Multiple Police Have Been Shot In Baton Rouge

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Thump, Jul 17, 2016.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well, there was this...

    " He was disarmed in the middle of a war zone and placed under 24-hour escort. The most humiliating part was that everyone in Micah Johnson's unit in Afghanistan knew why: He was accused of stealing a female soldier's panties.

    Johnson's aspirations to a military career were over. Now he faced removal from the Army. The well-liked, easygoing young black man whose friendships were described as colorblind was suddenly deeply shamed and ostracized.

    People who knew him, both before and after, say he was never the same."

    She was granted a restraining order for her AND her family.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2016
  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    The pro black group is a group in Houston. lol I'm not going to mention their names but I know who the leader is. He is often on Houston news when something bad happens. I, sometimes, don't agree with his tactics like protesting on 288( a highway that goes straight to the medical center. It places people's lives in danger if you are blocking it. unaccetpable)

    I wasn't dooped into joining. What crap is the USA feeding people to get someone to kill or get killed or lose their freedoms? I assure you some of these people probably have just as much problems as the people you are talking about.

    This isn't to say that people don't go into the military for perfectly logical reason such as college tuition(while migrating their military career to stay out of harm.) but that there are people who do not and still join.
  3. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    It was one thing to be accused and another to be found guilty. Majority of that article talks about how nice he was. so I will stick with the model citizen pre hate and shooting until you find something certain.

    I just missed the restraining order. Where in the article did it say that? I tried ctrl+f the restraining order and nada
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2016
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Huh? Accused doesn't get you removed from theater or the Military altogether. She wasn't approved of a restraining order on just hearsay. I bet those panties were found on his bottom.
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    "A sexually harassed U.S. Army soldier looked at Micah Johnson and saw what few others did: A man in dire need of psychiatric help.

    Johnson’s unwanted overtures, including a kinky Victoria’s Secret gift, persuaded Ana Ma to seek protection in 2014 against the future Dallas cop killer, his military lawyer said.

    After lodging a complaint against the Army reservist, Ma requested the military equivalent of a restraining order to keep Johnson away from her and her family — and suggested psychiatric care for her tormentor.

    “Where she got the mental health issues from, I don’t know,” attorney Bradford Glendening told the Daily News. “But she saw something that apparently a lot of other people didn’t see.”
  6. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I am doing some reading since the article is how many pages long?
  7. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    None of this is in the article that you posted. How you expect from to get all of that from teh article you posted is beyond me.

    Since it seems like you are going to multiple sources. I'll pick them and post it.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    As much as you read, l thought you knew already. It's been out in the news for a week. His lawyer did the interview rounds.
  9. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Just want to reaffirm that being accused does get you kicked out. People pointed out that this was not normal behavior of the military. Meaning he was treated unfairly over losing panties.

    If you get accused, it protocol guilty or innocent to do that or less.
    The military is not a fair place. You cheat on your wife and bam no more cia.....

    lastly, any one can request a restrain order. I don't have any evidence to say and could not find anything. This is not to be taken as it wasn't approved.
  10. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Nope all news to me.
  11. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Your speaking the truth.
  12. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

  13. darkwawyer

    darkwawyer Member

    People do join for college, a job, etc. It's when shit hits the fan that they start tap dancing - like Bradley Manning.

    Then there was 911. People joined and went off to battle to look for WMDs and to take out Saddam. Then come to find out there weren't any WMDs and Saddam was just some other shit. Got him anyway, then it was Bin Laden...and now it's ISIS. Not only did our own citizens join the military, but we got dumb fucks...our citizens...joining to fight for the other side - hahaha. Idiots from the hood, the trailer park and the country club screaming death to America (like yeah, fuck my mom, my kids, my friends...I'm going to fight for the other team - say what?) Now these are idiots who should know better.

    I have a 30 y/o white guy for a roommate. He's transitioning to islam. This kid has never been anywhere, but let him tell it he hates America. Why? Finger points at what's wrong here as if everything is great there. Truth be told if he put as much effort towards being productive as being a good Muslim, he'd be uber successful. What the fuck has anyone overseas done for you? In another country you might not even have religious freedom or the right to vote. Why support a country where they have minimal rights, food, opportunity where the rich are stupid rich and the poor are dumb fight your own country that on it's worse day offers more? At least their dumb fucks got promised 40 virgins - smh.

    Now we got "black men" going around shooting at/killing cops. These dudes could be campaigning, protesting, being "big brothers"...working a soup support of their community. None of them did. Now they're supposedly killing for a cause, but getting killed/abandoning their parents and kids along the way. They get zero fuckin' dollars off of their insurance policy because they were committing a crime when they died. They've probably dogged every black woman they've known, fucked over black friends. Don't support their church or community...some slang dope to people in the black community and now their parents and family have to come out of pocket to bury them dumb fucks - smh

    Meanwhile they get 15 minutes of fame for "supporting" the plight of the black community they could really give a fuck about while fucking the real effort. We want to support these dudes? For real? Nah, I can't support them any more than I can support someone who turns to islam and then attacks/kills Americans.
  14. bilbo

    bilbo Active Member

  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Accurate as fuck and it's the prime reason why nothing will ever be done. The media and (I'm sorry to say this) white people being completely dishonest about what's going on. I am in no way trying to be insensitive and put all blame on white people in this country but I have yet to see any other group call non white mass shooters thugs or terrorists nor when it is a member of their supposed group claim that it's always mental illness. They get called out for the disgusting pieces of shit that they usually are.
    This belief in white purity above all else and the belief that all others are potentially bad has got to stop in order for any change to happen. We have to stop pretending that we are anything but humans. This is a divisionist tactic not by the people but the powers that be. How can anyone who is white not constantly question the reporting of the news is beyond on me. No one notices that every single black perp or victim of a cop shooting has their past brought into the conversation as if they deserved every and anything bad that happened to them but nearly all white perps were just troubled. Does that sound right to anyone?
  16. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Hopefully the domino effect doesn't continue. Something has to give for sure. It's heartbreaking hearing and seeing all these innocent ppl taken for no legitimate reason the cops are well protected nothing about their actions is sprayed across the news they've just disappeared off the face of the earth it would seem. It's a vicious cycle. It's outta control.
  17. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    Damn skippy, smh
  18. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    R.I.P Officer Jackson </3

    ..."The day after five Dallas police officers were killed in an ambush, Montrell Jackson, a black police officer in Baton Rouge, La., took to Facebook to voice his frustration...

    ... “I’m working these streets so any protesters, officers, friends, family, or whoever, if you see me and need a hug or want to say a prayer. I got you.”

    Less than two weeks later, he was dead, along with two other officers, killed by another gunman targeting police officers.."

    With his son

    Officer Jackson, THANK YOU from my HEART for running TOWARDS the fire, as everyone else ran away -- including the cowardly lost souls who chant 'fuck the police' and dance on your grave.. who would cower at the sound of a firecracker and beg for you to come save them, let alone at gun fire.

    Your bravery reminds me of Philly Police Officer Charles Wilson III who steered shooting armed-Robbers AWAY from GameStop customers, as he bought a gift for his son for getting good grades.


    You both died absolute heroes and are 1000x more men in your heroic deaths, than coward living scumbags who celebrate your death and do zilch for their community but blow hot stank air.
    Trust, Black lives don't mean shit to them either, because the cop-hating phonies would shoot at a black person in a heart beat who was shooting at them.
  20. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Damn....this is not a way to do things. No one and I mean no one should be killed

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