The false equivalences people try to make between Trump and Clinton make me pull my hair out. But when you have people who literally are stupid enough to believe that the Clintons have killed dozens of people over the years to stay in power without any kind of proof to support it...well, it just kind of shows you that the lack of critical thinking has played a big role in this election.
They lack all ability to think for themselves. I have no patience left for conservatives in general. The group as a whole has taken on a much too ugly form this election and it's reflective of what Ive always associated with firm conservatives...racism, homophobia, sexism, inequality, discrimination in general. I don't play well with those types. Never have never will.
It's beyond just a lack of critical thinking...these Trump supporters are simple minded sheep, unwilling (or unable) to see the glaring difference between rape and emails, sexual assault and emails, inept business mentality and emails, racism and emails, discrimination against all who are not heterosexual white males...and emails. You don't need critical thinking for any of that, it should be common sense. Clearly Trump supporters lack even that. I'm so ready for this to be over, my blood pressure can't take much more.
I'm so looking forward to the whining Chief Birther's crushing defeat on Tues. ''I was robbed, I tell ya. Robbed! It's a rigged system!" :smt005
Trump is looking to win this election at this time. He won Florida, Ohio and is looking to win Pennsylvania and Michigan.
If Trump pulls this out, A lot of the blame rest on the DNC's shoulders. They knew Hillary wasn't the strongest candidate to go against Trump, but apparently, cronyism means more to them than the future of the country.
No it was more about racists coming out in droves to build a wall and keep the muslims out oh and the dumb fucks who had to vote their conscious/
True. Trump didnt get Republicans to vote for him, he got the mofos who dont vote to come out and vote for him. He stirred up a hornet's nest.....and those hornet's aint going back into the nest.
The idiot racists were going to vote Trump no matter what. The DNC knew damn well Hillary was not the strongest candidate to go up against him, but they bet the farm on her anyway and we're all going to lose because of it.
The opposition to Bernie from the DNC was mostly due to the fact that he was NEVER a Democrat, but conveniently ran as one to take advantage of the DNC campaign apparatus. Bernie couldn't beat HRC in the primaries. That's his fault, no one else. Trump brought out a lot of first time angry White voters IMO who were voting their resentment of BHO being in the WH for two terms, the fact they weren't inclined to vote for a woman as POTUS and their paranoid hatred of HIllary Clinton. These dumb fucks are going to get exactly what they deserve. Ain't no damn old school, high pension, big industry jobs coming back to the U.S. Trump's economic plan is he doesn't have one. He just really wanted the job of POTUS really bad, because like that Purple Heart that vet gave him, it looks like a really cool thing he'd like to have. This is gonna be Dubya 2.0, but less smart.
The House, the Senate, the majority of governorships and state legislatures AND the Presidency. Dear God, the past eight hours have been absolutely awful. Carnage up and down the ballot, at the state and federal level.
About that Iran nuclear deal we signed with the approval of NATO, the Donald is gonna rip that shit up pronto. Now Iran gets what they want and can start their nuclear weapons program again. IMO that's THE war Trump is going to start. Invading Iran to thwart their nuclear program.:butthead: Start at 6:13. My God this country is too stupid for it's own good.:smt101 [YOUTUBE]9v97xH6Bof0[/YOUTUBE]
Its interesting how a minority party is in control of the country. The Democrsts fucked this all up. They have spent the past 30+ years running as Republican Lite and it has caught up to them. The only way they can rebound from this is to go Full Blown Progressive Liberal. Trump ran a perfect campaign. He hit all his marks and stayed consistent.