I agree. There are some physical variances in bone shapes, but we are all homosapiens. You can blame the Man for "race". And l mean that literally.. You men..smh..ruined utopia.
You know this yet you feed ignorant people with this "black on black" nonsense while mocking me when I call it what it is: Gang Violence. Po Paniro, he should unfriend you when he discovers he is the fool. :smt042
black-on-black crime is a myth created to get people to believe that being black is inherently criminal. Until you can find the statistics that says the majority of crime in inner city neighborhoods are hate crimes, black people killing other black people because they are black you like others are dim and wrong to label it black-on-black crime, just because they are the same race. The majority of it is gun violence, it is gang violence, it is not racial violence. This is one of the things racist use to put the blame on black people. When they say in defense to the racism in the justice system that black people should fix and worry about the issues in their own community that is racist, because they are looking at the black community as if it is not even apart of America. Problems in ANY american community are american problems, anybody that looks at it differently because they see a race opposite to theirs so therefore believe that only that race should deal with it is talking in a racially segregated way and that is racist and unamerican.
Remember when I said most people don't even know who Arthur de Gobineau is? That's part of the problem with race especially here in a america.
Racist morons compare the differences in the apes which are different species to the "races" which are not even in the same ball park of being an equivalency. Some physical variances? *dead* Where is your twin?
If you're going to take that position (yet again)... Why not childhood obesity as well. Obviously a serious problem in the USA, but like police brutality vs. black on black crime... Two different problem in which one has nothing to do with the other. If police were routinely brutalizing and killing whites... No doubt there would be outrage from many more. You can't tell me that the Tamir Rice incident playing out in suburbia with the child being white would've been handled the same. Outrage would've been immediate and strong and those cops would be behind bars. Therefore... Sadly, we have a group to convey the message that Black Lives Matter, too!
Darkcurry (haha when l typed curry, my autocorrect put I didn't create that name ( bobc) and l only used it (in air quotes) to point out a contradiction to TDK and NY. I couldn't care less what you call it. I call it murder. "Must prove it's a hate crime"? Well I still call it murder. Because to murder with disregard is a hate crime, period. I live in a predom black city and have for decades. So around here we just call it murder. I have stats for you, but to nutshell it, in the same statistical demographic, a black man has a greater chance of being killed by another black man. Not to say others don't kill him but the percentages are greater. The whys and what-not (which l agree with you per your second paragraph) are a whole new conversation ( we have here about once a week). Nevertheless, you can moralize on the wording of crimes, it doesn't change the facts. ...Black Americans are being killed at 12 times the rate of white people in the developed world An average of 19.4 African Americans per 100,000 people were the victims of homicide between 2010 and 2012 Black Americans are eight times more likely than white Americans and 12 times more likely than the average person in a developed country to be murdered, according to a new analysis. Analysis of figures released by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC) and the US Center for Disease Control by data blog FiveThirtyEight found an average of 19.4 African Americans per 100,000 people were murdered between 2010 and 2012. The second highest rate was in Lithuania with 6.9 people per 100,000 were murdered.
Not sure l'm following...twin? And what are you asking me @ variance? Some skulls and limbs are larger vs smaller, etc.. Why the *dead*?
You call out "men" for issues in the world. One thing I'll say is that man's weakness is ego, (the ones who haven't grown beyond theirs yet). No man Trumps age should have an ego as easily noticeable as his. The average 30 year old is more mature and spiritually developed than Trump. You really think that fool is beyond making mistakes? Especially when it comes to wars? Putin is one of the richest most powerful men in the world, and you want someone like trump who has the ego of a 12 year old to negotiate with him?? You can't be serious.
When I said hate crime, I was talking about the language the law puts it in to talk about racially motivated crimes. But once again a black man being killed by another black man no matter what the statistics indicate are shallow unless they can be proven that they were racially motivated. It is looking past the other issue with that and THAT is a problem!!
Childhood obesity in Black children? I would think that's important for the end game which is preservation of black life. I get BLM... How many time do l have to say this to you (yet again). I am of the ilk that all innocent lives matter, black white, Asian etc. So l firmly support the awareness to show the respect to black life as you would and do others. Tamir was a horrible situation and that cop should never have become one. That was proven. Not many disagree there, except the JD and his superiors. I think a similar thing happened where they shot dead a young white child and no national outrage, though l know they arrested the cops, not sure if it's gone to trial.
Childhood obesity period. Not just black children. Well... If you (and other who say the same) get it... Why does mere mention continue to invoke the black on black crime when, again... one has nothing to do with the other. Many do agree that the Rice incident was tragic all around, but my point is that that had it been a white child in middle/upper class suburbia... No one would be defending the cops' actions. I'd (and any other decent person) would be outraged at this happening to ANY child regardless of race. The Rice incident simply echoed is already a serious problem that too many don't want to admit and/or attempt to divert attention from.
I dont think they ever said it's motivated by race, or trying to fit the definition of a hate crime, but rather an identification of who is killing and who is getting killed.
It might be the name Black Lives Matter. Some take it literal. I never understood it to mean it's JUST against cops, particularly because it was born from Trayvon Martin's death from Zimmerman. AND in fact, BLM recently outlined their cause and it encompasses more than just police brutality.
It's a bowl of curry!! My absolute spice/ food addiction, btw. I would eat curry with everything if l could, lol.
Race isn't a who, it' a what. And not much of that. We are more our genders than we are race. Now that doesn't mean I will ignore the racial differences but those only exist physically, racism has caused people to make our race a mental and emotional one. I'm proud to be black, but I'am also proud to be a male, a human and James Curry.
LOL. This post reminds me I was thinking about doing a thread about the Chris Brown incident from Yesterday. But I thought about Bliss & didn't feel like arguing about it. Plus I already decided several months ago to stop defending Chris Brown's fuckery (even if I think he's in the right or is innocent) because he's such a damn fuck-up. If y'all don't know what incident I'm talking about, here's a News Report from Complex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZwJcI84nRE [YOUTUBE]oZwJcI84nRE[/YOUTUBE]