Did you stay in a bad relationship and why?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove, Apr 25, 2016.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  2. K

    K Well-Known Member

    You should know (if you don’t already) that you should never settle for less than what you deserve. Yet after many dating dry spells or even straight up relationship failures, you may think that you’re destined to a life of being forever alone. First of all, you’re wrong, and second of all, there is nothing wrong with being single and being picky about who you date and let into your heart, because it shouldn’t be wasted on someone who is undeserving of it.

    As pointed out in Psychology Today, we adopt the fallacy that our worth is tied up in our ability to find a mate. Societal norms/cultural beliefs have made both men and women think that we aren’t complete until we find our other half, as well as that pesky biological clock that ticks just as loudly for men as it does for women. Taken all together, it’s not that surprising that we have a rushed tendency to settle before we find the right match. If you feel like you might be settling, here are 5 very convincing reasons why you shouldn’t settle with your relationships.

    1. You feel pressure to settle down
    When it comes to settling down, you probably want to settle down with someone you consider “right” — someone you deem compatible, whom you share the same morals and values, and anything else you deem important to have in a life partner. Unless you’re on a specific time frame, it doesn’t make sense to settle down with someone who is not right for you, or who you feel in your heart is not that right person. As every relationship expert or doctor would advise, hold out for someone that you find truly amazing and that you love deeply. Think of it along these lines: Why waste your time and precious years of life just to say you’re in a relationship? Take things slow and figure out what you want, focus on yourself and as that common aphorism states, your partner will come along when the time is right.

    The need to rush to settle out of fear of being along can really skew your priorities in finding a mate. An article from Psychology Today cites a recent set of studies published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, which found that people who had a fear of being single or ending up alone, were more likely to “prioritize being in a relationship over the quality of that relationship or a potential partner.” The article also references a longitudinal study, finding that those who feared being single were less likely to leave a relationship that wasn’t working anymore or that they weren’t truly happy in.

    2. You think that comparatively, you don’t have it that bad
    You seem to size up your relationship against other couples, and it’s usually not a healthy comparison. Maybe you just can’t help but notice how much happier other couples seem together, and you’re a little envious of the things they do together, seeming so compatible. That said, if you were with someone who you truly wanted to be with and cared about, then these things wouldn’t matter or you wouldn’t notice them as much on a grand scale. Rather, it would be more of an observation than a comparison. You may also remind yourself that your relationship is really not bad compared to others who possibly fight more — so you may stay in the relationship for that reason. According to Psychology Today, frequently comparing your partner unfavorably to other people, especially friends’ partners or spouses, is a sure sign of an unhealthy relationship.

    No relationship is perfect, but you shouldn’t be making these unhealthy comparisons, it’s a possible sign that you’re settling, and unhappy.

    3. You don’t want to be alone
    Thanks to our society’s horrible stigma of being single, sometimes we may stay in a relationship that is not working just for the sake of not wanting to be alone. As pointed out in the Huffington Post, very few people know how to be alone and do it well. Being alone has such a harsh sound to it, doesn’t it? It’s important to learn how to embrace being alone without being lonely. Know your value and your worth, and don’t let someone else define that for you.

    Here’s why some of us have a hard time being alone or single … if not for the constant “single” gifs all over social media: Psychology Today points out that the “single” stigma is perpetuated even more by the fact that single people are assumed to be “immature, maladjusted, and selfish,” even facing some forms of discrimination when it comes to living situations, like signing a lease for an apartment, that may be rejected in favor for a couple. Know that once you embrace your singlehood as a temporary situation or a life choice, the happier you’ll be, because not only will you have the time to open yourself up to new friendships, passions, and activities, but you’ll develop a sense of identity and self-worth that is truly priceless and not attached to a partner’s love or approval. What’s more, all of these fantastic qualities that you’ll be developing (self-awareness) will serve you well in your next relationship for one very big reason: You’re less likely to feel dependent on your partner for happiness, and will not expect that they will be able to meet all you needs — you have the satisfaction from other parts of your life to take care of that.

    Just remember — being with the wrong person for the wrong reasons is so much worse than just riding out the single wave.

    4. You don’t think you can do any better
    You may find yourself trapped in a situation that seems decent, but you’re pretty much only in it because you’re afraid to leave. You’re also afraid to leave because you fear you won’t find anything “better.” However, as suggested by Mark D. White Ph.D in Psychology Today, we shouldn’t evaluate partners on whether they’re good enough, but on whether they’re right for us. Tallying up a partner’s good and bad traits in the first place also sounds like another way you’re trying to convince yourself to stay in the relationship. If you’re really into the relationship or feel like you’re with the right person, you wouldn’t have to think about doing that.

