Milwaukee shooting and riot

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Paniro187, Aug 14, 2016.

  1. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Ok. Truce...lay down verbal weapons
  2. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    "Brain function" aka think like me and I'll deem you smart lol.
  3. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    You are talking to goodlove as if it's his fault for not noticing YOUR auto correct fucking up.

    That's YOUR auto correct not his. Either know your own phone, accept responsibility for it, or accept yourself for being the mindless prick that you are.
  4. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Aaww snap its on
  5. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Wrong, Bliss is smart even though I rarely agree with her.

    On the other hand you are a long running joke
  6. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

  7. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    Not really.
  8. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    That was insightful

  9. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    Back on topic

  10. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

  11. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    Parking violations broken tail lights etc.

    Since people holler at solutions all the time. Let me help.

    Don't park where you're not supposed to. And get your tail light fixed.

    It's like this is difficult.

    That mayor hit the nail in the head. Driving is a privledge not a right. You don't like following the law of the road ? Ride the bus.
  12. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I've literally gotten a ticket for a car that I did not own and never seen in my entire life. The judge released the ticket but the amount of time that had to waste to get it released was ridiculous. I was aware of the ticket after the second notice. Where did the first notice go?

    I've also traveled between Houston and pearland at night. A cop followed me all the way to kroger trying to write his ticket. Didn't get a ticket because I got to kroger and a cop has to fulfill his quota so he certainly isn't go to wait in the parking lot the whole 30 or so mins(That' right he parked and waited but was gone after I was gone)

    It is predatory. Everyone knows a cop follows you long enough you will break a law. There are more laws than any human being could possibly remember. To say don't break the law is to say you can memorize all of the laws. Reality is don't break the one's that the cops can remember. If both you and the cop break a law that neither one remembers it will not be enforced. however, who is going to spend more time remembering these laws, you or the cop?

    Also quotas tend to be at the end of the month at least where I am. It is nothing but a business to fund their organization.

    This is why less cops are better and why people out in the country have less problems with cops. less of them to fund their organization.

    Houston is the same way. It doesn't have enough cops to support it but that also means less cops to write tickets. People Jaywalk or ride their bikes on the sidealk like crazy. Cops almost never enforce it. An article came out and showed that black people are less likely to be shot than white people in Houston. I will also add that I have never had a problem with a Houston police officer. I feel that they actually do their jobs correctly and deserve their salaries. They aren't going out there looking to fulfill a quota. Can't say the same about NYC or pearland officers.
  13. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    Different cops have different shit to look for. Some cops look for tint too dark in the front windows. I have limo tint on my front windows. Most cops don't care about it. Some look for shit like that. My truck is lifted too high some cops care about that shit most can give a shit. If I get a ticket it's on me. And I need to pay for it.

    Some cops could give a shit about a broken taillight some do. It doesn't stop a person from bearing the responsibility of something being wrong with their vehicle. Are their quotas? Heck yes. I don't agree with it at all.

    I have got stopped plenty times in Houston in the last couple months got away with all of them except a one speeding ticket a couple months ago. They stop me. I show my non expired license and current insurance, they went back and checked me for warrants and let me go. Yes sir no sir thanks sir.
  14. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I'm glad we can agree that Police can discriminate at will. There would be people that might say that it is unfair that a police officer let you off.(obviously not me since I have gotten off) Who they target can be unfair. The police are suppose to enforce the law equally. They don't. That's the unfairness that people talk about.

    The other issue is that tickets don't work if you make a million or so. That's nothing more than a fee to speed. They need to have income based ticketing to stop bitching. This isn't a new idea but yet has not been implemented.

    On a side not: I've never been stopped by a Houston police officer. On the contrary, They've helped me when my car broke down. ;) I see they play some of the same games as any department such as giving worthless tickets that the Judge will release(I got one for hydroplaning. Judge released it. waste of my time and tax payer money.)but I know how the game is played. There are too many people ignorant of thow the game is played as a business because at the end of the day. ONLY YOU are responsible for you LIFE The police are not a contract for your safety.
  15. K

    K Well-Known Member

  16. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    From my run ins with the police the main thing they are looking for is warrants and if you have insurance. If you got that taken care of a lot of times they will let you make it. If you don't they will fuck you good. But ultimately driving is pay to play. I don't know one person white or black that hasn't ever got a ticket. Well my daughter hasn't because she's new to driving but that shit is coming. I told her if she gets a ticket let me know I will pay it don't hide it. I keep the tags up to date and keep the insurance paid. She hasn't been messed with yet but I did tell her if they pull you over be respectful. That's number 1 it's a damn shame but nine times out of ten they got you for SOMETHING. Eat it and don't try to fight a ticket on the side of the road.
  17. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Just want to point out how liberal Houston is. If you don't have insurance, a lot of the times you can just get it and they will rip up the ticket. They work with you. The Northeast is just F'ed up. That's what people don't get. I probably jaywalked once a week in Houston. You do that crap in NYC and you get a ticket.

