Tim Meadows & his stripper girlfriend Lynsie Lee

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by ColiBreh1, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    You can see the rest of her tweets in this hater site article: http://hater site.com/1287597/swirl-on-blast-tatted-becky-exposes-dirty-dog-actor-tim-meadows-as-a-cheater/
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2016
  2. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    He's should be saying his prayers every night that he didn't get this hoochie pregnant.

    THIS dude dodged a bullet.
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Man yeah. He got off that highway cause it had way too many signs saying "she's crazy"
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2016
  4. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    She is in dire need of psychiatric help.
  5. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    She's cute.
  6. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    You're a stripper. You're a sucker of you think he wanted some deep shit with you. Assuming he's not one of these rappers Nutting up in whores, he's a smart man. Fuck and go. You don't want that to be the mother of your kids.
  7. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    She's got a cute, punk rock version of Kirsten Dunst kind of vibe. Her public verbal/text diarrhea makes being with her look incredibly unwise.

    JUANMACKER Active Member

    Black men has a spell on Blondes

    She can't get over him...or is it his fame and fortune...?
  9. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

  10. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    A mature woman with unrealistic expectations he was having fun with her and that was it... she was trying to turn into a housewife and now she's butt hurt
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    She should be happy with the trip to Hawaii
  12. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    Yeah that was really nice I'm not sure what his intentions were he probably did send her mixed signals because that's something special
  13. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Well if the relationship went on for 3 months I hardly believe that he was with her for just pleasure. And unless we know that Tim Meadows got it like that I don't think she had any golddigger, groupie like intentions.

    The way I see it is like this... He probably realize "this chick is psycho" and got out while he can and for him to not want to talk to her, about her, block her. ect. there was probably an incident or revelation about her that scared him.
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Yeah...he just came to his senses. He was temporarily booty blind.
  15. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    side note: His ex wife is beautiful

    Michelle Taylor
  16. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    Three months in the grand scheme of things for a man is nothing... I dated someone like that for year and a half who had no real end goal for what we were supposed to be or where we were going. Men with no intentions are quick to keep things low key and without labels.

    I think he was just enjoying himself. he probably liked her but he knew he couldn't wife her so when he went ghost he hurt her feelings. Blocking her from social media and her diarrhea of the mouth, he probably just wants to pretend like he never knew her at all.

    His ex is beautiful.
  17. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Men like that already know where the relationship is going from the start and is meeting the end goal they want, which is no where.

    Even when we straight up lie to you women's face where we see the relationship, our actions always speak the truth at the very same time.
  18. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    I absolutely agree... and then you have women like me that go above and beyond when he is not deserving, who end up jaded because of it.

    Definitely learned my lesson lol
  19. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Dang, y'all kinda going in hard on her. Her tweets were perfectly fine and tame for a woman who was in a relationship with a man and got dumped out of the blue. She didn't expose him or bad mouth him like every Instathot usually does these days.

    I imagine dating a stripper seriously is one of the hardest type of people you can date because of one's constant insecurity and paranoia dating one. All the strippers I've met are incredibly annoying, obnoxious, and self centered, if their is a such thing of a laid back stripper, I would date one.
  20. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    She's actually kind of hot with her close on. She doesn't look like a walking STD at all.


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