    5. You’ve already invested the time and energy and need to honor the commitment
    Just because you’ve invested the time and energy, have memories together, a deep rooted history, and have taken all this time to get to know each other, it seems like it doesn’t make sense to break it off, right? The thing is, if you’ve already given it a chance, tried to work through whatever issues you have and still feel like things are not quite right, then this may be a sign that you’re lying to yourself in the relationship.

    In an article for Psych Central, Darlene Lancer, JD, MFT, wrote that no one needs any consent to leave a relationship, millions of people remain in unhappy relationships that range from feelings of emptiness to abuse for many reasons. The feeling of suffocation or of having no choices stems from unconscious fears that lead to guilt. Lancer also pointed out that people give many explanations for staying in bad relationships, ranging from caring for young children to caring for a sick partner. Just remember, you don’t owe anybody anything other than honesty, to both your partner and yourself. There is no sense in settling in a relationship for the reason of investment.
  3. K

    K Well-Known Member

    I think most people who have had long term relationships have experienced most of these things at one time or another.

    I always find it really interesting the whole thing about people and what they think they "deserve".
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Another is that people are some times blind in what's going on
  5. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Are they? I think more often people choose to turn a blind eye because they fear change. Leaving what you thought was your "forever" takes a tremendous amount of guts and effort. Some people don't want it bad enough to put in the work so they ignore reality.
  6. K

    K Well-Known Member


    I think people know what they are doing and even if they are trying to lie to themselves, down deep they know the truth.

    Also, when talking to many people who have left ltr, when they are really honest, they will say that they knew in the beginning. But, as with some of these things on the list, they decided to do it anyway, for whatever reason. Maybe they think this will "get better", etc.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Also like K said some people just don't believe they deserve better. It's really really hard to believe better exists when all you know is bad. Faith definitely don't come easy
  8. K

    K Well-Known Member

    That's true.

    Actually though, I meant that people are all over the place talking about how they deserve so much, yet they often are not willing to give all that they think they deserve. It really blows me away.

    I'm not saying people deserve to be treated like shit. I just don't think it works to come at a relationship from the pov of it being all about what you should get.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Absolutely. It's always been a hurdle for me as far as dating. So many people swear they deserve the world and give so little back it's mind boggling. They believe I love you is akin to agreeing to indentured servitude.
  10. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Initially I did it to help someone get a green card that I was kind of interested in and after my son was born, reasons 1, 4 & 5 took over. I can totally relate to this article.

    Hahaha! You're not lying about that one.
  11. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Yes I have because we had a connect most people never get,,but that much emotion can get ugly, so I had to finally and permenantyl walk away
  12. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Only number 5 applies to me.

    My relationship with my girlfriend was very chaotic at one point, it was much worse than simply a bad relationship. Many times I threw in the towel and waved the white flag or atleast I thought I did but I continued to fight for our relationship just as she has. We went thru so much that I was hell bent on making our relationship work so all the shit I went thru was worth it. but most importantly is I love her their is nobody else more perfect for me.
  13. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Ditto, but I got tired as change is slow
  14. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    none of those applied to me,,,,we blow each other away from the start and it got stronger over time, but obsessive on both our parts, to the point that is changed the way each of us really are and all common sense went out the window, it was like we were one person

    I dont regret it as I learned alot and expereinced a kind of love most of us never feel, but I am beginning to get happy again, so I am grateful that it ended,
  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Yeah those people will suck the life out if you
  16. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    Life is too short to waste your short time away with someone who does not appreciate you and treat you as such.

    I have learned that relationships teach us what we are willing to wait for (because let's face it, we are all learning and growing at all times). You should know what you are willing to accept or settle for. You deserve to be just as happy as the happiest couple you know and you should understand that things are never going to be perfect all of the time. In the end it's about finding that person who is willing to grow with you and make something imperfect perfect for you. until then, love yourself like no other and get to know yourself so you will be ready when the right one comes along.
  17. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    I have when I was younger, but I know then that it was a convenience thing. Nowadays, I'll bounce if I see that it's not a good fit.
  18. DMack21

    DMack21 New Member

    Agree 100 percent!

    Well said:p:p:p

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