Someone here will vote for Trump ?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by alioufall, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    So the answer is to support a candidate who does the exact same things that you're criticizing these people for doing? Even Ray Charles can see the hypocrisy in that and he's both blind and dead!
  2. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Hey simp, you hear the pro-Trump people in that video calling her a "nigger lover" before she got pepper sprayed? You think that shit's funny too?

    I honestly don't know what's worse. Black Trump supporters or the masses of ignorant black people who are turning out for the Clintons even after all that race-baiting shit they pulled when they realized that they were going to lose to Obama in '08.
  3. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    I support trump because he represents what America is and always will be. Ignorant, brash, unapologetic, rude, greedy, conniving, manipulative and racially insensitive. I see Trump not giving any fucks like traditional politicians making some radically positive changes in America,even if his fails it'll still be a win because it'll spur others to make the radical changes so Trump will never happen again.
  4. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    I don't lose dignity, money, sleep, or a roof over my head over petty comments like nigger lover or simp. Clearly your just as frustrated as them red necks with your personal life, Trump will make life better. ;)
  5. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Can't understand why people keep saying stuff like this when we already had 8 years of Bush. Clearly people have short memories and didn't learn anything from that.
  6. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    As much as people try to push this narrative that bush was hated, people loved that dude and approved of what he did.
  7. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Well what do you think about what he did?
  8. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Bush's approval rating when he left office was 22%, the lowest final rating for an outgoing president since Gallup began asking about presidential approval more than 70 years ago. So yes, some loved him, but the vast majority disapproved of the job he did.

    Interesting article on Black people who support Drumpf, I mean, Trump...
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2016
  9. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    This country is a young country. Because of that reasoning, it should not be a bully no matter how much power it has. We are a country at war. And we should not be terrorists to fight terrorists. This country is next on the chopping block of fallen nations. If we're not careful we could be there earlier than expected. No one is going to change anything in this country before they look at themselves, no matter whom is elected. Trump is a better businessman than politician. Radicalism with a touch of neonationalism is a dangerous combination.
  10. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    If Humpfhy Dumbthy wins, we may say goodbye to all and every single international relationship we ever had. The rest of the world is having a good laugh at him even running and nobody will ever want to have anything to do with us.

    If he wins, I'm an leaving this country the very same day. It will be a nightmare. I have been here since 94 and lately this country I love so much is circling the drain. Becoming more and more backwards.

    There are no real candidates I would truly support, I like Sanders, but unfortunately. I don't think it's realistic for this country. I have some issues with Clinton of course. But for people to NOT vote because of that, you might as well vote for Trumph. It's idiotic to not vote and Shame on you!!!!!!

    That is not a demonstration of disapproval. It doesn't work like that. You HAVE to use your power to vote, if your perfect choice currently doesnt exist. Then support the second best, or we will have a state that regulates media and other fascistic issues. And it's your fault because you didn't vote against Trumph. He will be the new era of fachism, that we hoped died with Franco.
    Geeezzzz people. Use your right to vote!!!!! It's even more important in a race like this, where there are no clear candidates, or you pick the worst one by default. I'm packing already
  11. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Well, it should be difficult given what the non-black supporters are like:

  12. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Go to war with Iraq under the lie of wmd.

    Alright , you got me but that second piece is nothing but political propaganda.
  13. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    I'll wait until all the facts come out. Far too many hoaxes these days for certain motives like the black women at one university claimed a bunch of racist jumped them on a bus calling them nuggets but audio/video showed other wise.
  14. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    If i did not have vested interests in America i would say i want Trump to win so i can watch "The Oaf in the White House" reality show on E! :cool:
  15. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    Tiffany Trump

    22 Years Old

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  16. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    Tiffany Trump

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  17. LadyLuck

    LadyLuck Active Member

    I might vote for Trump because I want to stop our jobs being deliberately sent overseas where we do free trade whilst other countries are protectionist like china who artificially lower their currency making it more attractive to make goods there. We need to put tariffs on chinese made goods to equal the playing field.

    I also think we need to control immigration and close the southern border. We don't need low skilled labor from mexico because everything is going to be automated and there's a lot of problems with mexicans coming in as they are literally pushing out traditional americans from working class jobs and violently from neighborhoods just look at the violence directed at black people by mexican gangs in cali to push them out plus I don't want to end up like europe with muslims coming in and blowing up our cities every couple of months.

    Trump may not be politically correct but at least he's standing for americans with actual policies to change things rather than just paying lip service which changes nothing. Plus Hilary Clinton is super corrupt and pro war she was responsible for Libya whilst Trump doesn't want to get involved in dumb wars.

    Make America Great Again
  18. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    Put that koolaid down baby girl.

    Trump isn't stopping jobs from leaving the country or anything else he says he'll do.

    People say "he can't be bought because he's so rich"

    Dude is bought and sold many times over...he licenses his own name to the same builders that use illegal labor.

    Trump didn't start making any real money until that TV show.:smt037
  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    He is being sued for his chump error trump university. So if he is willing to jam people on that then what makes you think he will not jam the whole country for a buck , like others did. He will not be the first...he will not be the last

  20. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    This is currently the only reason why I may even consider Trump.

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