I suppose I could use that logic. But, then I would still be voting for a white supremacist that hates black men. So, I think I am not going to vote this term.
I guess you have to do what works best for you. My thing is that whether or not I like a candidate on the ballot... I'll always vote in a way that I believe represents my best interests. To use you logic for myself... For me to not vote means I help out Trump, and he's a person that I absolutely despise. In my mind... I need to do my part to keep him from being elected POTUS.
I equally despise them both as I see no difference between them. Both racist, one is a misogynist, the other is a misandrist. Hillary has more kills on her rap sheet than trump, but trump is... well... trump. So, I essentially am stuck not voting as I am not in support of racists.
Hillary Clinton is not a racist.smh When you've got 14 year olds willing to shoot taxi drivers in the head because they wouldn't drop them off at their block, what do you call those kids?? The gangs on the East and West coasts in the 1990s were almost paramilitary filled with a bunch of young dudes who literally did not give a fuck. These weren't the typical gang members law enforcement was used to dealing with in the '70s and '80s.
I didn't think she was either. I definitely don't recall her saying anything that can be taken as such. Of course with Trump... Where does one even begin.
Wow what a surprise the marginalized oppressed group behaves in ways that the dominant privileged group doesn't. Smh Instead of fixing the issues that create these situations lets reduce funding for schools and social welfare but increase budgets for law enforcement.
Hillary may not be a confederate flag waiving klan member. But she and her campaign aren't above using racial politics to further her agenda. Let's take a trip back to the 2008 campaign. Rember when The Clinton campaign compared Obama's presidential bid to Jesse Jackson's unsuccessful runs in 1984 and 1988. I wonder what one thing Obama and Jackson have in common that would warrant a comparison? Rember when Hillary said Obama can't win because she was doing better than him among working class whites. "Sen. Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me." Rember when Hillary downplayed the importance of Martin Luther King by saying “Dr. King’s dream began to be realized when President Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. … It took a president to get it done. ” Rember when Hillary's campaign released this photo to the press, in an attempt to label Obama as a Muslim or Foreign. http://www.politico.com/story/2008/02/obama-slams-smear-photo-008667 Like I said she isn't "racist" but she got tendencies.
It's not that. These kids were the offspring of the first major crack epidemic of the early and mid 1980s. IMO their brains weren't right and their impulse control was all fucked up. That gave us these psycho young teen brothas of the 1990s who did shit without reason or consequence. I agree you don't end gang violence by building more prisons but some of these young cats didn't have chance from the minute they left the womb. As for Hillary and her tendencies, Thump, she was right about Obama not getting votes from working class Whites. We take it for granted now but were I live it was shocking as hell when Obama won in 2008, even among those of us who voted for him. And Hillary's comment about LBJ IMO wasn't to diminish the role of MLK in the fight for civil rights, or to suggest that Lyndon Johnson's contribution was greater or equal to Dr. King's. The entire process that got the Civil Rights Act passed was a collaboration, no one person did it by themselves. Like a relay race. But don't underestimate how many arms LBJ had to twist and heads he threatened to crack in Congress if the racist, good ol' boy Dixiecrats didn't pass this bill. I don't think JFK could have done it personally. Hillary has her warts but she's not the wicked witch. The good thing about Hillary is she's going to have a hellluva lot of accountability from her base and other Democrats in Congress. She can and will be molded by the progressive movement. Hillary knows progressives will protest her ass right in front of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue if she ever gets too far out of line.
Part of this is true. It's almost like a previously racist president flooded our comunities with crack to fund contras or something...
I vote because I don't want my decision made for me. No politician has ever done anything directly for me. Democrat, Republican or other. My vote is my voice and it matters. My vote counts regardless. During the 2012 elections, Obama won without the votes from Florida since he won Ohio. He didn't need Florida. It was quite embarrassing for this state. No matter who is in the running, I am voting because it is y right and privilege to do so.
Good point my friend. I think I will just buckle down and pick a candidate out of the crap this term.
You know Florida is a hard down republican state.So of course, Florida wasn't gonna do Obama any good.This election, though, Florida is gonna have more impact with Donald Trump running for president.
Disagree, we are a swing state with a pretty good balance of liberals, moderates and conservatives. Marijuana advocates are going to win this time around.
When we vote, we have the power (albeit small) to make government a little better or worse. In turn, our votes have the power to effect the lives of others for better or worse. If we make bad choices at the polls, we end up with less than desirable outcomes. On the other hand, if we don't turn up at the polls to vote, we are allowing others to make those choices for us, ultimately forming and shaping the way our world will work and how we will live with those decisions. Voting changes the quality, scope, and kind of government we will be forced to live with. The way we vote can help or harm people. I personally would rather take the time to educate myself about each candidate and their stand on all of the underlying issues, and especially consider their character. I urge anyone not to just sit idle and opt to not vote simply because you don't like the choices. Most feel similarly but there is so much more at stake when you really think about things in perspective.
I'll admit we can pick any one incident of her racially tinged faux pas and explain it away. However, once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern. I hope your right about her acquiescing to the progressives in the Democratic party, However I have read about her keeping political "hit lists" of people she feels have betrayed her. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/she-the-people/wp/2014/01/13/book-hillary-clinton-kept-a-hit-list/ So I wonder if she is going to take her defeat of Bernie as an opportunity to bury the agendas of the Democrats (Bernie supporters) she feels are disloyal to her.
Pretty much so. I signed petitions for the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes more than once. And even voted against propositions opposing same-sex marriages.