Guys will go without condoms if the woman is hot

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove8, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. K

    K Well-Known Member

    sooooo true
  2. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Yeah possibly avoiding herpes or not
  3. Westie

    Westie Member

  4. darkwawyer

    darkwawyer Member

    If you think that's a serious jump - you should check the difference between life and death...or even living with "if I only" every day.

    I was a non condom wearing fool for a large portion of my life and I really didn't know most of the women I was kicking it with. Girls who used to just drop in town and call me (to fuck) and women I would meet at the club/one night stands...and other dude's ladies/wives. I really didn't give a fuck...and all this time, I was really looking to get married.

    I had a female friend who I always talked to on the phone. There was absolutely no sex or sexual tension between us. We were just super cool. Both of us complaining about not finding love or the person we wanted to spend our life with. She seemed to get laid bi-annually - seriously. Whereas, I might hit someone's yearly numbers in a week. So, I was crushed when she told me she had AIDs. Devastated. I couldn't even twist my head around it. I was in triple digits and she was definitely under 10. Set me to thinking, thanking and praying.

    Anyway, that was the changing point in my life. Regular testing, questions regarding sexual lifestyle and condoms...all before sex with a woman. I even switched up with my long term FWBs, who I always went raw with.

    So, yeah...I don't expect to go 3 or 4 rounds anymore. The sensitivity isn't there with a condom. Take this one and come back later, but no more raw action until I'm living with a woman and feel she's faithful.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
  5. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    The ultimate challenge is when you have a FWB that has her tubes tied. If you can resist hitting that raw, you are good to go. Can't tell you how many times I went raw while I had a fresh box of condoms. Lol
  6. K

    K Well-Known Member

    I've had men tell me things like - they just don't hang with women "like that" or how they "would know" so of course I would have nothing to worry about. Yah and you really love me don't you and there's no other woman in the world for you. I'm not completely jaded, but I'm also not stupid.

    I've done a lot of AIDS events (working on cyclists, runners, etc) with hundreds, thousands of people. I dare anyone to pick out who's positive and who's not.

    I used to do things very differently myself, not what DW is talking about, but my own version. I had my own scare at one point. Thankfully, it was a situation with someone giving me the wrong test results of something other than HIV (you better believe I had several more tests to confirm!) Scared the hell out of me. I went back and told everyone I had ever been with. Which was a very interesting/crazy process. Amazing how men said they weren't concerned at all cause they think they would have known. WTF.

    I have a real problem with condoms - generally speaking, they irritate the f out of me. But given that I haven't been with a man that I really want to be with in life....they are a necessary evil along with testing and making sure the other person has been tested.
  7. K

    K Well-Known Member

    It's amazing how a man will be so much more afraid of getting someone pregnant than of risking his life.

    I had a tubaligation some years ago and I don't know if it's something a woman should really tell a man when he asks....cause yah then it really gets to the - OH COOL no need for rubbers. WTF
  8. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Lmao. That's wild. At least I was trying when I went raw. If you both are drinking it's unlikely you will use protection. The first step is knowing who and who not to drink around.
  9. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Oh yah - I'm not much of a drinker. If I do drink, it's only going to be with someone I trust will make sure I don't do anything stupid. So, it just doesn't go that way for me.
  10. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

  11. darkwawyer

    darkwawyer Member

    Not really, I had/have a lot term FWB that started before the AIDS story and is basically ongoing. She would drop over, do the netflix & chill thing then she'd be out the door 3 or 4 hours later. We probably had sex 100 times and I never wore a glove. Why? Because she had a hysterectomy shortly after we started messing around. Anyway, after my other friend dropped the AIDs bomb, I shifted gears. I knew my FWB saw other dudes (of course she did...she was looking for a relationship) and I realized how wreckless I was being. Anyway, I just started strappin' with her. She never even asked, "why?" When we eventually talked about it (years later) I told her that we never discussed outside sex, but I knew that she was active outside of our circle (as was I). That was the end of the discussion. Of course, sex last longer now so I keep lube handy. That was something we never needed. Overall, we still had the same mission (get a nut) and the rubber or hysterectomy didn't change that :smt052
  12. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Wow. Sorry about your friend
  13. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Here is my thing about condoms. If I wear a condom I won't eat the pussy. I figure why would I not protect my face if I'm protecting my dick. So it truly dampens the experience for me. I usually wear them but it sucks for more than one reason.

