Sausage farm

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove8, Sep 16, 2016.

  1. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Ah - and there you have it.
  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    first response

    You got to love K:p
  3. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Why are there so many goodlove aliases?
    I'm just now noticing this. I knew you were here before June 2016.
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Absolutely! THIS doesn't surprise me in the least!

    Thank you @ bolded! You saved me the trouble to set K straight! She disappears for four+ years and thinks she knows what the hell has gone on here.

    Also, l haven't backed down, even in the face of constant abuse and insults by the same crew.
    I'm the only one left standing, actually.

    Though l certainly don't throw a fit when you say the women have left..because..they pretty much have.
    Like you noted, relationships are a two way street, everyone has issues to deal with and if only one side doesn't want to hear it, well then that creates problems.

    There isn't a woman on here, or who came through here that hasn't been sympathetic to the racism Blacks experience, however even those who might not quite understand or have lived sheltered lives got the side-eye. Not every woman lives in America, this is an international site and every one has different experiences. It's gotten to the point if you don't get in step with one monolithic POV, you're e-jumped. It's a bloody joke.
    And mocking forum women's appearances and age is a whole other reason(s), too.
  5. K

    K Well-Known Member


    I've certainly never been mistaken for a "dude" and I'm sure Raider has never been either.

    Tams still around, Stiletoes, Becca, Cherok33,

    Unique and Gem pop up

    Books and Bliss have been posting.

    And there are a handful of others that I'm missing (sorry, I'm tired and I know I'm forgetting some!)
  6. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Wow really? I was gone for 4+ years? interesting. I wasn't...but whatever. You are saying you are the only one standing, you are dismissing the rest of the women. Different people are here for different reasons and interested in posting in different types of threads. Not everyone cares to get into deep conversations or debates. It's not a competition.

    I know you have said things about discussions about "women's issues". Clearly you are more than capable of posting threads that you wish to discuss. Whether or not others what to get in and discuss them will be a matter of personal preferences and interests.

    I think you bring up a good point about mocking forum women's appearances and age. Not just the forum members but even other women (celebrities, etc). I think women get really turned off seeing all that. Not only that, it's just complete bullshit and not representational of real life at all. All the men on here aren't with women who are super models, yet to read it, you would certainly think so. Once upon a time there were several men who were on here who were very expressive about being into bbws and they have either left or become very quiet about their likes.

    Since you seem to know what the issues are with the forum, what are your solutions for making things better?
  7. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Meh it will rise back again. Honestly, I remember back in the days when people would carry beef to other threads. I found it hilarious. There was more than two or three characters on here now. The forum bounced back. It has never been as toxic as it was back then. I do remember one friend coming in and stating why she was leaving and it wasn't because of this. Both genders had made it difficult on here for her.

    While I remember an era where you could not say the F word( no not that F word) without a fight.

    The politics which is what it mostly comes down to is contained for the most part and most women who would come on here are liberal progressive or what have you.

    The big thing is probably the age and physically appearance for women. It kind of isn't nice(see how I am sugar coding this without insulting someone) to compare someone to the dough boy. I get it that other person was being a bit mean. It is not required for everyone to say hi. You shouldn't make assumptions about people ... blah blah... just don't watch her show and move on.

    On the other side, you got to understand the same sensitivity when it comes from black men being presented poorly. You can't say spoiled brat or throw insults(see how I am sugar coding this without insulting someone) and expect for it to not offend others when you know what he is doing especially if he is like most of the men on the forum aka college graduate.

    cats add points of dislike to themselves. As I said to one person a long time ago... You have to be able to sugar code it.:D
  8. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    It doesn't.
  9. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    You just mad cause you can't handle all the knowledge that get's dropped. Especially on how to deal with raising a biracial child and how to handle any racism.....:p
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    It's sugar-coat.

    Having read the archives of over ten years ago, the forum arguments haven't changed much. Even 7 years ago. Five. Two.

    I read an archive when some Women (and some men) were appalled at IR porn images being introduced to the site. The bottom line was made clear - this is a money-making site, and it increased traffic.

    What was the F word? A gay insult?
  11. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I wasn't talking about 7 years ago. I've been here since 2005. You need to go back further. The F word is fat. You couldn't go around saying fat. It felt like you couldn't do it about other people not even on the forum. I felt for a reason. I mean what mikey said about you was pretty much out of line even in today's standards. It is a money making site and if you are on the forums to date then we usually tell you to go to the personals. This forum is mainly for voicing opinion..... Doesn't matter what your gender is.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Mikey? Pfft, try North and TDK. They have said the nastiest insults falsely assuming things about my figure.

    There's nothing wrong with the word fat f not used to insult. I can just imagine the arguments from before 2005. People don't really change much. Fattism is the last bastion of allowed discrimination.
  13. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to lie. I don't pay attention to any of these threads. I know what I am walking into in a North thread. Opinions:p
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Keep lying it suits you
  15. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Bliss, I believe you would agree that I endeavor to be respectful and engender true conversation when I post. The one time I can remember when you flat out insulted me was during a conversation about larger women when I expressed mild irritation at the "all Black men love larger women" stereotype. If memory serves you said I was "bitch crying" about it, so I don't believe you are being completely honest when you say the f word is not a hot button issue for you.
  16. 1449225

    1449225 Well-Known Member

    Welcome Back!
  17. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    When it is used to abuse, yes it is.

    The thread l think you are referring to which webbie deleted or cleaned up was about Ashley Graham making the SI cover. I stayed out of it for many many pages while certain members expressed whatever disapproval they wanted. If l said that, it was probably my collective frustration at the overall comments. There WAS fat-bashing going on, vieled and overt. So if you felt you expressed mild irritation and l responded that way, l apologize for it.

    I have gotten the read more than once that you have a problem with the resulting image a BM might project when with a larger woman, rather than promote a laissez-faire attitude in one's partner of choice. Even if you don't approve of it being a stereotype, why should it matter? How does it effect you?
  18. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Thank you! I've been thinking about you, wondering how you're doing almost one year in!! I hope you love it!
  19. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Bliss, your "read" aside, you have never seen me shy away from expressing tough or controversial opinions if I believe in them. If I had a problem with who other people dated based on their appearance I would, as I always have here, state my opinion and face whatever backlash resulted. I have said REPEATEDLY on this forum that nobody's preference should be ridiculed or made fun of, so I'm not sure where you are getting your "read". I have stated my preference, as well as posted pictures of my wife and I, but just because I prefer slender women does not mean I have a problem with larger ladies or those who prefer them.

    That being said, due to seeing the first hand ravages of diabetes in family members who did not take their weight and health seriously, I do speak out when I believe certain posts downplay or dismiss weight as a risk factor to health.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Loki again.

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