50% of wives say husband isn't their best sex partner; 60% of wives would rather read

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Sep 22, 2016.

  1. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member


    Bye Felicia.
  2. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Much respect for Beasty and Sampson, but if I had a kid and he was playing a game where women get raped and Black characters were being lynched, hell yeah I'd have a problem with it.

    An ADULT can play and fcuk around with the over-the-top absurdity of GTO, like a blaxploitation/mafia flick on steroids, but IMO depicting any rape of a woman as just a 'part of the game' is really a line that doesn't need to be crossed.

    I'd rather see a virtual female character get nutted in her face than see her get raped.

    When women talk about rape culture and the pervasiveness of and normalizing of rape in our society, GTO is an example of what they're talking about.

    Rape is seen as a joke in a video game.

    Imagine if there were pedophiles in GTO messing with little kids.

    NO ONE would think that's just a part of the game and something not to be taken seriously.
  3. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Exactly....I didn't say they shouldn't play it but just be aware of what is being said. It's really funny how principles shift.


    You mad.

    Just playing
  4. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    No one got raped in GTA, the clip Beasty is talking about is about a woman who was dry humped in the game and she made mole hills into mountains by calling it rape. There was no penetration. There are games where rape and racism are insensitively made fun of but complaining about that is like complaining whenever a new South Park episode comes out.

    I can understand some peoples upset with insensitive content, admittedly I do sometimes get triggered from a videogame; I played Bioshock and they just casually had a minstrel show playing so I ejected the disc and returned the game. But at the end of the day you have to realize that you have the freedom not to play these games just as they have the freedom to inject such content. If you really want to see change I suggest for more blacks and women to pursue careers in game design. Can't expect asian men and white men in these fields to understand your POV on why something is inappropriate.
  5. K

    K Well-Known Member

    You might be a bit surprised about where I'm at about video games. Maybe I should put a bit of a disclaimer here given that my son is a game designer.

    First he pointed out to me that South Park (and other things) have had a focus on women not being funny in recent times, interesting that it's now coming up here too.

    In regards to violence (which includes racial violence and rape - which is violence) and children being exposed to it.... This is part of the reason for the ratings which people really resisted in the beginning but it came about and has been rather successful. The violent games are rated to reflect it and that's more of a parenting issue than a gaming issue.

    When you are talking about rape in a game are you talking about a story line that is part of the character description? Or are you talking about an online player interaction (aka nonscripted event)? You know as well as I do those two very different things. The same would be true of the racial violence in games. I'm not saying it's ok to have it in a story line (and in asking I was told that no mainstream game has a rape story line - sex yes, rape no)However, it would be the same as a movie having rape as part of the plot line....which is also marketed for adults and rated as such.

    In regards to the woman getting upset about her character getting raped in a game. It's a little bit tough to comment on the example given that I don't know what the specific game is you are talking about. My assumption would be this is a nonscripted online interactive game where the players are creating that situation (basically another player chose to have their character rape her character) my thought on that is that she knows what she's getting into in choosing to play that type of game. She has the choice of which character she is using and the possibilities of what will happen.

    I totally get where you would think it's funny because it's just a video game. I also get where people start to get outraged about that because they take thinking it's funny as somehow condoning something as horrific as rape.

    Generally speaking, very few people want to play the extremely realistic games. The whole idea of playing video games is to be able to play...to go to places and do things that you aren't able to do in reality. It's to be able to do the outrageous. But lets be real, the entire media format of video games is still very much in the infancy and there are questions and concerns that are yet to be fully addressed.

    In terms of overlooking her upset since she's a gamer - that's something for you to decide. I'm fully aware of the "rarity" of female games (again see my disclaimer) I tend to think, I'd rather interact with someone who is upset over a rape in a video game than someone who is upset over getting the wrong color of nail polish.

    I'll still stand by my comment about many funny women out there - maybe you need to hang out with some older more sarcastic women who have lived through some major things in life and are able to see the humor in even the worst of things (and definitely in the nonsensical daily events).
  6. K

    K Well-Known Member

    We were posting at the same time.

    You make some really good points. Truly, as with all businesses, it's driven by demand. Game designers produce what the demand is. Women get upset about how women are portrayed in games, yet how many women are out there contributing to the design? The numbers are increasing and things will shift...but it still comes down to the money.
  7. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Ok so then this character wasn't even raped in the game? WTF is the issue?

    I'm really over the whole shit about people twisting things to be something they aren't. I'm also over the whole pc lets rally around and make a cause out of something that isn't crap. I find that to be beyond ridiculous. And yah I'd call that an immature idiot.

    I guess it breaks down to what you value though. If getting with a woman who's into gaming is at the top of the priority list then you may take the good with the bad (just like with whatever one deems to be their top priorities)
  8. K

    K Well-Known Member

    It's like any other part of the relationship....there are ebbs and flows and it takes an effort on both parts. Unfortunately though, we don't really talk real about such things. People are more focused on short term, immediate gratification situations than they are in how to continue to generate things long term.

