Why is it so hard for you women to simply say i'm not attracted to you and...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Either way, it's money that matters.
  2. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Maybe it matters, but some use that as an excuse to not get what they want too. Come on, look to WalMart - there are plenty of people in there walking around who are in relationships who don't have any money.
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Of course.
  4. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Those customers are often the ones who give th is store and others a hard time. One of the managers told us of the day a woman came in and started dropping merchandise to the floor. She called the manager every name in the book. The manager warned the woman that she was going to call the police. The woman still continued on ranting and screaming at the manager. When the police arrived, the woman cried. She was acting up because she had no money for herself and her children. Getting arrested and put in jail would mean that her children would end up in foster care.

    I find lots of evidence that customers steal from Wal-Mart every day on my job. It's not hard to find. A lot of times it is the adults who steal. Then the children steal. I would find empty DVD cases, packages of earphones missing, toys, food, shoes, the list goes on.

    None of us have the time to question the customers. We let them be.
  5. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    They often look look ugly and raggedy as hell

  6. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    No doubt they're experiencing plenty of loss to shoplifting. Yes, it's wrong, but I just find it hard to feel for Wal-Mart. However, i do agree that those customers are a problem including the lady throwing a fit
  7. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Maybe so - that wasn't the point.

    People like to make excuses for why they can't get with someone. Obviously there are people out there who are able to find someone who don't have any money, look ugly, raggedy, or whatever.

    If those people at WalMart have someone, anyone can.
  8. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    I remember hearing a conversation like this on a morning radio show some years ago. It seems that they selected a call from a young lady who preceded to start the rant that they're no good men out there and so on. The co-host (I forget her name) interrupted the caller to call her out. She said... I refuse to believe they're no good men available. She said she believe they're plenty of good men, but many are being overlooked because they may not look a certain way, have material posessions and so on. I totally agreed with the co-host.
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    So on point. People don't want to look at themselves

    It was the Steve Harvey show if I remember correctly. I heard the same thing. If I remember correctly she turned it around on her and said something to the extent that she need to look at herself and it could be her
  10. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member



    So I'm chilling on my lunch break in a office and this chick comes in to rant. 10 minutes go by and I'm like I'm putting this bitch on record before she tries to jam me up. Fast forward to 34:30 mark and she brings up the incident.


    Trick reported him for harassment because he was too big and dark.


    If your wondering why I don't say shit to her when she low key shits on a certain type of black people, I got to stay diplomatic to continue to have these 3 hour breaks.

  11. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    You're probably right. I was thinking either Steve Harvey or Tom Joyner
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Dark skin...light skin...lol
    Like I said.... Watch em . don't trust em
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Yeah him too. I forget. She went in hard though
  14. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, she did. I remember I was on my way to work and I just wanted to give the co-host a big high-five for being totally on point and calling out the caller on her BS.
  15. LiverpoolBrother

    LiverpoolBrother Restricted

    Not so. The majority I have have been unattractive or shall I say average

    Men don't really trip on a woman looks as far as sex goes.


    There is one place worse than the friend zone and that's to be a woman's cuddlebitch. That is a guy who never gets to bang a girl but gets to have intimate moments with her like cuddling. She probably considers him a really sweet guy, and of course when a woman says your 'sweet' 'nice guy' 'great guy' just walk away because it's over for you.

    Never once in the 200,000 years the modern form of humans have been on this planet has a woman called a guy a "nice guy" and had sex with him.

    In fact our galaxy is the Milky Way and there are approx 100 to 200 billion galaxies in the Universe, each of which has hundreds of billions of stars. I would lay a bet right now that never has a female, from every planet in every galaxy called a man a "nice guy" and had sex with him.

    But yes - I know from personal experience that being a woman's cuddle bitch is WAY WORSE than the friend zone.

    What ? Men don't wanna bang women over 35 ? Women over 35 still have options. They can and will friend-zone you, In fact.

    I forgot who it was that said “women don’t grow up, they just grow old,” older women, can act just as childishly as younger girls your age, only she’s not as good-looking as girls your age… making her behaviour inexcusable.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Sometimes its not excuses. That shit ain't easy for a lot of people. There are a lot of people to have sex with but very few you can be with
  17. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Lmao what in the fuck!! And you think I'M on crack! That bitch is nuts.
  18. darkwawyer

    darkwawyer Member

    Perhaps on the other side of the pond

    I didn't say that men don't want to bang women over 35. I said that a man should be smart enough to avoid a friendzone by the time he's 35.

