Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    Okay, but why is Trump a better candidate than Clinton? Isn't he more of the same 'ole rich, white guy who wants to deregulate and cut taxes on the wealthy? I'm still not seeing a tangible reason why he'd be a better president.

    Book, please don't think I'm picking on you. I'm not. To me, discussing politics and trying to change one another's mind is fun. However, I realize not everyone feels that way. So, if you want me to chill, just let me know and it's all good. No harm, no foul. I completely understand.
  2. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    I hear what you are saying books, however in all of those examples the President could not act unilaterally, Congress had to approve all of those actions, so to lay the blame only at the feet of the president is not quite fair. All of those actions turned out to have negative consequences for the country for sure, I have been saying for years that more and more Americans need to be better informed about all levels of government, but for most they just don't have the time or the resources to do so , or are easily mislead by the spin doctors on both sides.
  3. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Yep. We seen this 1000 times already. Lol
  4. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    The only times the President is 100% to blame and Congress' complicity is glossed over is when they're Democratic presidents. GOP presidents can gut social programs, not spend on infrastructure, privatize public works, sabotage government, crash the economy and lead America into multiple wars of choice no problem

    And of course, the black president is "lawless" and "tyrannical"

  5. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    LOL. That list is weak.
    After the top 3 it's just a political hit piece.

    If elected, Hillary is going to be held accountable by her base and forced to govern IMO as a progressive.

    Otherwise they're going to cut her legs out from under her.

    While Bernie-ites are jumping and shouting, someone tell me what has he ever done for the progressive movement during his nearly 30 years in Congress??

    What legislation has he ever written or pushed to get passed??

    Progressives need to stop worrying about whether Hillary or Bernie is the next POTUS and get organized about getting their respective U.S. Senators and congress people voted into office.

    Without more progressives in Congress, Bernie will be even more ineffective than Obama, who at least had majorities in the House and Senate when he was elected.

    The 'perfect' ideological POTUS does not exist.
    Someone needs to remind progressives of this fact.

    The MOST progressive presidents we've ever had were a Republican(Lincoln) and a good ol' boy Southerner in LBJ.

    Hillary is not the 'perfect' progressive candidate, but she's good enough and better than anything being offered by the Republicans.
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    SOME of the last 24 in that list are iffy, but not all.

    And if you think Hillary is even a little progressive, then you need to get your head out of your butt.

    She is the status quo politician. She embodies everything that is wrong with our current political system. IF she becomes president, NOTHING will change.

  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    She does all the obviously fake things that annoys everyone like riding the subway while in NY and drinking a beer. That's not your lifestyle why are you doing these things? It's bs political pandering and its so damn annoying.
  8. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    I can agree that there's questionable things with Hillary, but there's absolutely no way I'd choose Cruz or Trump over her.

    Looking at the field... I'd pick Bernie, but I have no problem with Hillary being the next POTUS either. I think she catches a lot of BS because she's female, and some see her as an extension of Bill.

    I tend to lean liberal, and there's no way I can support someone with the values of Cruz. Then, Trump is simply a delusional loudmouth (and many other things) with a healthy dose of being racist.

    That said.... My vote goes to Hillary or Bernie in the general election. I have to feel for moderate republicans as their one somewhat decent candidate has almost no chance of being nominated.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Really? How so?
  10. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Simple things that has been said about her such as being too emotional, nagging, a bitch. Even Carly Fiorina's comment about "unlike another candidate, she loves to spend time with her husband".

    I feel that Hillary Clinton gets gender-based attacks as President Obama gets race-based attacks.
  11. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

  12. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Put a fork in the Sander's campaign because it is done. New York once again votes for the Chicagoan. I knew she was inevitable.
  13. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    That's really all you need to know here folks.
    worst choices that I have ever had to pick from. I want to be inspired to vote. My last vote was inspiring. It is the only time that my vote for the president has ever affected my life in such a profound way(affordable care act).

    This chick here .... just blah ....definition of meh.

    Last edited: Apr 20, 2016
  14. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Hillary will sell the US to Saudi Arabia if she becomes President.


    Illinois is a blue state. My vote doesn't matter but if I can make a statement, I will.

    I will be writing in Bernie's name in November.

    Fuck the establishment. Fuck the DNC and their voter suppression.

    Fuck this rigged election.
  15. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    Pick your poison this campaign.
  16. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Fuck the DNC and their voter suppression??



