CNN BREAKING News!!!! 'Deeply troubled women are always the best in bed': Donald Trump spoke about what sex with actress Lindsay Lohan might be like in 2004 interview.
Am I the only one who hears "Just grab 'em by the pussy" in Shock G's voice from, "The Humpty Dance" every time I read about it? It can't be just me, can it? Scratch that. It probably is just me.
None. At the time he said it 12 yes ago? None. So l take it you shall never run for President at post 50 because of what LR talk you've said here. Pfft.
No. I posted above reply cuz their was no ongoing threads on the ongoing election last night and I didn't want to start a new thread. I just piggybacked off a existing one. But I am not surprised he won. It was obvious last summer with him talking shit and the increased popularity he was getting. But now it's gonna be interesting to see what he is gonna do. He has a GOP Congress and party that never supported him and we're wishing he would just disappear.
As far as I am concerned, Trump is a better businessman than a politician. I'm not at all surprised. I doubt that the republican party is going to obstruct him like they did Obama. What may be of interest would be whom he chooses for his cabinet. No telling whom he chooses. David Duke might be a choice to keep the support of the white nationalist groups in his corner. His choices for Supreme Court justices will also be scrutinized. And his cozy relationship with Vladimir Putin, whether or not it will be a benefit or a hindrance has yet to be decided. I will not watch Trump be sworn in. Not will I stay in his hotels and resorts. But he won. To the victor goes the spoils.
None of this ever mattered. A majority of white women supported Trump which makes most of them the enemy. You have to look at them with the same suspicion you would any white supremacist.
Not majorities of those groups, not people like you. If it weren't for women of color, Hillary would've lost women altogether. White women are the reason why Trump won. Only those with a college degree rejected him by a small margin. White women who stuff black dicks in their mouths then vote for racists like Donald Trump are not our friends. Bliss and women like her are white supremacists. Period.
8% black is (and black female) 33% Hispanic male is still..Hispanic male. 28% Hispanic female is still Hispanic female.