    That being said I'm glad we can come to an understanding. I'll agree under normal terms treat them with the same respect that they treat you. That being said I've dealt with some of these a-hole officers. You need to know to get their names at the start of the conversation. and how to control the conversation. There should be classes on how to deal with the Police. Because if people understand what they are then they can understand how to deal with them legally and at the ballot. However, I lived in Houston where the mayor was a gay white woman and the chief was a black man. Now there is a black man as mayor and a Hispanic woman as Chief. It is far easier to deal with people who are sensitive to the needs of minorities than Milwaukee, Chicago or NYC.

    When one makes rules for the entire population and does not help the ones that were more affected then you can expect problems.
  18. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I just want to say I have been driving over 12 years and have received 2 tickets that I paid for. I find it odd if you have 30 tickets in some what the same time period as me and Philando is a couple of years older than me. I would qualify that as profiling. Maybe ten I could understand but if I got like 2 in over 12 years that says something about how demographics plays a game in who gets tickets.

    I'm only counting the traffic tickets that I deserved and not the ones that got released that should have never been written.
  19. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I've been around plenty of danger, but the time that I really feared for my life took place in NC. I think I posted this before but not sure if you saw it. Anyway this occasion that I'm about to discuss was really frighting, the police where nowhere to be found of course. I don't scare easily, but I was scared for most of this night.

    I was a teen at the time, in a club with some cousins and friends. I hit the dance floor after getting a good buzz. I wasn't on the floor 10 min before someone started shooting in the club. Gunshots sober you up quickly. I looked up and was close enough to the gun to see it smoke, don't remember if I actually seen the smoke from the powder because I ran into the restroom. When I left the restroom I found my cousins and friends outside the club. We jumped in the car and was stuck in traffic because everyone was trying to leave at once.

    Then I seen about 4 guys (I soon found out who they were) with Automatic weapons running up behind cars taking cover and shooting as they moved in closer to their target. At one point I was laying down in the backseat. My cousin said "Yall may think I'm saying this because I think we are going to die but I love all of Y'all. LOL.

    After being stuck in that traffic and being around automatic gunfire for about 30 min straight. My friend who was driving stops at a local restaurant no more than a mile from the club (Can you believe that shit?) so his cousin can get a friggin cheeseburger. While we are sitting in the car waiting on his cousin some guy was walking around brandishing his gun and he was visually pissed off. We had to avoid looking at him in his eyes in order to not possibly tick him off and get shot. So that was another 15 min. By this time I was so tired of the bullshit I probably would have challenged the guy if I was armed who knows. Mind you that there were still no Cops on the scene at this point, I didn't even hear sirens until we were halfway to the restaurant and still did not see one cop car.

    Then instead of going home like any sane person would have done my friend takes us to a club downtown. "Maan fuck that I'm staying in the car" I said.
    about 20 min later, lo and behold the same motherfuckers that shot up the last club we were shooting up downtown. Everyone ran out of the club I was sitting there shaking my head like can you take us home now sheesh. Talk about one looong night.

    Still no Cops in sight.

    I've been around a lot of danger but this was a night that I was really scared.

    One of the guys they were shooting at (during the first shoot out) was a real life version of Debo and Omar from the wire. I went to school with that dude (he was in the 12th when I was in the 9th) He was a REAL gangster, and the guys trying to kill him were drug dealers that he probably robbed, He was known to do that. "Debo/Omar" was a very big dude that was so stacked with muscle that he almost looked like a cartoon, If I told you some of the shit him and his crew did you would have a hard time believing half of it even tho you live in Philly. These guys were REALLY crazy.

    One day when he wore all of the gold he took from drug dealers it was said that he looked like Mr T with all of that jewelry.
  20. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    That Sheriff David Clarke is one crazy dude a real Uncle Ruckus.

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