Damn good post How they expect someone with zero experience or intelligence to lead is beyond ridiculous at this point. Keep Hilary out but usher in the worst choice? How does that possibly make sense.
Intent matters Books, in war terrible accidents happen, friendly fire, collateral damage, faulty intel, ect. Nobody is excusing or saying such terrible accidents are ok, but again, the US are the GOOD guys fighting ISIS, Russia and Asaad are complicit in intentionally killing far more Syrians than the US with tragic accidents. In addition, the US cannot commit troops without the approval of congress which is led by a Republican majority, so why are you focusing on the Dems?
Because she's from Illinois and that hatred runs deep for Dems out there. The way she talks you'd swear they were the Nazis and the Clintons the Hitler's.
Wow. You say I'M way too partisan? Good God, man. You have your head so far up the democrats' asses, I fear it may never get out. Thanks for this laugh, I needed it. First, I said Russia ceased to be our enemy. I NEVER ONCE said I thought Russia was our ally. So, the fact Hillary Clinton made over $21 MILLION making speeches to WALL STREET in LESS THAN TWO YEARS means that she's "for the people"? And that her son-in-law is a hedge fund manager means she'll "rein in Wall Street" like she claims? :smt043:smt043:smt043:smt043 What you all fail to realize is that BOTH major parties are NEARLY IDENTICAL. The politicians could give zero fucks about the little guy. They ONLY care when it's election time. They are both beholden to their Wall Street overlords. BOTH major parties. BOTH. And sorry, the shit that's happening now in the Middle East is all on Obama and Hillary. Obama and Hillary destabilized Libya. Not Bush. Obama keeps bombing allies and civilians in Syria. NOT Bush. Obama has been in office 8 years, you can stop placing ALL of the ME blame on Bush now. Keep drinking that democrat kool-aid. P.S. I'm an independent, not a republican.
Since Illinois a Democrat supermajority, the hatred for Dems does not run deep in Illinois. It should, but too many idiots think the democrats give two shits about them here. They don't. They just keep taxing us into poverty and still can't pay their bills.
LOL. Be real, Bookworm. You're a CONSERVATIVE 'independent'. I'm actually registered to vote as an Independent but I always vote democratic, although there's a strong possibility I would have voted for Colin Powell if he ever ran. THe ME has been gripped by wars and military overthrows since the 1950s. Dubya started the latest cycle. Obama is still in clean up mode. For Obama to do what Republicans are criticizing him for doing, the GOP led Congress would have to authorize sending at least 100,000 troops to the region. And how did Barack destabilize Libya?? The Libyans overthrew Gaddafi. Not us. Unless you believe we should have sent in 40,000 troops to 'occupy' the country right after Gaddafi was killed. So stop talking tough like Obama isn't doing enough militarily. As for Hillary, do the math. If you're paid $200-250K per speech, 100 speeches puts you over $21 mil. Conservatives never bitched about how much Reagan and other well known conservatives were paid by corporations to give speeches. Why is it a 'crime' that Hillary got paid too?? BTW, your man Trump topped the list for paid speeches 9 years ago at over $1 mil per. Talk about a waste of money.:smt087 As for Russia, they still ARE our enemy. That's the point. That's why the POTUS and the Joint Chiefs of Staff are soooo careful about getting involved militarily in Eastern Europe, because it could very easily start WWIII. You still haven't explained why the conservatives are so in love with a Russian leader who's the closest thing we've seen to Stalin. Both parties may have the same corporate interests, but ideologically and policy wise, they couldn't be further apart. The Dems support unions. The GOP is trying to destroy all unions nationwide, one by one, and crush the middle class. I don't have the time to give you the list of how different both parties really are ideologically. Hillary at least can be pointed in the right direction and made to do the right thing. The majority of the Democratic platform at the DNC convention was written by Bernie Sanders and his supporters. Hillary is NOT the same as Trump or the GOP. People hate on Hillary not for any real controversy IMO or imbedded character flaws. The GOP has been planning to run AGAINST Hillary the moment Bill Clinton left office in 2000. They've smeared her entire professional and political record since the Nixon impeachment hearings. If Hillary was a MAN with the same record, absolutely NO ONE would give a damn about all these BS minor political dramas the right wing cries about. It's frightening to me that millennials given a choice between Trump and Hillary, believe that BOTH are bad candidates. That's just deep down to the bone stupidity. Mission accomplished, GOP. Karl Rove. Newt Gingrich. Pat Buchanan.
