I have asked this before, not sure if it's been addressed since then, but why is the statistical crime-ratio missing from your response argument?
because he doesn't want to. Let's be honest to people like himself black folks can do no wrong (Hell to him black people cant even be racist lol) And then if something in the community is wrong he would rather turn a blind eye to it, then point at everyone else's history as if that somehow erases the fucked uppery going on daily. The icing on the cake is when he and people like him attack my and people that share my opinion as if my opinion is just as poisonous as the bad element in the black community. We can get along and agree to disagree. I don't see how we have to see each other as enemies just because our opinions are different. I know some conservatives that will not even be friends with a liberal. I really don't see why that shit is that important as to end a friendship or make it where people can't be friends.
:smt042:smt042:smt042 They nipped it in the bud alright....after centuries of killing one another in the "old country" and generations in the new country. If you can't admit that the modern gang culture came to America from Italy...Ireland...and Eastern European Jewry...then you have issues.
Where did l dispute it in my post? In fact, l pointed out that the Fed's and local LE has neutered the European violent gangs. What you won't admit is the innocent victims that abound by being at the mercy of criminals. Victims who are casualties of the gang wars.
The gang culture is very different than it once was. Even back in the day, it wasn't limited to those ethnic groups. I spent a good deal of time with a man who's a special gang investigator and has been for many many years. He said things are very different than they once were. It changed/evolved. The ideology, structures, and actions are very different now.
I have stats. I told you earlier and you both ignored it. Excerpt from the article Aren’t more white people than black people killed by police? Yes, but no. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...-by-police-yes-but-no/?utm_term=.384d982d2d98 U.S. police officers have shot and killed the exact same number of unarmed white people as they have unarmed black people: 50 each. But because the white population is approximately five times larger than the black population, that means unarmed black Americans were five times as likely as unarmed white Americans to be shot and killed by a police officer. You can read the whole thing. Now you guys show stats that say differently.
I stated this earlier its ridiculous to point at black gang violence and/or black on black crime and say its not OK to hold cops accountable for shooting unarmed bm because of that. If you want to say that then don't fight Isis or al-qauda until you solve American on american crime. Also blacks have talked and march and made songs about black on black crime... And in this forum. Again I have this before white on white crime is a 82% and black on black is 90% thus the same so why aren't white people addressing white on white crime? Until you stop white on white crime then you can stop talking about radical Muslims...right?
Anybody telling you that gangs are worse today don't respect your intelligence,or they don't have much themselves. Gangs today are mostly youth. Back in the day of the Italian,Irish,and Jewish gangbangers....gangs consisted of grown-assed men... Gangs corrupted the police...politics...and everything else they touched. Gangs conducted kidnappings and bombings....right here in America. Drugs...Booze...Prostitution...even the working man had to pay a portion of his wage just to keep his house from burning down. You don't see Black business owners paying off gangbangers just to stay in business. The immigrants from Europe created gang-bangers we still know by name generations later. Al Capone Legs Diamond Lucky Luciano Bugsy Seigal Meyer Lansky Arnold Rothstein Dutch Schultz John Dillinger Pretty Boy Floyd Machine Gun Kelley ect ect ect Those creatures came from a Ghetto culture cultivated in their homelands. Name ONE Black gangster we'll be talking about 80 years from now. Quiet as it's kept....the worse Gangs are the Mexican Mafia...the Russian Mafia...The Japanese Yakuza...not to mention the Police.
One more thing....to try to infer blm as racist or a hate group is crazy ....they did that to mlk. They dogged the civil rights movement but who benefitted most from the civil rights movement done by bm and bw. Whites benefitted just as much if not more than blacks
not to mention all the white overdoses and suicides. Young whites are more likely to die from an overdose than car accidents...unprecedented.
Its in the article that they did a white lives matter movement and it died. See article where I cited that killl rate of blacks versus white its in there.
If they are going to dog bobba for not showing stats then they need not to post shit until they answer my questions and show differing stats
Great post.:smt024 One of the examples of how organized crime was much worse back in the day than it is now. These were crime SYNDICATES, not just street level gangs, and they had reach into the highest corridors of power in America.
:smt023 Today's so-called gangsters would wet themselves in the presence of a REAL gangster like Lucky Luciano for example.
No no hon....I didn't mean that at all. The new day are different....they don't have the same old school stuff....loyalty, hierarchy, etc is all different. Um and by the way...you best believe those who took the fall that everyone knows, were not those with the true power and control. Don't think it's all gone either.