Even though Democrats gained a few seats, Republicans still retain control of the House and Senate. Maybe there is a drive to repeal it because Obama's name is on it. If something similar came out and they called it Romneycare, would people in Congress debate a repeal on it? There's nothing special that Trump has in mind. The government will get pushed out of the way and each state will create their own individual healthcare policies instead.
Shoot first is what Pelosi insisted we do by "passing it so we can read what's in it." The Republicans better care about Healthcare because a lot of the Woking class voted for Trump. The ACA just can't be repelled from what l keep hearing. Personally, I'd prefer a working system where the interest of the insured are the priority. There should not be enrichment off of people's health. I hope the Republicans finally put the American people first now that they have the House and Senate, as this is their opportunity for redemption and they can't blame the Dems for any screw ups.
No they won't. People who voted them deep down are just tired of brown people. No one cares that they're getting fucked as long as it's a white guy. It is literally and sadly that simple.
I don't get why we should send the power to the states. Each capitol is nothing more than another DC. They are lobbied as well. I would prefer to just kick the insurance companies out as well as Pharma. Single payer plan where if you smoke than you pay more.(smoking is a luxury.) anything that will get the insurance companies out is a start.
Fair enough. I do think Insurance Companies could serve as a supplemental policy. E.g. if you want a private room, or whatever. The only concern is the wait times to see a specialist or even a doctor. Mine are backed up for months since ACA.
Kaiser is actually a pretty solid model of a program that would work for the country. Other options or supplemental policies along with it for those who want (to pay for) would be good.
Here is an example. This guy is kind of like Fareed Zakaria. By and large this election appears as if it's a larger segment of whites and a smaller segment of non-whites verses a smaller segment of whites and a larger segment of non-whites. Very dangerous consequences. Appears to me whites want to segregate themselves away from everyone else, not just blacks. This isn't even only about Black people, Black Lives Matter, Native Americans, Hispanics, etc. Our institutions, system of governance, authority, trade, infrastructure, commerce and order is created by them and it doesn't even function well for most of themselves and for most non-whites. Makes it seem like a good deal of white people are evil, insensitive, arrogant and can't do many things correctly.
It's what happens when people get insecure, feel threatened and move into a survival mode. It's a new situation...especially for white men. It's really not surprising. Scary as hell though!
Already someone just posted something validating my claims. Disgusting woman. She doesn't look attractive either.
I've never heard of them so I looked them up and they're only available in a few States. (California. Colorado. Georgia. Hawaii. Maryland. Oregon. Virginia. Washington.) Pennsylvania had about five Carriers, but unfortunately 2 or l think 3 have left since ACA, so our choices are limited.
Amazing the times we are in. I guess maybe it is true that it's better to have things unveiled. But damn.
Respond to her correcting her grammar (your vs. you're) and tell her that her racist views reflect her lagging intellect.
Yes I know. It's unfortunate. However, they actually do have a really good model that could be expanded. It beats anything out there by far. Not only is better, but really is working. They were the first with electronic medical records, proactive and preventive care, holistic approach. The demand here (as I'm sure all their areas) is way greater than what they are able to accept right now. Given my profession, and having children with major chronic medical needs, I've dealt with most of the different plans and systems out there over the last 30+ years. Kaiser isn't perfect but it's far superior to others. Honestly....as uncertain (and concerning) as the ACA has been, on a personal level I'm concerned about the possible changes. But the truth is, one way or another there was going to have to be changes.
That's interesting to hear too because I see it from a different angle dealing with major chronic medical issues. It's cool to know that those who aren't dealing with all that like them too. When I first started hearing about the ACA I thought of Kaiser. We have a system that is working that is very much what people want.
Thankfully, I've always been healthy and have always done HMOs. When I started at my current job... It was the lowest cost option, so I chose it. I heard that at the time they had sorta re-invented themselves being geared more towards better quality customer/patient care. We're in open-enrollement time now at work, and I have no desire to leave Kaiser. They work well for me
Will the Donald's massive deportation action involve the use of freight trains and ID number tattoos? When is that Great Wall going up and how will he fund it? There are so many unanswered questions. #NeverTrump