For the record again, I think there are good and bad things about both parties. I don't think a super majority republican or democrat is a good thing. I think it's better when there's a closer number of both major parties. I prefer moderate politicians who have leanings on both sides of the aisle. The biggest exception to that was my support of Bernie. I don't like uber liberal democrats and I don't like uber conservative republicans.
I believe you to know me to be very fair when it comes to politics Books, in the past I have been a co-founder of a republican PAC, now I am independent. Yes I would think the same no matter who is in office, the US is FAR from a perfect country, but by and large we are the good guys (yes there have been times when the US was in the wrong) fighting evil on the world stage when it comes to war. There are multiple examples of terrible accidents/collateral damage, when both republicans and democrats have been in office. In war nobody's hands remain clean.
Bill Clinton ......This dude here. Man This dude makes me want to just sit at home and not vote. He just goes on and on insulting Obama. Obama should have took off left his butt there.
Yep, I would've voted for Colin Powell, too. Unfortunately, I think he is the last of a dying breed; an open minded, common sense Republican Bruh, I really think Bill is in early stage dementia or Alzheimer's. Something, cognitively, seems off about him these last couple years or so. I really don't feel Bill is well.
God I hate false equivilecies. We know for a fact that Republicans are the party of evil, on every single metric in every single instance they are for the destruction and demonization of the working class. They are divisive racist and xenophobic and until very recently homophobic as fuck. I would give anyone here 20 bucks if they can point to a democratic version of a Michelle Bachman, a Sarah Palin, a Glen Beck, an O'Reilly hell even a Donald Trump. Woefully ignorant to basic facts and double down on destroying lives with joy and happiness. How is it everyone doesn't see this?
For a fact? Really? For a FACT? I am saving this post as a reminder to me to never, ever enter into a discussion about politics with you ever again. This post is just unbelievable. The fact that you actually think this and think it so much you posted it on a forum for the world to see tells me everything I EVER need to know about you and your "extremely biased, one-sided idea about the political parties" in this country. Good day to you, sir. And good luck with all that. Wow.
Bill Clinton was on Fallon, I believe, a few years ago and he was talking slowly and just looked extremely unwell. He looks even worse now. He literally looks like he has one foot in the grave. And she wants to make him the economy czar? Please. No freaking way is he mentally or physically capable anymore of performing any kind of government post.
He's always taken pot-shots at him. Obama took his "first black Prez" crown, he took his cool, cerebral and exceptional orator crown, and he "scooped" his wife's sure win right from under her.. He's salty af, lol.
Bookworm, you really need to look at the kinds of legislation the GOP tries to push through Congress. See who that legislation generally benefits and what groups of people in this country Republican politicians tend to ignore when they write bills. If the GOP really cared about everyday people working a 9 to 5 grind, there's no way they would have blocked infrastructure spending proposed by the POTUS to stimulate the economy and provide jobs. Look, the closest thing the GOP could find for a populist candidate is a self-serving multibillionaire who cares more about his properties under threat from the hurricane in FLA than the people who will lose their lives. The GOP has been the party of corporate America for decades, which usually means their interests are opposite the regular citizen. Think, why after the recent Wall Street crash that tanked the world stock market, why would anyone think we should have LESS regulations on Wall Street?? But that's what Congressional Republicans are pushing for.