NFL QB National Anthem Protest

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Thump, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    That's actually not why it is, Bliss. For some of them, it's based on their narcissism and how psychologically intimidating they can act when they don't get their way or when someone else suggests something else to them. If the woman is "dominating" the man in a relationship and things aren't 50/50 instead, that's why women aren't going to have that much support from the other gender.
  2. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    I'm not a fan of artificial sweeteners
  3. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    I'm not either but if I'm cheating I'm cheating anything with real sugar feels to seeet now though. :/.
  4. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  5. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member


  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Huh? I did not say l'm short and chubby. I have to laugh at the absurdity of this whole post. Hahaha.
    I said l was quite BUSTY. I am 5'6"..that's pretty average height.
    Yes, l don't run because of my BUST. l have to hold them if l do, so l bike, walk , light jog. Silly.
    I laughed even more at your last line.

    Sometimes you make great, honest raw posts. This one where you tried to suck up to Meowpussy was a dud.
    Actually no, it's a classic. :smt036
  7. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Wow, really?

    It's always the woman's fault, isn't it? :roll:
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well whose fault is it?
    If someone annoys you to the point where you want to leave who stops you from using ignore?
    I've done it to several members when they annoy me
  9. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    I have never understood being so annoyed that you put someone on ignore. This shit isn't that serious to me.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Give it a rest. I never see you crying that nonsense whenever every other thread gets derailed.
    Don't fret, we shall continue to talk about your "black sport's hero" as you called him. You know, the one who talked about eradicating oppression but didn't include women. Just how you like it.

    Because, God forbid in a thread on your hero with almost 600 comments, that we can encompass women's struggles, also. Yoo hoo. We exist too. Hi!
    But we are not permitted to speak. Not on your watch, Captain!

    Also, why didn't you call out "derailment" when K brought up White men?

    Or the 20 posts between you men talking about dating foreign women, your preferred female body types, photos of WW comparing skinny to athletic, etc.

    Where was your wailing, Kitten?
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2016
  11. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Actually, l think you are, because you have been.
    Actually, l think you are, because you have been.
    Pretends? Even though l was told by INS l had to be a citizen. Ok.
    Now where did l use veterans to push my argument? I have been lasered on the flag. Veterans are a part of the conversation et al across this country. Even the President spoke on them today.
    So miss me with me using the argument in the disussion. AB brought the Military up. Colibreh brought up the militaryforvets. I have been responding to posts on it, not using it as my argument, but shit l will start to now!
    Lol you won't discuss Vets with civilians? GTFOH. You hypocrite - you don't shut up discussing women with me and you sure as hell aren't one! :smt061
    As is a long list who don't. There are millions and millions of Vets. So you know how they all feel??

    What are you talking about.. "again"?

    Well what a clusterfuck of nonsense l'm still attempting to decipher. Why bring up you being born black here..and? I've lived here as long as you have. And then saying l "married into it"..into what?
    Roman holiday? I wish. I scrimped and saved to travel. Not like l joined the Military that paid me to see the world.
    Hey there's an original idea. I should copyright it. :?

    Finally, no l won't leave. You leave like you did the last time as LAW when it got all too much for you in the "women should be punched in the face" thread. You say you returned a better man after realizing you were angry because a woman raped you.. Bullshit. You returned alright - to the woman-hating LAW you always were.
  13. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    And as they say, that is that.
  14. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    The first picture of the injured vets you posted with the caption about heroes. None of the previous posts had labeled CK as a hero and agreeing with someone's actions doesn't mean seeing them as a hero. Whether you intended to or not, posting that picture can imply to some that his stance is disrespectful to vets, vets won't agree with him or just anything to put CK and vets on opposing sides.

    And for someone who appears to support the military, comments such as "running off to the military" and "joined the military that paid me to see the world" as if you're running off to Vegas to get married or if we're getting paid to fuck off and party in another country as opposed to do our jobs suggest your civilian life is somehow above it.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Preach brotha. Let her know
  16. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    I'm done arguing with her and her irrelevant opinion on the subject. Thanks for standing up for me brother, I appreciate it.
  17. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Disagreement doesn't necessarily equate hatred. Just because someone doesn't like you, doesn't mean they hate women. You honestly remind me of those fake patriots who never serve in the military, but talk about how patriotic they are, collect all kinds of guns, and talk about "I will defend this country if... blah blah blah", but never actually served and defended it. If you didn't live in philly, I wouldn't be surprised if you lived in some super right-wing militia compound. But, back to your, "woman-hating" comment. Let's put it this way, I hate women as much as you hate black men. :cool:

    This is my final reply to your derailing, crap opinions, red herrings, irrelevant arguments, and your "white feminism". Look up the term. It was created by women of color (you know, those women who experience oppression way more than you do and are also oppressed by women like you). Your constant derailing of black issues in this thread, as well as your "I too am oppressed" malarkey is purely white feminism. You wanted us to be angry with 4north because of what you said about him. If that is the case, then we should also be angry with you for what he said about you. Derail all you like, but the reality is that you attempted to pit veterans against Colin and it failed, miserably. You lied about truly wanting to join because if you wanted to you would have (TDK and Paniro are even considering reserves even though they are older gentlemen with established careers and lives, what's your excuse for never joining when you wanted to so badly?). You haven't lived here your whole life like we have. Experience outweighs most things in life, and quite frankly, as natural born Americans, we have way more experience in this country than you do. So, our opinions far outweighs yours. Deal with it.

    Colin is protesting for BLACK PEOPLE (IE. BLACK MEN AND WOMEN). Your "white feminism" is showing, dear. Don't think I forgot that you tried to lie and blame your derailing tactics on DudeNY, when you derailed first.

    With damn near everyone disagreeing with you throughout the entirety of this thread, I wonder...
    I think you just want to argue at this point. I am not longer entertaining it.

    I haven't forgotten your passive aggressive insults about my previous rank and position in the military (when your ass was too weak and unwilling to join).

    And Finally, from me (A disabled Iraq war veteran) to you (a woulda coulda shoulda joined so-called-patriot, who tries to make up for her lack of patriotism towards her home country by using faux-patriotism in her current country of residence)
    Enjoy your morning, civilian.

    P.S. You are a punk for bringing up me being raped to argue with me. Just because I disagree with you and don't like your bullshit or you after your passive aggressive comments about my military experience and position, doesn't mean I hate women. But, reminding me I was raped (as if that shit isn't still hard to talk about), because you assumed it was going to make me agree with your bullshit, or be submissive to your passive aggressive insults, is a punk ass move. Since you like bringing up women's issues, I know you wouldn't have pulled that shit on a woman. So, kindly, Go fuck yourself.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2016
  18. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    If a guy is saying slick shit about women and or being a hypocrite then the women as a whole need to get in his ass.
    This place is not just for BM.
  19. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    by the amount of anti white comments made daily here you would swear it was
  20. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member


    Moving on......

    Ladies put up threads that are important to you. Hell I've it up threads that were more woman oriented and no one went in. So who is at fault?

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