Hit 10K steps and then 11K (almost 12) the next day The goal this week is to meet or beat 10K everyday. Supposed to get to 108+ this week - yuck
Keep up the good work! I've been quite a bit progress and fit into size 36w jeans comfortable again but I need to get back down to 34w. I'm unhappy with my progress because my cardio has been totally slacking.
Hang in there... it's coming. My goal was to be back in a 34w as well. I had gotten up to a nearly snug 36w.
Thanks You'll get there fast! You're a beast You reminded me....I slipped on a pair of jeans on Friday that I haven't been in for a lonnnng time
Just been running and running. I'd run even longer if my back wasn't so fucked up. Every time I'm about to go to the gym, pre-workout in my system, I go run instead.
After you forced me to take multiple return trips down memory lane and see how far I fell the fuck off, I'm starting phase 2 of my workout regimen early and I'm taking things much more serious this time around. I slacked off majorly on my cardio and this time I'm putting more of a emphasis on that then weight lifting. I need to run 18 miles a week. Starting a new diet, eating no more than 100g of carbs per day. 1 cheat day a week. Need to force myself to sleep more to have energy to work out. I want a beach body and chiseled face by August.
Well my week was going well and everything was going according to plan up until yesterday. Since I haven't hit the gym in 2 weeks I had to dial back a bit. I followed my diet to a T but had a awful cheat day. When gf was nice enough to surprise me with my favorite Chinese food but from the wrong place not realizing not all Chinese food is cooked or flavored the same. I knew it was wrong from the initial bite but I was starving and now paying the price arghhhh
This woman I know says "cake happens". The thing is there are always going to be things that come up that are challenging when trying to eat better and exercise more. The key is that when you fall off, get back on it. Don't harp on it or beat yourself up about it. Forgive yourself and move on. It's a new hour, meal, day, week. It helps to come up with strategies too. Some folks get so into it all that they have no wiggle room at all and it's a set up for failure. It's a constant process and soooo much of it is mental.
Thanks, it feels as if I devoured a tub of old ass cooking grease. Woman you don't know who you are talking to, Betta ask somebody! This falling off and getting back in prime time shape is nothing new but thanks for the motivation. I'm very determined in my pursuits and do not settle.
That's great. But the yoyo thing is really destructive. Maybe if you came up with something that you are going to stick with it would work better for you? Just a thought.
It's not good for your body to go from one extreme to the other over and over again. That's often how people end up with major weight issues (and all sorts of other issues) later in life. It's better to maintain a certain level of healthful eating and exercise. Even top athletes will maintain a certain level of fitness and then push it hard for a short time before competitions. Then afterward they go back to that level of fitness (they don't drop off completely) This can also be very tough on the body. However, it's better than going from that extreme of fitness to eating junk and barely exercising. Going from one extreme to another will f up your metabolism long term...and you may not be able to see that right now - but trust me, it's NOT something you want to do.