there dedicated to servicing men).

    "a lot of guys will just fuck anything." :D

    Exactly how do you know that? Unless you're speaking for yourself, you don't know that. I doubt there are many guys out there who will fuck just any woman. Doesn't the "beauty and the geek" clip you posted negate your point?
  8. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Great observation!!! ;)

    Not trying to contradict my take on this subject. But I'm not a hoe. I don't get any benefit from fucking a complete stranger I've just met on the first night. Stds are a real thing. People are assholes it's a known fact but not every woman takes a man on face value. But we are talking about sex in general here, you have brothels, strip clubs (the girl's over here are easy) and prostitutes. Besides meeting chicks in a bar etc you have three other options at least.

    What other options do women have if they want sex?
  9. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    They can twerk in the line at a grocery store
  10. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    OMFG lmao!!!!
  11. Supply and demand......
  12. I’ve consistently said that women receiving approaches is an advantage they have as a gender. There are other advantages that men have as a gender.

    It depends on how you view it.

    The girl has the power to say yes or no to each guy that approaches. But how many guys will approach ? An average-looking girl in a busy club in a major city might be approached a handful of times in a single night.

    Meanwhile, the guy has the ability to approach 100+ women if he wants to.

    While the girl can reject the guys that approach her, she can’t control who approaches her. Most or all will not be attractive to her. But the guy can approach only those women he’s attracted to.

    For a girl, 90% of the guys she talks to that night might be unattractive. For the guy, 100% of the girls he talks to will be attractive, at least physically.

    All things considered, the guy has more power and freedom in this situation. Now some1 could say they'd rather have the freedom to talk to whoever they want, than be forced to wait for others to “choose” me.

    On top of that, the approach is just the tip of the iceberg. Once the ice is broken, you need to have conversation, develop chemistry, flirting, etc. Both men and women have plenty of “work” to do after the approach.

    So from that perspective men have it much easier than women.

    Now on the other side.

    Now flip the scenario around, and in some weird bizzare world. The woman wants nothing more than casual sex and she decides she will approach every man she thinks is attractive/and is obtainable.

    Assuming she makes her interest clear, she won’t have to approach many before she finds one to go home with. Now, in this same bizzare world, the man waits passively for the women he finds attractive to approach him.

    Good luck with that, buddy.

    If a woman just sits there, she’ll get approached. If she decides to be proactive and do the approaching herself, she will have no trouble gaining attention. If a man approaches, he may or may not be successful. If a man just hangs out, passively, he loses automatically. Just in terms of opportunities alone

    So from perspective women have it much easier than men.

    Exactly and because most women think like you that *I'm not a hoe* because most women expect a man to have to jump an amount of hurdles. That means that the supply of sex does not meet the demand.

    If anything you could argue the fact that men have to pay for sex, kinda supports the argument, as to how much harder it is for a man to get sex.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
  13. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Hey that would get my attention.
    Just saying....
  14. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    You have some very valid points there.
  15. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Which one is it, your not a ho and don't fuck when you first meet men which means you don't have the personal experience or you know its easier for men to get sex from personal experience from being a ho?

    Act like the internet, social networking apps, dating websites don't exist in 2016 brehs
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
  16. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Would you really like to get approached by 20 women a day? I'm sure most of them would just be annoying. They all can't be your type.

    So glad I'm a man.
  17. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I wish I could grant some people their wishes just so they can stfu, and realize things were better than what they seemed.
  18. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

  19. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    I try not to get involved in these discussions but if you're even a moderately attractive woman you can find yourself drowning in dick whenever you feel like it.
  20. K

    K Well-Known Member

    that's quite a visual
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