17 candidates for any party running for president, historically, is abnormal. Usually you have 2-4 serious candidates who duke it out in the primaries. 17 candidates means the GOP really had no idea who should have been the front-runner, which is how a con man like Trump slipped through the cracks. Quantity doesn't always mean quality. As for Hillary being a neo-con, Books, based on what?? HRC wasn't for regime change throughout the entire Middle East, nor did she advocate the U.S. military occupying all those countries whose change in leadership we militarily supported. Where do you get this stuff from??lol Have you ever heard of Wolfowitz?? Cheney?? Rumsfeld?? Bolton?? They would slap HRC dead in her face if she ever said she was one of them.lol Tru neo-cons were against the Iranian nuclear deal brokered by HRC because they believed the ONLY way to thwart Iran's nuclear program was through bombing and military invasion. Trump, intentionally or not, is surrounding himself with neo-cons, which is the portent for future wars. I know lately Bookie you've become a pacifist, but the real world doesn't work that way. We have to be engaged, whether diplomatically, through arms shipments to like minded rebel groups, or worst case direct U.S. military combat. Anyone who calls HRC a neo-con is either trying to smear her, or doesn't know what the term really means. Get HRC's name out of your mouth, Bookie. Focus on your man Trump. He's the leader of the free world now and he alone is going to be responsible for the next war this country finds itself in.
There is the 2018 mid-term elections. This can and will be an advantage for the democrats if they get off their asses, reach out to everyone they can, be honest and straight forward with everyone, and make sure that they get out to vote. This worked for the Tea Party movement. It can work for democrats.
I like the fact that European culture does not put work before everything else in life. They actually believe in letting you tend to a family and grow as a person outside of work. Time off work for family stuff like maternity leave, long lunches, not believing that people's entire self worth is based on a job like they do in the US. Do you know if Canadian culture is similar?
Yeah my brother is a cop out there. Just got 9 months paternity leave for my nephew. That would never happen here.
My wife is Canadian, imo, Canadians are more polite (yes its a stereotype, but a true one, lol), have a genuine sense of caring for other Canadians (most Canadians I have met complain a little about higher taxes to cover their single payer health care system, but would not change it), and take enormous pride in being Canadian. They work just as hard as Americans, but have far more support, they used to have whats called "mother's allowance, which was a monthly check from the government just for having kids, not need based, just a check from the government. They still have such a program but it is modified now, http://www.esdc.gc.ca/en/canada_chi...ldbenefit&_ga=1.182627744.70837579.1478808672 So overall, the work ethic is similar, but there is a lot more support and caring about their fellow citizens than down here where its everyone for themselves, imho.
You can go on Craigslist in your city and sign up for $15 an hr paid to you by the DNC ( thanks Veritas for the expose). Join the rest of the professional agitators. Protesters were seen on the streets of Oakland where an office block was also attacked, daubed with 'Fuck Trump' and 'Kill Trump' graffiti and then set alight. You do realize that means you suffer as an American. Cut your nose to spite your face gold. Why do you want to assinate the President-Elect? Who are you? S.S would like to know. Twitter has erupted with users making death threats against Donald Trump since he was elected to become the next president of the United States 'So who's going to assassinate Trump at his inauguration?' one Twitter user demanded to know Others also called for the death of vice president-elect Mike Pence Sources close to the Secret Service said the agency was monitoring the situation and had seen a spike in threats since election day They said that 'every threat is taken seriously' as it's likely that those posting will be investigated The Secret Service has a history of investigating people making threats. While the First Amendment allows freedom of speech, death threats against political figures - particularly the next president of the United States are taken very seriously by security agencies. They said there were 'mechanisms in place' to monitor social media for such posts, and to determine which threats were more concerning than others but said that 'every threat was taken seriously'. Agents can then 'drill down' into someone's social media history to find out if the threat is a one off or comes from a history of worrying behavior. Escalating threats pose the greatest concern and require 'more of prompt response'.
