It's a bothersome, flying, biting bug that's very annoying. I specifically wanted to say "No-See-Ums" (midges - sand fleas - Ceratopogonidae), but I thought that readers might be more familiar with Gnat. They are extremely small and you need very fine mesh to deter them from biting you. They are relentless and you almost feel like you're on fire where they bite you at. It's frustrating because they are so small you can't see them to kill them :smt099:smt099:smt099:smt099
Right. Haha. I'm sure everyone else but me knew what you were talking about I've never heard of that before. They sound awful!!
Lol. Fortunately no. I'm the fairest of them all lol. Through and thorough!! I love the country though it's beautiful.