    If the Republicans hadn't done everything in their power to gerrymander every congressional district in the country, eliminate polling centers and make voters present 3-5 forms of ID to vote, there wouldn't be such a thing as voter suppression.

    Believe it or not, Bernie's campaign has forced Hillary to govern as a 'moderate' progressive instead of a moderate 'republican'.

    The base and the Democrats in Congress simply will not allow her to be the next Obama. She's going to have to be left of him.

    Where did this 'Hillary will sell the U.S. to Saudi Arabia' crap come from?

    This is what I HATE about conservatives, their projection of their own ills onto their opponents.

    It was Dubya and the Bush family who allowed the U.S. to get ass raped by the royal Saudi family.

    Remember it was Dubya who provided safe passage for the Bin Laden and Saudi royals in the aftermath of 9/11 to safely return back to the ME without any type of interrogation.

    As for the election process, it's been the same way since forever.
    The primaries can't be rigged because you were too busy to familiarize yourself with the rules.

    Don't like the rules?? Tell the RNC to change them.:smt022

    Obama outflanked Hillary in 2008 because he knew the game was about acquiring delegates in caucus states and not just winning the popular vote.

    Donald Trump is the most unstudied and unprepared Presidential candidate in American history.

    Who would think the billionaire candidate is running such a disorganized, on-the-cheap campaign?
    Remember that bullshit Trump said about Obama having stupid people working for him and that Donald would hire the smartest 'sharks' to work in his administration??
    Learn how to run a campaign first.lol

    Trump thinks his personality is more important than being able to articulate his platform and how he plans to improve the country, in detail.

    Building a wall is not a platform, it's an applause line.

    A presidential candidate is not supposed to be inspiring.
    He or she is supposed to be someone who has the discipline, strategy and negotiation skills to get things done.

    Cheerleaders may look pretty, but they don't win the game.

    Hillary understands what it means to be an effective POTUS and is not going to get rolled by the Republicans in Congress.

    If Hillary is elected, Democrats running in state and national races are going to win legislative seats.
    White independents are going to have more faith in following Hillary than they did with Obama.:smt006
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2017
  17. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    So, because I don't like Hillary, that makes me a Republican? Nope. I'm an Independent and will vote for the person I feel will make the best President.

    As for your assertion that Republicans gerrymander districts, so do Democrats. And no, Republicans don't do it "all over the country". They do it in red states, as dems do it in blue states. It runs rampant on BOTH sides of the aisle.

    120,000+ voter records purged in Brooklyn alone over the last 5 months and you don't think that's a rigged election?

    The Clinton Kool-Aid must be really tasty.

    And I love how you're blaming the RNC for all of the election issues. :smt043

    Most of the election issues this primary season have involved the DEMOCRATS. Why would the Republicans care what happens in the democrat primaries when they're busy trying to rid themselves of Trump?

    But, by all means, keep deflecting from the real issues and keep blaming Republicans. LOL.

    Look at the post below for my answer to your Clinton and Saudi question. Btw, I wasn't talking about 9/11.
  18. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    This went largely ignored when it was posted on page 58.

    Sorry that you can't blame this on a "vast right-wing conspiracy". :smt043

    She's as corrupt as they come. But, I'm sure you'll explain it all away as being just a really unfortunate "coincidence".
  19. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    The Republicans have gerrymandered congressional districts all across the country.
    That's why blue states like Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan have republican governors and majority republican legislative bodies.

    Also, tell me the last time the United States didn't sell arms to ME countries??
    This is a phony controversy and to complain that Hillary 'will sell the U.S. to Saudi Arabia' is nonsensical.

    Those ME countries may be autocratic, but making them weak enough to be overthrown by radical armed islamists is also a threat to a the balance of power in the region.

    There are no easy solutions to the problems that ail the ME and wishing for democratic regimes doesn't mean it will ever happen.

    There's a line of thought the only meaningful foreign policy strategy is to try to maintain the status quo and encourage these regimes, bit by bit, to enact piecemeal democratic reforms.

    Newsflash, the United States has ALWAYS brokered arms sales to bad actors.

    Hillary Clinton's State Department wasn't the first and won't be the last.

    It's fascinating that not one U.S. senator or U.S. representative protested these arms deals.

    Was there quid pro quo going on between donations to the Clinton Foundation and some of these deals?

    Highly unethical. But not criminal because it can't be proven.

    You're going to need a stronger negative argument against Hillary than this to show she's unqualified to be POTUS.
  20. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member









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