Why is it so hard for you women to simply say i'm not attracted to you and...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Pills ain't necessary, just use a pens pump along with a cock ring which works perfectly without any of the nasty side effects.
  2. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    And a healthy sexual attitude. Sex is mostly in the brain not the loins. Sexual intercourse is a part of the act. As men and women age, their bodies change and so does their sex drives. Pills like Viagra are no substitute for a person's mind. And being physically fit to have sex is important, also.

    A penis pump and even penile enhancement surgery is not necessary, either.
  3. darkwawyer

    darkwawyer Member

    @K...you like it when I ramble


    ....but do you really think that if it wasn't the "societal standard," that you would be obliged to be in a relationship? Even the bible, which is was written probably a 1000 years ago (the modern bible/English Bible is 500+ years old), had passages in it that showed we married family members, had multiple wives, married for security or position. Writings in Asia, Greece....Pagan Europe...and the bible spoke of concubines or sex slaves (Men, women or children).

    ...if it wasn't for the MODERN (1900s in the U.S.) concept of marriage, How romantic would a guy be that has multiple women...or are we ONLY taught that there is no way to be romantic if we have more than 1 lover? I mean, having a concubine wasn't forbidden in China until like 1950! In less than 100 years we have people trying to restart polygamy or not wanting to get married at all. Only gays are fighting for marital rights. If men were smart we'd be boycotting that shit :smt042

    Eventhough I am pro monogamy, I don't think that it would have made it 100 years if it weren't for societal pressure....nowadays, the commercialism of overpriced diamonds, the white house/picket fence, blown out weddings w/flash mob dancing...silly shit like that...it's only going to take a while longer for people to realize, "It's not worth it."

    Personally, I'm not sure where I would be at with the societal standard. Right now, I just like to let a woman know that she's appreciated for being there for me. Everything from the physical to the mental. I honestly couldn't do that with 3-5 women. Even if I were rich, I couldn't. A woman who wants to be in a relationship requires a man's time. If she not, she just wants the benefit of his money or security of his wealth. There are roughly the same amount of men, as women, on this planet. Why else would a woman want to share a man with other women?
  4. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Lol. So you consider 70 old? My grandparents are both over 80 and active. 70 is the new 20! (That saying is sooo stupid). I don't consider 70 old. You have a point and while there is a time before 70 that a woman would be more than willing to eat that meat on a regular basis, flacid wrinkled chewy meat probably wouldn't make the juices flow no mo. But then again I don't know.

    Jesus, it sounds like we're all fucked! And not literally. What a depressing post LOL.

    I think it is definItely is an individual thing and comes down to her level of selfishness. Because at the end of the day you haven't dated the whole race you've dated a few ppl from that race. And to a degree obviously how you're raised to associate with money is a contributing factor. I make a substantial amount of money but personally would feel uncomfortable going on a date to some classy ass restaurant where I'd have to speak proper English and act like some sophisticated woman with great table manners. Thats too superficial to me. So yes, you're right if you're both down to earth I doubt you're going to care where you wine and dine you're just there for a good time.

    Seniors playing with sex toys. That's a disturbing image I'm going to struggle getting out of my head lol.
  5. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

  6. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Hahah. How depressing. This is where god/science screwed up. Should have made the penis permanently hard. Then we wouldn't be having these issues.

    But yeah I hear the stories about the dirty old men asking the young nurses to wash them in peculiar places. Lol. They're over 70 yr olds. Surely a lot of older ppl are still doing it.
  7. darkwawyer

    darkwawyer Member

    I've never used one...but wouldn't that be as stimulating as... using a dildo? Yes, I know women have a preference (supposedly the skin vs plastic/rubber thing). How does using a pump and ring go over with your partner or a first time partner? Is it like, No Big Deal...or do you just do it without explaining?

    Gorath, you're correct that sex is mental for men, but age definitely plays a major part in sex...hormones, physical condition, etc. That's why I say that the standard def of sex/love making has to change for seniors. It would be beautiful if we could just Jedi Mind Trick the D into getting hard. I think it's much easier to trick it into getting soft :smt042

    I can say that I've experienced malfunctions as a yungin' and as an older guy. I would say my way of dealing with the possibility of it has gotten better. Preparedness or experience. I just shift gears as an adult. As a kid I went into panic mode which didn't make things any better.

    Either way, thank goodness for stamina. I can do with one what I used to do with 2 and I can do with 2 what I used to do with 5 :smt042

    I often wondered, as far as being a man (especially those guys if have a pump/valve installed), "How good the act of intercourse would feel without ejaculation?" Would it really be "worth it?" Sure, I've digitally or orally stimulated a woman to orgasm and have taken my ass to bed...but I can't imagine doing that every day w/o getting any penetration/an orgasm. I guess it beats nothing, but I guess I'll cross that hurdle when I get to it.
  8. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Maintaining a healthy hormonal balance in your older age is very important. Proper diet, proper supplementation, and a quality workout routine (while staying active in your daily life) can have a very positive effect in your older age. My father is 70, and lives a very active lifestyle. I suppose supplementing with some DHEA could help the lot of you over 50 (even the women). I'm only 34, but, based on my genetics, and my overall healthy life, I may not be able to do everything that I can now, but I will still be able to get down in my 80s.
  9. darkwawyer

    darkwawyer Member

    @Becca, you're a hot mess!!!:smt042 When I start using that line (70 is the new 20) it's time for me to sit my ass down :smt043 ...that's when you see grandpa rollin' down the beach with a speedo on...like he's still a fuckin' BOSS - CTFU!!! I'm not tryin' to go there, ma...I'm content with my life and especially my sexcapades.