    What do you think about that ladies and gents? Does it make sense to wear a condom then put your face in it raw? Lol. Ladies (all 3 of you) Do you really expect him to wrap it up and still go down on you?
  14. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    You mean the both of them. Lol..

    Its a sausage party here
  15. K

    K Well-Known Member

    It also doesn't make sense to suck dick does it?

    I don't have any good answer for any of it. I've spent a LOT of time in the convent.
  16. darkwawyer

    darkwawyer Member

    That's what I was saying about my recent visit to the clinic. Counselor basically said it was safer to eat pussy, well, at least as far as AIDs. Don't quote me on it, but it basically comes down to having openings so if you got a sore in your mouth or have just brushed your might not be a good time to go face deep. As far as regular intercourse (especially anal), the friction can create those openings/tears. Not to mention, her fluids are going in your piss hole (as you penetrate/pump) and you will ejaculate straight into her box. We got all kinds of shit out there nowadays. Shit that might not kill you, but will def make you change your lifestyle/inconvenience the fuck out of you.

    I'm glad that I got my wake up call. All that drinking and wildin' out is a thing of the past. The number of women I sleep with in a year is way below normal. It's no longer a challenge when a woman gives me the eye or I hang out with my bros...back in the cut some strange women would just walk up and be like, "Let's leave" and I would role out if she was cute. AND I certainly didn't want to be the only bro who didn't "bag one" when we did our group hunting thing. Nowadays, no barebacking and no oral sex unless I plan on keeping her around and I've deemed her trustworthy. It's probably been 5+ years since I had a 1 night stand.

    I'm sooooo blessed :smt050

    @Goodlove, she's cool. We've always been 100s of miles apart, but we text/talk weekly. She went through a lot, but she's very smart and determined. She has the best care and best meds. She still doesn't have a man (blew it w/her dream dude -baby daddy), but she did give birth to a very healthy child that is now a teen. They are still cool and she hasn't given up on him yet - LOL.
  17. K

    K Well-Known Member

    I find it interesting that with all this....people are still not wanting to get in relationships. And when they are in relationships they are cheating so much.
  18. darkwawyer

    darkwawyer Member

    Yeah, cause getting a blowjob with a rubber on is less fun than beating my own dick. Grape, cherry, whatever flavor condom :smt009 Not saying that it's easier to tell if something is wrong, but women have so many places...folds, covers, hoods, lips (haha) that it's hard to look for anything suspicious. Men are more exposed so it's easy to see shit that, "doesn't look right." However, if it's in the seminal fluid or urethra it's not like you're going to see it.

    Oh, BTW (speaking of cherry, grape, etc), I did miss oral sex so that very same visit, the counselor gave me some flavored dental dams. I don't know how I feel about them? I wouldn't say that they're the safest (it's only so big and you have to hold it in place...then you're switching and using your fingers), but she did _____ :smt045 ...but there is no way I was going to hold that little flavorless patch of rubber for an extended session. Additionally, I couldn't feel nooks and little man in the boat so the "reward system" just wasn't there. I don't know how she enjoyed it - smh
  19. K

    K Well-Known Member

    ugh - that sounds awful.
  20. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    No it doesn't.
    It's true that it's safer to eat pussy as far as AIDS is concerned, but as a guy, statistically you are more at risk for catching something else. I imagine any disease will be more dangerous and affect your life more if you caught it in your mouth or throat. 90 percent of STD's are incurable so if it's on your mouth you are officially fucked. Especially if its on your gums. Unhealthy gums=Unhealthy heart. When bacteria or viruses attack your gums its fucks with your heart health.

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