Sausage farm

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove8, Sep 16, 2016.

  1. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Well we did it. There's nothing but dudes in this place. Wtf?
  2. K

    K Well-Known Member

  3. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    And this thread helps to increase the presence of women on the forum how?
  4. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Thank you.
  5. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

  6. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Yes really. Bliss and I talked about how slot of ww have left. Why? Cause a lot of dudes would shout down women issues. They would get the victim measuring sticks or whatever. Look around you will see a lot of the ww left and new ones don't stay or join.

    I also told bliss it's the women's fault for not discussing more of their pov .

    So yeah. Really
  7. K

    K Well-Known Member

    What you fail to realize is there still are women on this forum. So then you post things like this, again disrespecting the women who do exist on here. Maybe if you showed more respect to those of us who are around, it would bring more forward.

    This is another one of those times where you seem to get a part of it but miss so much. You notice an issue but then you go about trying to figure it out and creating a solution the wrong ways.

    Maybe, if you really want women to continue and more to come then it would be a good idea to first show respect to all those who are here and secondly do things that will attract new women. If you want to do so, maybe it would be a good idea to ASK the women rather than to make assumptions based on what one person (who straight up insults people and many have gone against on here) say. But for that to happen then people would have to be open to reading what women really have to say about such things.

    Do you really think most women are coming to an IR site wanting to talk about "women's issues"? Think about it. Most women are coming to an IR site because they are intrigued, interested, attracted, dating, in a relationship with, or married to black men. Many come on hoping to see that black men are going to be interested in them, that maybe it would be a positive environment where white women and black men are building each other up and supporting one another. Where they will find acceptance and can talk about concerns and issues they may face regarding being involved in IR. Maybe a place where people understand and show some sense of compassion. Maybe a place that celebrates IR. Do you think the site shows any of that?
  8. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Well damn. Someone who actually understands what SHOULD BE going on on this site.

    * waits for the lurking Hoteps, wanna be cuckolds lifestylers, Neo-Confederates or in house supporters of the various other non-IR related agendas that are often pushed here to say otherwise*
  9. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    They have and tried. We had a discussion about ww being raped and we had guys say infer that a BM plight is worst than yours. The victim measuring stick.

    There has been complaints from women here saying they were getting shouted down. Also wheni say women issues that would include their pov on IR also.

    Also I have posted a few of IR topics that ww could discuss their side. Their pov such as ww relating to their black kids such as raising them...etc.

    I've a thread about a ww being discriminated against at her job. The men turned it about them. I have started a few threads that would allow ww to give their pov.

    There's more to IR than just the attraction. If that's all they wanted to discuss then let's not get mad at the fetish thing.
  10. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    The problem here is not the men. K is 100% correct in why most women come here and it's not too talk "women issues". I come here to show my love and respect for bm, to speak on my experiences as a ww dating/marrying/procreating interacially, etc. I appreciate the threads trying to get opinions from ww about raising biracial kids, etc, but you see GL, some women around here get offended when those of us with biracial children speak out about raising non-white kids (even when we're directly asked about it lol). People nowadays look to be offended so many conversations just can't be had. Women deal with injustices daily, I live it just like the rest, I don't come here to dwell on those things. If your ww threads don't get traffic then it's because people aren't interested...including the ww here lol. No big deal, on to the next thread

    But if you make a thread where we're discussing ww losing their inheritance for dating bm, while we're seeing bm murdered nearly daily by those paid to protect and serve, I'm happy to bring out that victim measuring stick every.single.time. :smt069

    A ww who still pops in from time to time
  11. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Point taken but she's not 100% correct however there have been ww that wanted to talk different issues other than but shied away due to the victim stick. You know as well how it goes.

    One ww started s thread about the crap ww go thru and her house being vandalized (I believe she stated that) and a lot of guys acted like they were shocked.

    BM discuss the shit we go thru all the time example... well hell just about every other thread is about BM facing racism.

    Also a relationship of any kind is a two way street.

    Love ya.

    So if it's just one way then that's being selfish. Example the thread about a ww being discriminated against at her job and all them kept saying "if it was a bw.." I'm like really? Only a small group of dudes were sympathetic toward the ww. It was funny and sad.

    Soooo let's get the sticks

    Oh @k raider nows good and well I don't disrespect women. She's the main one saying im wearing my cape when it comes to women and especially bw. Hhmmmmm
  12. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Such things that ww need to know about black kids is that they are suspended at a higher rate than white. You say your child is biracial but society says black.

    Article on the suspensions
  13. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

  14. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    You do wear a cape and defend women...even when no defense is needed lol. But that's just you. I think Ks point is that you keep saying there's NO women left around here, but she posts intellectual, genuine, on-topic posts quite frequently around here so to say there's NO ww left is disrespecting her very presence here, along with the, albeit few, other female posters. That's just what I'm reading, maybe I'm wrong.

    I think it's hard sometimes when we're dealing with such tremendous racism and acts of hate and violence towards bm in particular, to focus our sympathy on the general struggles women endure. To me it's about there being bigger fish needing/deserving my time/attention/focus. It's not a matter of intentionally "downplaying" or turning a blind eye to women's issues... Hell I have a vagina between my legs so there is NO ignoring what we deal with for me lol... but there are much bigger issues in this country right now. At least in my opinion.
  15. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Thank you!
  16. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Oh and btw....racism and black men/people getting killed IS a woman's issue when the women are involved with black men and have biracial or black children.
  17. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Thanks hon!
  18. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member


    Actually all the fish need to be fried. if you are a ww you better be aware of the racism and hate facing you and the kids you raise and be aware how to raise them and especially if u are a single mom.

    To say different is wrong. Oh let's be 100 you wear that capt save a-dick on your
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
  19. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

  20. K

    K Well-Known Member

    GL - I'm confused. Are you now wanting to change the topic of this thread?

    Why not start another thread about issues for black/biracial children? I'm all for that. But wouldn't that be talking about racism and you don't think that's what ww are wanting to discuss??

    Do you not understand that those of us with black men and who have black/biracial children ARE facing the same issues that the men are discussing? Do you not realize that we live it every day?

    BTW I find it fascinating that you want to post this thread and then you want to argue with the women who actually come on here to post what we actually think and feel about the site. Don't you see that you are doing exactly what you accuse others of doing?

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