Sausage farm

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove8, Sep 16, 2016.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I was referring to your dislike or irritation at the stereotype, and l said as such. That is what l meant. By the same token, who cares if there exists one. It doesn't affect anyone but those who want to be rude about it.

    You do always support that people should be with who they want even though it's not your preference..l know it seems like l'm conflating the two, but l'm not.

    You have every right to be concerned about your relatives, but others health are not your concern if it doesn't affect you. It's the disengenous excuses (not from you) but a certain other who first cited health concern, then the expense overweight people incur on the system, completely disregarding greater cost with other illnesses, to then outright mocking in my curves thread.

    I don't deny there is an epidemic of obesity, but making people feel horrible for being a certain size is not helping to change things. Negative reinforcement doesn't work and it never has. So if a person is a certain size and healthy, let them be that size of they want to be. If they are unhealthy and their weight is the cause, then by all means weight reduction should be encouraged.

    Now l do believe weight extremes on both ends of the spectrum is biologically unhealthy and life-threatening, you will never see me defend that, but usually those levels are accompanied by mental health issues or trauma. The weight we find ourselves sustaining or fluctuating is the most complex, physical and mental dynamic the human body endures, simply because one's life literally depends on it. As such, it falls prey to also being the most abused.

    The last 2 sections are my general consensus and not directed at you specifically.
  2. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    We disagree about stereotypes having no affect. We all know there are numerous stereotypes about BM/BP, whether its the so called positive "BBC stereotype" with its disgusting roots going back to slavery, the negative ones; lazy, crime prone, less intelligent, ect. I have had an elderly Japanese woman, complete stranger, come up to me in public and tell me that I must be a really good singer and dancer, I have had people say to me that they were surprised when they met my wife that she is so physically fit, ect. That kind of lazy thinking must be corrected (although I have been know to cut a rug at weddings, I cant sing to save my life).

    We agree that such ignorance should be shrugged off and not given much energy, hence my "mild" annoyance, at the large lady stereotype, but such simplistic thinking can have lasting effects if they are not challenged and corrected, you never know if people in power, hiring managers, teachers, politicians, ect. are subscribing to such stereotypes.

    Thank you for your apology, and we are pretty much in agreement about the obesity epidemic we are seeing both home and abroad, mocking and deriding others rarely inspires positive changes, most people just dont respond to such tactics (unlike the military and some sports where such tactics are still very prevalent, my college coach and Bobby Knight were close friends, so you can imagine the abuse I had to put up with and witness over 4 years of college ball).
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I'm in complete agreement with you on the detriment of singular stereotypes, l was addressing the specific one that BM like bigger ladies. It affects no one but the couple involved. Others surprised that your wife is fit is at best irritating, though the same might have been said of her nationality and been equally irritating. Good to know you can cut a rug! Do your skills ever end?

    Interesting @Bobby Knight..never knew he had a harsh coaching style if that's what you meant.

    Btw, as much as you note the detriment negative BM/BP stereotypes can have on hiring managers, etc..weight is a huge discriminator as well. It also stop people even applying for certain jobs due to knowing they will be judged. Employers will generally hire a slim pretty person over a larger pretty person and that's just a fact of life, as horribly unfair as it is.
  4. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Regarding Bobby Knight, who did recruit me, I had 4 years of pretty much this below..



    We agree that size discrimination is very real, and very unfair, as it is with all prejudice.
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Whoa. He sounded real pissed. I laughed at the guy who said in comments he was using it as his ring tone.

    Now that you showed me the choke, l remember that when it happened.

    Bobby has all the rings, right? Most?

    When you get a moment, do you think his formula was good for the teens, or were you fear motivated, or actually inspired?
    Wow that he recruited you :). You must have been and felt quite special.

    * I wonder if he yells at his kids like that..*
  6. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Totally believe that he does. I feel sorry for his wife. I'm sorry for Loki.