    ...a little rub a dub dub is probably good for the body :yawinkle:

    Becca, if us dudes walked around with permies...you women would skip over all of the good men - hahahaha. Plus, can you imagine if you guys are complaining now...how you'd actually feel if us guys had perm hardons? No timer!!! - say what?!? Let me show you, "My rabbit style!!!!" :smt043:smt043:smt043:smt043 No, J/K :smt042...that one was for Tam and K ;)
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2016
  10. darkwawyer

    darkwawyer Member

    Dude, in my 20s/30s I lived in a whore house. Nah, forreal, bro...I was straight on my dirtbag shit. I was on some Hugh Hefner:smt070Prince type shit for like a 5-10 year run.:smt105 I really had to pump my brakes. ...I suspect I will coast over 100 years old with ease....and probably still be knockin' out 10ks and rollin' with honeys half my age :smt042 ...but I'm no sportin' a speedo or skinny jeans - IJS...

    It would be nice to have this conversation with you same men in 20 years to see how you are fairing in life and what your attitudes about marriage/relationships would be? :partyman:
  11. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    At 34, I will not sport speedos or skinny jeans )I kind of feel like my meat is gonna break through those speedos anyway). I don't really live the party life ( most of my partying was done in my 20s when I was still in the military). As far as relationships, I prefer monogamy, but have no real interest in getting married or having kids anymore. But, If I am in this forum 20 years from now, I will let you know how it goes, bro.
  12. K

    K Well-Known Member

    LOL wow you can really take a left turn and go down the road easily!

    While you were wandering around out there.....I simply was saying within the vast amount of ranting you do, there are also bits and pieces that stand out to show who you really are. There's a difference between all the smoke you are blowing and what's underneath it.
  13. K

    K Well-Known Member

    I find your two posts rather fascinating.

    I've known some amazing men who fit all those points (and more) and yet they haven't had hoards of women lining up to take them out and pay for everything (nor would they want to).

    I'm not quite sure how you see that as equality. Wouldn't equality be that both of you are sharing the costs?

    You must have quite the magic going on.
  14. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Yes they are mostly over 85 in the cases I mentioned. His idea of 70+ is way off.
  15. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    It is equality. If someone approaches you and asks you for a date, they are responsible for paying for your time. If I were to approach a woman (which, as a rule, I do not), I would pay. This has only ben going on for about a year. Also, I have noticed a difference between age demographics and financial demographics. But, yes, it is equality, if you ask, you pay.

    My time is very precious to me (more precious than sex and companionship and as precious as money).

    As I mentioned before, you can find good women who support this kind of equality in gyms, stores, and certain functions, as well as get togethers on the right side of town.

    The only time I pay is if the date goes horribly and I never want to hear from the woman again.
  16. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Maybe they should take a lesson from sonny the 70 year old bodybuilder. From what I have seen and heard, people who don't take care of themselves (eat well, workout often, stay active) and have poor genetics, generally don't look great or feel great in the 70+ range, regardless of gender. Luckily, it is rarely too late to change your life around for the better.
  17. darkwawyer

    darkwawyer Member

    You think? :smt042 I actually own one of those things. I guess it depends on how you look at it? at least 40% of the male population won't even see 80. That would lead me to believe that those making it to sponge bath heaven would be the genetically elite out of their group. BTW, current average life span of a male in the US is 75ish. Which supports my, "why get married at 50?" stance...especially when the average marriage last less than 3 years?

    I'd rather wait till 60, take a mortgage out on a million dollar home, put life insurance on myself to pay it off and put the home in a trust for my family - IJS....I can't give you the details on the rest of that :smt042

    There is a big difference between what we refer to as normal and abnormal...function and dysfunction when it comes to men. I guess I should say how men get an erection; how they maintain and erection; and having an orgasm. A 1 minute woody during a 5 minute spongebath is quite different than 40 minutes of sex. AS is 40 minutes of "grinding" vice 30 minutes of pounding....Or the 1 minute that guy lasted that you ladies laughed about. Truth is, he did what he was supposed to do (deliver sperm to eggs)...so is that really dysfunction? But all of us guys aspire to do more than that :yawinkle:

    but I'm really curious about women and sexuality...from a first hand point of view :yawinkle:
  18. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Ah ok. I get it.

    I would never think of a date as paying for someone's time.

    If I ask, I do expect to pay. Often men will try to pick up the check though even if I have asked them out. The asking a man out thing is very new to me and I'm probably a bit ambiguous in that I keep it very casual/simple. At my age, it's something that I have had to struggle with a bit due to upbringing.

    So you are only dating women who are asking you out. Does this continue on if you are interested in seeing her more? If you are really into her do you continue to wait until she asks you on subsequent dates so she's paying?
  19. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Agreed! Sounds more like a business arrangement than a date.
  20. K

    K Well-Known Member

    ok well I get you own one of those things but that doesn't make you an expert on the elderly.

    Gerontology happens to be one of my areas of expertise. When I mentioned elders getting caught having sex, I wasn't talking about getting an erection when receiving a sponge bath. I'm talking about clients having sex with one another over the age of 65 and most often when it's in facilities they are over 85. One of the largest demographics of new cases of STDs is elderly. I'm going to stop there and not get into all the specifics and details because my assumption is that most people on the site are probably really not interested in getting into a deep conversation on geriatric sex.

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