Latest Federal Reserve (FOMC) release, if you are concerned about our economy, jobs, inflation, this is what people should be most concerned about, not who is sitting in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. "Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in September indicates that the labor market has continued to strengthen and growth of economic activity has picked up from the modest pace seen in the first half of this year. Although the unemployment rate is little changed in recent months, job gains have been solid. Household spending has been rising moderately but business fixed investment has remained soft. Inflation has increased somewhat since earlier this year but is still below the Committee's 2 percent longer-run objective, partly reflecting earlier declines in energy prices and in prices of non-energy imports. Market-based measures of inflation compensation have moved up but remain low; most survey-based measures of longer-term inflation expectations are little changed, on balance, in recent months." (THIS PART SHOULD CONCERN EVERYONE) The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction, and it anticipates doing so until normalization of the level of the federal funds rate is well under way. This policy, by keeping the Committee's holdings of longer-term securities at sizable levels, should help maintain accommodative financial conditions.
Some people learn the hard way... Almost every mass shooter, cop killer and loon begins by threatening on the internet... "In March this year, Eli Martinez, 20, had tweeted what he called a joke, saying 'I think I have to kill Trump. None of y'all gon do it, I have to take measures in my own hands.' He thought little about it until a few days later, when Secret Service agents showed up at his Chicago home and 'questioned the hell' out of him. He said they wanted to know about about his personal, medical and employment history, if he was a U.S. citizen and if he'd ever purchased weapons. Another Twitter user, who goes by the name Kevin Supernaw on the social network site, posted a picture of agents outside his home last year after he tweeted 'Ima shoot Donald the next time I see him.' He claimed that his room was raided and he was interrogated by two FBI agents and three Secret Service agents over his threat. ***** A 29-year-old Iowan woman said she 'tweeted something like 'just let me shoot, you ass' while waiting outside a gun range as Trump's sons shot rifles inside. She says agents showed up at her workplace, with a screenshot of the offending tweet, and warned she could spend ten years in prison for the threat. A Secret Service spokesperson warned: 'If you see anything that applies on Twitter, we're going to investigate it.' They said that anyone that 'knowingly and willfully threatens to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm' upon a candidate can expect a visit, and could face fines and up to five years in jail. President Obama also faced unprecedented number of death threat tweets and in 2012, the Secret Service asked Twitter users to report suspicious tweets Government agencies also have the power to request an Emergency Disclosure Report on the user which can list IP addresses, email addresses, phone numbers and direct messages that authorities obtained from Twitter and other social networks."
That was swift..the DOW rebounded and is waay up. Hopefully now, the GDP will finally rise above 3% with Trump in Office.
For Hillary supporters, there is still a VERY small hope of her becoming president, faithless electors, now this could be interesting... "One Texas GOP elector, Chris Suprun of Texas, a firefighter, told Politico in August that he finds Trump so unpalatable he’d consider voting for Clinton when he gets to Georgia’s capital on Dec. 19th." https://nypost.com/2016/11/09/the-one-scenario-that-could-still-get-hillary-into-the-white-house/
And the 2nd civil war would start the next day. Seriously could you image what the gun toting Trump supporters would do if the duly elected President-Elect was denied the office by rogue electors?
Let me remind you that Ryan and McConnell voted for trump. I doubt the republican senator of SC voted against trump. Keep in mind, Powell was hacked into so we knew he didn't like either one but who did he say he was voting for? We know how condi feels... just don't know who she voted for. The unemployment rate is far lower than it was before. the economy is far better than it was before. Just wanted to add the sheeple comment. People have different reason for voting. Maybe you should address that instead of just saying they are like sheeple.
But yeah the right man is in office and will steer us through this. Hope you guys are stocking up I predict a full 2 year recession followed by a crash thatll make the last one seem quaint but yay someone who will shake things up America yay
This is really good news, thanks fellas. This type of culture would make it worth dealing with the cold weather. Now I'm definitely planning on doing some research on Canada in the near future.