    I never understood how screaming and yelling at someone would motivate them. It is just unfortunate that the kids needed what I assume to be a scholarship. I wouldn't take that crap. I'd have transferred to the next School. I got a short life to live and I am not spending it an angry man.
  7. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Knight won 3 championships, John Wooden (UCLA) has the most at 10. My coach was exactly like Knight, just not as well known, used the same fear and threat tactics. I STILL wake up from nightmares where he ran us all until every single one of us threw up or dry heaved after some losses. I saw him breakdown some very good players, reduce them to tears, I never gave him the satisfaction of knowing he got to me, which made him even angrier with me, I can honestly say that I did not improve as much as I could have with a different coach. My Dad put his foot down and said that under no circumstances would I play for Knight, which is why I ended up on the west coast for college, we were fooled by my coach's nice guy act when he was recruiting me.
  8. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Well there is good reason why Knight ended up fired from Indiana and Texas Tech for his outrageous actions. Its easy to say that you would just transfer, but its a lot more complicated than that, the NCAA allows coaches to block athletes from transferring intra-conference, and the coaches will threaten to bad mouth you and black ball you to other coaches to limit if not eliminate your choices if you want to transfer. Most of these athletes do not come from wealthy families that can afford for them to just walk away from a full ride scholarship, so the abuses go unchecked for FAR too long, and Lord help you if you get hurt. John Oliver did a GREAT show on how student athletes are routinely abused per below a while ago.

  9. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Keeping his cool is not in his bag
  10. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Well I hope we agree that there's no reason to be an ass to people who are over weight especially in this site when BM/bp should be the first ones sympathetic to hatred and discrimination
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Are you serious?
    Nowhere near the same thing
  12. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Giving your pov and saying it's not cool
    Uuhhh dude. You did say some foul stuff.
  13. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Sigh. The point is not being ass to people. That's the point. You get it. Stop being ass to people regardless if their physical appearance.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I was never an ass I just said the dreaded F word and the heavens opened up with fire and brimstone because there were some overweight women on here that didn't want in mentioned at all ever. Some would straight up try to lie and say being underweight was as big of a problem.
  15. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Not from their view point and a lot of the things you said was pretty foul . You may not intended but they were jacked different than white privilege in that they would say stuff and didn't realize it was insulting.

    Remember the thread called "fat is the new n-word" webbue had to take it down
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah and that was ridiculous one of the reasons I did that thread was because a member, a woman, was talking about her own body and her issues with weight and the same bullshit took root. How dare she mention weight, its like someone shutting down the conversation if we talk about the n-word. Its ridiculous.
  17. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    That was not the premise of the thread. In any case you said some foul stuff and the men were coming at you as well as majority of the women , big and small. At the end of it all you realized and said yourself you was wrong for putting up the thread.
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You nailed it. One would think there was an open mind available and understanding present. Very sad when they don't get it.
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Only three? I might have confused him with the Duke coach. And yet it's Wooden. Who knew?
    I'm in disbelief at your experiences with your coach and his similarity to Knight's behaviour. They should be ashamed, especially because that abject behaviour has been proven by psychologists to be a tactical failure. (unless you completely want to break a human and rebuild, like the military).
    I recall a NJ coach was fired a few years ago for his abuses to his players. Don't recall the school but it was well known.

    Again, the machinations behind the college b-ball program is fascinating and repugnant to me at the same time. Imagine wanting to leave and not really being able to because of dirty politics.
    I just hope these young men can see through the BS and not personalize or internalize it. Mad respect to coaches who coach with Dignity.
  20. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    I don't remember him saying he was wrong for that thread? Things got heated and there were many comments made that were purely hateful, personal and spiteful...he was far from the only one, if you remember correctly. There was nothing wrong with the thread (it was encouraging and peaceful for the first few pages), his only error was thinking that a conversation about weight could be had here. If you saw it without prejudice you'd have seen the potential value that thread had. Many times, threads are judged by the creator not always the content.

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