I would imagine because Mexicans are already mad at their president for meeting with "candidate" trump... https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...a65ac9-8ccd-4dc6-a4b7-7480501190c4_story.html
These successive disclosures are reminding me SOOOOO much of Bill Cosby.:smt036 I kinda want Trump to win now.....just so we can say he's the WORST president in U.S. history even before he's sworn into office.lol
Why? Between the fuck shit Trump was already saying & doing on a regular basis and the fact there are people still down for and defending him, what do these women coming out about his bullshit actually do in the long run?
That's true. What's funny they whine about bill (who is not running for office) but trump is doing the same so isn't that a bit of hypocrisy
Because Hispanic people are very important and there are plenty of Hispanic women who like Black men.
Pretty gross stuff, but I am not going to pretend that I haven't heard similar or worse from men and women in positions of authority/power.
Curt Schilling:smt018 https://twitter.com/JimMWeber/status/786673892794441729 Sickening... The length his supporters are willing to go to continue to support him. This is brainwashing, extremely ignorant in their bias support.
But that's what you traffic in when you are the Universal Patron Saint of Entitled FuckBoiz like the Donald....
Washington Post: New Accuser Emerges 10/14 Another woman came forward Friday with allegations that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump once touched her inappropriately. Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/new-trump-accuser-kristin-anderson-229800#ixzz4N5XtLDuw
Totally disgusted by this dude. As someone who's old enough to be a father to those young ladies... I personally would love to beat the living shit out of him.
That's what really killed me about Trump announcing that he was going to go after Clinton and her treatment of women. Good God, did that plan backfire. :smt081:smt081 I may not live in a glass house myself but even I know not to throw stones while inside of one. This is going to go down in political history as possibly the single dumbest thing any Presidential candidate has ever done.
Interesting read. I can understand their anger. On a similar note, I read a report that many Mexicans understand many America's desire for a wall - they want one with Guatemala. They're experiencing a similar issue as the U.S, they say.