Have you ever dated a person that you did not find their sense of humor funny at all?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Sep 2, 2016.

  1. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Like you would seriously sit there with the


    stone face, couldn't even muster a up a fake laugh when they was being funny.

    I've always wondered if it was possible to be truly attracted to somebody but not find them amusing what so ever. I think it's impossible.
  2. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

    Yup tried looking past it but I gave up.
  3. K

    K Well-Known Member

    That might be tough.

    How about someone who can't get your humor too?
  4. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Lol. I don't think many people could stomach lame or forced humour. I think you're facial expressions would reflect it all lol. I couldn't do it.
  5. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    Partners need to have a similar sense of humor to get along in the long run I think.
  6. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Yep and there is nothing worse than trite humour on a loop.

    If it's bad enough, you feel willing to dig out your own heart with a dessert spoon, just to end it all.
  7. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Yeah I have but it wasn't a deal breaker
  8. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    The quest for broad humor still persists.
  9. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    IMO it's more important for a woman to have a quick laugh or smile than her ability to make ME laugh.

    People with no sense of humor are hard to deal with long term.
  10. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    Yeah. I did for a couple, maybe three months.

    She was so unbelievably fine and the sex was off the hinges. So, I put up with it for as long as I could. But, alas, I just couldn't go on any longer. The bore factor was increasing daily. She didn't get my humor, or any humor for that manner, at all. If sex robots ever become a thing, I'd imagine they'll be a lot like her.

    Anyway, she was starting to get attached and I knew there was no way in hell I was getting serious with her. So, I had to unplug her from my network. Suddenly, there was a flash of humanity. A tear in her eye. But, it was too little, too late. The Girlbot2000 was jettisoned with the knowledge she would find someone more suited to her ... personality. Or, lack thereof.

    But, damn she was hot.
  11. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

    Which SKYNet model was she? :smt080
  12. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure. I just made sure I let her go before this happened;
  13. Rochiebabes86

    Rochiebabes86 Well-Known Member

    I'm with you - it's impossible. I wouldn't last a lunch date with a guy who couldnt make me laugh

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