OMFG!!!! LOLOLOL!! Just a shout out to flaminghetero. He goes in hard on ANYONE and probably has on most of us for talking nonsense. But damn his insults are the best on the interwebz. says Rush Limgbaugh's lawn jockey You Sambos have a day of reckoning coming I'm still bellyaching.:smt030 FH's insults are next level. Got damn!! Just had to give him props. Flaminghetero is one of those dudes I KNOW if I ever got into a battle of insults, I would admit up front I'm about to get my ass kicked.
The ones that actually know that standards do exist. Im sure that job is easy to them because they know how to grind 12 hours a day 7 days a week while still hitting the gym some even balance a family on top of that. They actually know how to appreciate coffee without the Krispy kremes.
Yet even they can slack off in an environment where anything is accepted. Military and police culture is night and day in many respects.
In fact it's probably better for law enforcement the more ex-military who get into criminal justice. There's such a huge chasm between the standard military personnel are held to including the training compared to your average police officers it's not even funny. The more ex-military who go into law enforcement could indirectly reform the entire system. Ex-military aren't jonesing to take out their service pistol and shoot someone to feel like a 'real' cop.
I doubt people are beaten to death by cops in any serious number in developed nations. However.. People in America get beaten and tasered to death all the time...not just shot. Somebody called the cops on a guy in the UK that was waiving a knife around in a threatening manner. Well One cop rolled trash bin into the guy,while the other slapped the cuffs on his problem.
We're the only group that let people like Paniro live.:smt042 We must create an environment that is not conducive to the survival of coons and sambos.
That's easy for you to say...Ya'll don't have to deal with people like that...nor would you. You Greeks aren't the most loving people.:smt042 Don't come here and get all soft. A Greek Paniro would wake-up dead in a landfill looking for his head.
To say a dude shouldn't live....that's not cool. I disagree with him but to have him dead is another thing. You are scum
Apparently my opinion on things is more detrimental than people ACTUALLY Hurting people in the community. :-?
The problem I have with your opinion is that , you are suggesting the constitution, law and basic human rights are for a select few
Explain. and let me break down my opinion and btw there's nothing wrong with having a problem with my opinion. I don't go to war with someone's opinions. I do not however agree with the idea that somehow when someone has a different opinion that make them a "coon" and all the other name calling that comes with it. Bottom line: Agree to disagree without being disagreeable.
Break down what? The same old fox news rhetoric found all across the web from right wingers? So tell us why You think cops should be able to shoot unarmed black men. Tell us how some idiot that never even thought about law school gets to become judge , jury, and executioner when it comes to black folk.
Didn't say I agree with the outcome of the the police interactions. My issues with all of this is many many times in these shootings the person helped bring about heir own demise. Yes there are situations where he cop was totally wrong also. Also like I said before the black lives matter movement makes no sense to me when you see the level of involvement when it comes to a cop or white Person shooting a black person vs a black person shooting a black person. People say yes there is outrage for black on black crime. Sure there is l, but is it even NEAR. The outrage of cop or white person shooting a black person. It's not, why is that? Why does the media only focus on those shootings even though the others happen far more. What about the abortion epedemic going on in the black community. Do those black lives matter as well? Sure these is white on white crime and every other ethnic group has violence against their own race. The difference here is we are the ones that are highlighting the violence against our race. That's the difference. This whole movement has brought it on itself. If other groups made sure to highlight black people doing stuff to their races, people in the black community would be hollering racism. I'm sure I didn't even put my thoughts out like I wanted, but I have it a go
Paniro, you're full of shit. Just heard a former corrections officer on the radio dissing street cops for using deadly force because they're too pussy to FIGHT. COs deal with violent inmates ALL DAY, every day. But rarely do those altercations end up with someone dying. Gorath knows better, but the CO on the radio said they don't have sidearms for the most part, (because there's a risk inmates could get them), and they have to be prepared to risk some skin to take down an inmate. But they rarely KILL. COs fuck have better training in dealing with perps than street cops. The fact you say that Black men killed by cops while unarmed brought it on themselves shows me you're head is severely fucked. What did Tamir Rice do to deserve being executed in cold blood??? Those sick punk ass cops didn't even ask him to put down the weapon.:vom: What did Walter Scott do to deserve being shot to death by a cop in the back as he was running away??? Why is it you still don't understand the responsibility of someone who takes an OATH to protect and serve to a gangbanger who kills another Black teen?? One is a community and environmental problem. The other is a systemic and institutional crisis. Cops killing innocents is a much worse evil than any level of Black on Black crime.