    The 1st time I got blue balls was when I was a teen. Within a year I had already learned things that I could do to avoid getting blue balls (and the pitfalls of getting blue balls). I realized that if a certain amount of time passed and we weren't advancing, I was calling it quits and going home. A few more unproductive dates and we were at splitsville. So when I say that men, 35 and older, should have learned their lesson...they should know by that age - all the begging in the world isn't going to get any sex (should have learned that by 25). It will get you an empty wallet or calloused hands (errand boy).

    Men do trip over looks. Even good looks (or whatever appeals to them). Remember, we have to get erections and half of that comes via attraction, not just the need to have sex. Screwin' someone you're not attracted to is like working a job you don't like. If you don't want to be there neither does your erection. Yeah, I know...they got a pill for that. Thinking one has total control over their erection reminds me of dudes who claim "Gay for Pay." Naw dude, you're just gay. You don't just get a boner because a naked, hairy assed dude is there. If that's the case Fido, the warm apple pie or the neighbors shiny car aren't safe either.

    Men can have unattractive women around them...they just don't sleep with them. If they do, they creep with them. Mind you, there is a serious difference between Fugly, Unattractive, Not my type, Girlfriend material and dream girl. "Not my type" is a good conversation, 6 pack/few drinks or sex story away from being GF material (or lover). Dream girl can have more issues than ever and you'd still steal from your momma and walk 10 country miles to get to her.

    But Fugly/Unattractive? - when your family and friends have never heard her name/seen her face or you mainly go to her house in the middle of the night...after the club. When someone ask about her she's passed off as a cousin or some girl from work. That's trippin' and it does matter if a guy has to lie or doesn't want to be seen with the woman (which is not like an affair where you both are playing safe and can't be seen).

    Attraction is why you can only perform with her so many times, but when you're with your dream chick you can put in work like you've just hit puberty. It's why you only see her once every 2 weeks and not breaking your neck to get at her. It's why you have to do freakier stuff to her. The *freak is what drives the erection.

    Cuddlebitch just sounds like she's leading you on. I'd rather be stuck on the couch with a fine woman who's not putting out or rubbing her feet than washing her car or changing it's oil, bringing her carryout, taking her to concerts where she's always running into male friends she keeps hugging pelvis to pelvis (hahaha - sucker!!!), loaning her money you never get back or house sitting (at your house) her piss poor trained animal who also chews up all your crap. You do that while lettin' your balls back up and the next thing you know you're walking into McDonald's, fully strapped with a trench coat on.

    Cuddlebitch training just prepares a youngin' for the next woman who will appreciate that he likes cuddling on the couch while she watches some crappy movie, rubbing her feet, bringing her soup when she's sick and/or giving her massages without trying to play hide the hotdog on some tit for tat (you owe me) stuff. Without that cuddlebitch training he can't sit on the couch without trying to talk her into "resting her head on his lap" so he can eventually coax her into giving him a blowjob.

    Certain "women" are essential to becoming a man. However, as a young man moving through life, he has to know when it's time to move on because there's no graduation ceremony or end of year report card. Staying in the friend (or cuddlebitch) zone too long is like repeating 8th grade over and over again. Any guy who becomes satisfied with that will be satisfied with what he gets. Some say ignorance is bliss. If it's his happy than he is successful. Which is basically like the old days. 2 virgins or very inexperienced people getting married with 1 common goal - succeed through life. Unfortunately for him, he will probably get some vampire who will just drain his soul, life and bank account.

    I've never had women as part of my crew/hanging partners. Sure, when we were teens on our block, but when we got cars/license, it all changed. The girls from "home" might show up at the party and we would dance with them. They had our back and we had there's, but that was a given for anyone there who was from our town. But in my 20s it was more like Saturday Night Fever (John Travolta and crew). Men, roles and pecking orders.
  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Yeah, I almost wrecked my car. I was happy as hell. There has been alot women saying this. Its not unique just recently on the media
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Well damn.. So true. I agree with both. I had put up Maslow's hierarchy of needs and both of you are hitting on it. I'll have to go get it and put it up again and you'll see why I agree with u both

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