Right, and even some who complain that there's no NAAWP. These individuals must think we enjoy the necessity for NAACP, Civil Rights Act, Affirmative Action and so on to exist.
Yes, I would have to agree. Many understand conditional racism, but not institutionalized racism. Kind of like this meme... People also tend to assume that institutionalized privilege applies to all, when most people of color only experience conditional privilege.
This is such a tough one! I don't think there is a "right way". I think some things work for a little bit....maybe. But it needs to keep being changed up. More and different ways to shake things up and try to get something done. This is something that's been an ongoing struggle for me. I've done the trying to work within the system for change, working against it, and all sorts of various avenues. I've tried to address things at a small level and at higher levels. The one thing I have learned is that it's always changing and as soon as it seems something is working, it's time to move to a new way because people want a quick fix easy answer and for it all to just go away. The idea of - oh it's been handled, why do you keep wanting to talk about THAT stuff?! The really tough part is that those who are out there doing whatever they can end up getting really frustrated and exhausted and end up giving up.
I'll say this most of the women on here are very compassionate when given the chance but the one blind spot a lot of them have is they fail to see in this country race trumps gender so when certain conversations about oppressionand gender come up it's really hard to see evidence of what they talk about on here.
I completely agree. There isn't a right or wrong way. Historically speaking, the establishment is never ok with protests that aim to support the marginalized. In 30 years or less there will be a documentary on A&E or something on the strides that people took for equality and this will be one of them. Meanwhile, the people of that generation will look back to now with disgust. It always goes this way.
Yeah I get it. Use to go to rallies now I just send donations It's so damn depressing because we are so heavily anchored by the stupid and bigoted. Literally no rational thought gets in. Instead we're debating for pages why a man's free speech to not salute the flag is so damn offensive. These same assholes are offended by rape murder poverty or any other REAL problem they'd rather focus on trivial b.s..
Nailed it! The meme and what you said. If you ask me until we find a way to lower ignorance and insensitivity among the population, we can't beat racism. Because not only are they not educated enough, but they are stubborn and complacent in what they believe.
I don't think it necessarily has to boil down to one vs. the other. It tends to boil down to that when people leave out how many movements maintained various levels of white supremacy. I think if a person acknowledges those issues, and then continues the conversation on gender, then it is ok. But, as we have seen, it is difficult to get people to acknowledge it. In addition to that, when people do acknowledge it, you get the excuse of "well, everyone was racist". I think it is good and great to talk about gender issues, not necessarily in a thread about standing up for the rights of black people, but good in its own thread. The main problem (from what I remember in the past), was that the only time people would talk about gender issues or women's rights is in a thread about some guy getting in a fight with a woman. The same often goes for talking about race. I remember making a few posts talking about race and the black communities destroyed by race riots and how that affected certain current economic situations in our community. That was just met with a person or two asking me, "why do you like to victimize your people". Having a discussion on any issue requires an open mind. Many do not possess that open mind, so it just turns into an argument (which I have been guilty of in the past, as well as plenty of others in the forum). I think a solution might be to start a thread with a set of rules in order to create productive discourse instead of an argument.
Absolutely! Speaking out/protests are often the result of something unacceptable continuing. All one really need to do is think back to the days in which MLK was leading marches/protests etc. He was seen as a troublemaker by even the FBI. So if any of these people think this is going away as in we're just going to sit by quietly... They're sadly mistaken.
True story I only see it getting worst the more tech makes it possible for people to not interact I tried oculus rift this weekend and it became very clear VR is gonna mark the end of modern society. Who is going to leave their VR world to engage real seniors in the regular world.
U r right its a sausage fest. Excuse me but again I have said things here that has caused me to be called the following: 1. Ass kissing bw (that has to be the dumbest ever. Think on that for second) 2. Ass kissing ww. Lol. As far as negative stuff about wp...thats false. They talk racism.....it doesn't mean they hate wp. The problem i have is every other thread is about racism but it happens that why they talk I guess. If the women had made threads that were geared toward them or gotten into threads that were geared toward them then.....
WOW!! Somebody really said that? As I understand it, "Cunt" is a cussword/insult that isn't used in the Black Community. So most BM don't understand how offensive a word it is to WW. The only reason I know how offensive it's supposed to be is becasue 1 of the podcasts I listen to have disscused it a couple of times. But naw, no way is "Cunt" is more offensive than the N-word.
Well l have here and there and Lippy did one but it was less discussion and more pics. Besides, some of the women here tried to discuss the issues of being a woman and were argued with and dismissed. I do agree it is mostly talk of racism, but there is also some collective negative talk of WP in general, unless you "are a (blindly, always) down WP". As we see, you can't even be black and have an alternate view without being called all sorts of racial names. I recall we had a new member who eventually posted in a thread on the inequities here, that she was afraid to give her opinion because she would be misconstrued and jumped on, so she never posted in the news topic threads. That's sad but not surprising. I'm sure lot's are scared to speak their POV or are scared away. Nothing is a one-way street when it comes to human interactions and reactions here in the U.S, so there can't really be serious discussion by all until that is understood. Yes, you do get called rotten names anytime you show support for women when most here won't (including by a couple of women)..it's actually quite comforting knowing you don't follow mob rule..and you never have. Yep..it's a sausage fest. But l think there's a couple of guys here who like it that way. :???: