Texting Games And People Trying To Appear Busy In 2016

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Oct 10, 2016.

  1. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    (Stolen from another message board)

    Sick and tired of people who play texting games. Now if you don't feel like replying immediately then I understand. But to purposely reply within a certain time frame to give off the illusion that you are busy, not on your phone 24/7, etc then your on some bullshit.

    I've dealt with women where if I didn't text them back literally 34 minutes later because my phone wasn't on me, they'd text me back exactly 34 minutes later. What the fuck kinda stupid shit is that?

    I only use my phone mainly for music when I'm out and about. At home I leave it in my room and it's not always near me. But most people, especially women have their phones glued to their hand 24/7.

    I could have woke up or been in the gym so I respond to a text message about 2 hours after it was sent, a chick wouldn't respond for either two hours or double that. :mindblown:

    And how did you just respond to my text, I ask a question a second later but you don't respond for a couple hours :wtf: Real talk. Have you ever texted a chick, she ain't respond for 10 mins so you don't respond for 10 mins, then she don't respond for 30 mins, so you don't respond for 30 mins then she don't respond for 3 hours?

    Not gonna even be that dude that texts anymore. Just gonna call if I want to talk to you or set a time and place to meet up.
  2. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member


    You can add lol and k to the list.

    When someone hits me with a one word answer, I give them a couple more chances because I might just be assuming some shit then deleting them from my phone or messenger.
  3. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    All boils down to too much pride. People look too hard into every possible subtle message they send with a text.

    Just like when using emojis. Gotta make sure you use the right one or your text can be misinterpreted as something completely different.
  4. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    I heard if you reply back too soon, you appear needy or desperate.


    I'm not really bothered by people not getting back to me, I understand people have their own lives to live but I just hate the guilty phony excuses people give you when they do reach out to you like "I fell asleep" or "I've been sooooo busy" over and over again like these social media platforms don't show when you are online.


  5. K

    K Well-Known Member

    I freaking hate the whole texting thing! I have to wonder how many situations have been completely f'd up because of texting. It's so easy to read crap into it or misinterpret things. It's ridiculous. It blows me away that people think they can get to know each other, or develop a relationship with one of the primary tools of communication being texting.

    And the emojis ...give me a break. There are so many of those stupid things on my phone!!

    I'm olllld.
  6. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Haha I LOVE texting! Sometimes I text only in emojis lol (yes, I'm that girl lol). I'm very much someone who HATES talking on the phone, so texting is perfect for me to communicate with friends, family or even to build a friendship. Thankfully I have friends, family and a mommy who love me just the way I am so when I ignore allntheir calls, they text me and we converse :) Plus people seem to like to talk for ages so texting allows me to step away from the conversation if I need to without feeling like Im cutting someone off
  7. K

    K Well-Known Member

    The good part of texting is being able to communicate when it doesn't really work to have a full conversation. Which usually works best with those I know.

    Too funny on the emojis! I've probably hit the wrong ones more times than I've hit the right ones.
  8. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I hate texting. I hate phones. I hate emojis. People use them more than the English language and we're slowly going going back to caveman shit.
  9. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Compared to 10 years ago everything seems so complicated these days.
    I am not even 100% sure what has contributed to the change but I have a few random thoughts.

    For meeting people from further away back there was the option of meeting people online in a chat room,site etc.
    However no smart phones were around yet, so we had to use a computer and actually sit down.
    It is more difficult and easier to get caught using a computer for private reason while at work than it is in this day and age of smart phones now.
    So usually we actually had a moment of free time when we sat down to actually meet people.

    Now we have smart phones with all kinds of apps, chat rooms which encourage conversation and discussions are extremely rare.
    Instead we use apps that are rather about self promotion, be it in form of photos, videos or whatever else. That is definitely a trending thing.

    Also it is often a 2way street and a bit of a ping pong game.
    There are plenty people going around saying what seems to be all the right things, and the recipent of those words may gain interest in them, only to find out it was just a game.
    After a few such situations they may just not take anyone serious anymore, or at least not right away and it may take more effort for someone to break the ice. Some of those may start playing those texting games you mentioned. Possibly as a test to see if the other person is interested in them enough to convince them. But then of course you have those who just could care less generally.

    Life style generally probably plays a role. With the cost of living vs salary, many people have to work more than one job.
    Working many hours,it is very tempting to eat fast food,which is not the healthiest, and then when weight issues occur, and probably also because of a certain pressure by media and friends/relatives, you may begin to hit the gym,which also reduces your available spare time.
    In those cases the person may legitimately have very little time on their hands.

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