1. Gemini74

    Gemini74 Well-Known Member

    i dont think there s something like "the better" cheater. the question would be more likely - who s the better lyer or who does know to cover it up better.. some of that nature.
    to me the word "better" in combination with any of that sucks at first place, making it look as if it s something good, which its not, but i dont think that was the purpose of the question.
    seeing it as that its fu to cheat or lie, i dont think there s a big difference between women and men.there s good and bad on both sides. maybe the focus use to be more on men, coz for a long time it was that traditional stereotype that women are the ones being cheated on . i think the tides just change and women do it more like they use to before.
    and what i learned, personally? even at the risk to sound cynical- dont expect anyone to be faithful towards you and you wont get hit between the eyes.
  2. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Good point. I've seen some females who seem to have written the playa handbook. Likewise, I've seen some dudes who wouldn't know the first thing about lining up some side action.
  3. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    I think people cheat for many reasons, and if you dont figure out why you did, you will continue to do so. I also think men and women cheat equally and that people who cheat want to get caught,

    What I learned from my last relationship..even if two people truly love each other sometimes they are just not meant to be, and in order to get over it one must take the time to grieve, reflect and put things into perspective.
  4. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I think people cheat because they want to satisfy something within and outside of themselves. It is a selfish pursuit of pleasure. I knew a guy who was a chronic adulterer. He simply couldn't help himself. People who begin a relationship after a break up resulting the fact that they cheated in the previous relationship, is, in my humble opinion, a red flag. It could begin again because that person could have a weak moment.
  5. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Agreed. Definitely a selfish act. There's no reason to cheat. And if you do you're a pretty weak person with no self control. Any decent human being would call their relationship off before shacking up with another person. :smt119
  6. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Women simply don't cheat on the scale that men do.

    Women seek sex intimacy outside of the relationship usually for reasons other than S-E-X.

    Men almost exclusively cheat for the fucking part. They're not really looking to divorce their wife or try out a new relationship.

    If a female coworker offered to give a man a 10 minute BJ during his lunch hour for 6 months, sad to say that too many dudes would take that offer, if there were no strings attached.

    A man can have sex with a woman without knowing her name OR hearing her speak. Ever.:smt033

    Men and women just aren't wired the same sexually and I hate all these studies that claim men and women are equals, sexually speaking.

    Ask any escort who the majority of her clients are and 99% of them will be men.

    Women have always been more clever in how they cheated, but they never IMO will come close to the numbers men put down.

    There are biological and historical reasons women and men don't cheat at the same rate, one of them being a man has NO risk of ever getting pregnant.

    If men could get pregnant from sleeping with women, you can be damn sure dudes would be much more selective about who they were fucking.

    IMO most guys have a sense when their woman is vulnerable to stray, if there's a vague sense she's unfulfilled or unhappy in the relationship.

    A dude will STILL cheat if he's so inclined even if his relationship at home is PERFECT.:smt085

    No sane woman is gonna creep is she's got everything she wants at home in her man just because she wants to get fucked.

    Lastly, the biggest club/meat market in America is open from 8AM to 5PM, Mondays through Fridays.

    In fact I'd bet most true affairs start at work.
  7. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    This is so true.

    Cheaters always tell on themselves through actual words or their actions.

    No married woman should be going club hopping with her girlz twice a week and coming home at 2AM in the morning.

    Same for a man.

    If it's not a couple activity, it's by definition suspicious behavior.

    Close friends of the opposite sex who you don't know much about, or who are single, or have they being friends with a looonnnnggg time, etc.

    I knew a dude whose girl would go clubbing, say she was staying a girlfriend's house because she was too drunk to drive home and would literally roll up to his crib at 10AM in the morning.:smt101

    LOL. He thought that shit was perfectly normal and no dicks were involved.

    He learned the hard way.:smt037

    There are some people who just aren't mature enough or really meant to be in monogamous relationships.

    But there are plenty of us who work better in a one-on-one situation.
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I think that's an old stereotype too. Womens reason for cheating would be no different than men.
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    Should You Stay in a Relationship After an Affair?

    Excerpt from the article.....
    Love is a beautiful thing. However, a once sweet love can quickly turn sour after discovering your partner has been unfaithful. Despite feeling betrayed, you may wonder if there may be a chance that the two of you could remain together and work things out. But is this the right choice?
  10. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I guess it depends on how much importance you place on sexual faithfulness. I can get over infidelities as long as she generally has my best interest in mind. That's actually pretty hard to find, compared to a woman who may be sexually loyal, but ultimately views the relationship as a vehicle to what she wants.
  11. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Depends on the situation.
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Expand on that if you don't mind
  13. K

    K Well-Known Member

    It depends on the relationship, the situation with the betrayal, how the person is about it and how they go about cleaning it up.

    It would be really tough for me to stay in a relationship when he's cheated.
    Last edited: May 31, 2016
  14. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Once the trust is gone so am I.

    I don't believe it's worth keeping that person regardless of how long you've been with them.

    It's a horrible and unhealthy feeling to have to continue to wonder of their whereabouts etc if you do continue to see the relationship through.
  15. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Like the others said... It depends on the person and the situation. As for cheating... I know it's very likely that I'm outta there.

    I'm not one for trying to keep track of people, and if I can't trust you... There's no relationship. I don't believe in the statement... "It just happened"...
  16. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Yep...also how the article brought up drinking/drugs. That's no excuse either. Surreee....whoops I had a few and just fell into that pussy - total mistake there! uhuh
  17. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    Honestly I don't feel like there's ever a reason to cheat so I would not stay in a relationship regardless the reason whether it's emotional or physical
  18. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

  19. hellified

    hellified Active Member

    trust is the foundation of love..its more important than love without trust love is flimsy and fleeting..

    lets rephrase the question:

    Should you stay in the relationship where your TRUST was betrayed?
  20. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    If it was just sex, the relationship can be saved. If she's emotionally invested in the person, she's gone.

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