    How many people are even aware of how relationships change with the different stages of life? It's all about the heat, passion, excitement, hot looks/bod, fairytale stuff in the beginning rather than looking at the reality of how things will change over time.
  9. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Well like I said, I never played the game. I'm going off of what they are saying. If the woman is being dry humped without her permission then that's still a problem (,if you want to nit pic) . I was discussing how blacks were perceived in the game according to them
  10. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Ok and there are all sorts of different scenarios in books, movies, porn, cartoons, etc. They didn't create these things, they portray them in the various ways that they do. If you find it offensive, don't buy/read/watch/play whatever it is. Again, money is the driving force.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2016
  11. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Yes you don't have t buy the books or whatever. Like I said i don't play GTA . also I was talking about the portrayal of blacks (as stated by Beasty) hr said all the cops were white. The main character was black. I said I had a problem with that.
    Also to say it's ok to touch a woman without her permission is not cool. To say it's funny isn't. In the video game it has to be taken into context just like a movie. was it for comedic effect lije the jack Benny show or is the Benny hill...Even then he would get slapped.
  12. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    It's not part of the game, someone hacked it for shits and giggles, nothing for anyone to make a big deal about.


    The way I see it. If she is into video games I don't have to worry about her saying I put others before her simply because I have friends that I game with. Or her feeling like I would rather waste time than give her more attention, because if she doesn't game she is most likely going to see it as you wasting time.

    Especially if you are already somewhat short on free time anyway due to work or school or whatever. She is simply going to loathe any moment of you playing video games.
  13. missshyness

    missshyness Active Member

    This is what I was driving at, sure video games may not make somebody a nut, but if a young child is exposed to stuff like violence against women in a video game, with no adult to filter and tell them it is wrong, they may grow up to be the twisted individuals that do attack women.

    This is how someone can get desensitized to violence, where it starts to cross the line and be no big deal. This is where I have a problem, and a problem if and when I take issue with something like this, I get dismissed as being too sensitive or PC or something.
  14. missshyness

    missshyness Active Member

    Ok, I did not realize that, I just saw the word rape, and thought the worst, and if the girl beasty was with knew beforehand of possible violence against women in a video game, or knew about video games in general, I see others points, still, I dont think using violence as entertainment is so good.

    I guess video games have their place, but I think people need to get out and get fresh air, and not be cooped up for hours playing crazy video games, guess I am a bit old fashioned, when I was a small child the big video game of the day was pac man, (quite a bit behind the times in terms of video games), I went out to play instead. Being in So Cal with it's many gorgeous days, I would rather get outside and enjoy them, then be glued to a screen with a game controller, but that is just me.;)
  15. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    I don't believe there was any rape in the game. I believe they did torture someone from what I've read. And, of course, there is the simulation of violent murder in almost every game. Are we talking about violence and the violent deaths of male and female characters in general or are we discussing something else?
  16. missshyness

    missshyness Active Member

    just talking violence in general, seeing it in media in any form is not too fun for me, have seen some of it in real life and plenty on the news, so for me, why would I want to play with it as well.
  17. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

  18. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    To clear things up a bit, what happened is that someone figured out a way to hack the game so a charscter gets forcibly dry humped in a very cartoonish, unrealistic way. It's not an actual depiction of sex or rape. Just a character frozen in place while another character is close to it making jerky, caught in a loop, motions.

    No disrespect to Missshyness or Goodlove. Both have great points. But, as usual these days, everything sexually unwanted or unintended is labled rape and when people hear the word "rape" they don't even check the story out for themselves. They just react.

    Rape is a very serious, life altering crime. People, like the girl in the video, should stop using to describe every little unliked transgression of a sexual nature.
  19. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    You just help to make the point I was trying to make to K. I soo enjoy your posts......lol

    I know that you didn't direct that at anyone in particular, but I moved to sunny Florida because I love staying inside the house playing video games soo much.....lol

    The default mindset is that loving the outdoors and being the lover of video games are mutually exclusive attributes. You have already admitted that you don't play video games, so it goes without saying that you would rather be doing something else, but you still took the trouble to express your view of video games with your word choice "glued to a screen" as if playing video games has to be an obsessive venture.

    This is not an attack on you, I'm just making a point. I think what you revealed was more subconscious than anything. I wouldn't waste my time trying to find a gamer to date, (too rare) but if I found one I sure wouldn't kick her to the curb for getting upset over a game.

    Playing video games on a sunday is no different than watching football or movies, and if your SO likes playing games it's no different than watching a movie with her. Yet somehow an obsessive nature is attributed to gaming. You want to know why?

    It's because you and many others consider it to be a waste.
  20. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Thx for clearing the air.

    Please note I stated in just about every post I said "I never played the game but......" So going off of what you guys were saying.

    I also stated in reference to the rape issue, I said put everything into context in this game. Was it suppose to be a joke.

    Also for the grabbing ass or whatever any unwanted sexual advances should not be minimized and taken seriously. If a dude goes at a woman like that, in their minds, he could do something deadly.
    We as men , especially BM , need to be sensitive to that due to it would be parallel to being white privilege. Meaning where wp say to blacks racism is overblown or you racism doesn't exist look we have a black president.

    We need to be careful how we come off.

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