I'm disgusted by all of the ignorance being displayed in this thread by everyone. this isn't pedophila, this is ephebophilia.
Don't get it twisted, I don't feel sorry for her at all. She's a dumbfuck for doing what she did. But I don't feel an ounce of sympathy for him either. I see him for exactly what he is...a punk who willingly fucked his teacher and now he's using the system to his advantage because he can. They both need to fuck off and grow up.
Sighs... When thirsty ass niggas base their opinions on their thirst... It doesn't matter whether or not you wanted some pussy at 16 or not. As a 29, 39, 29 year old adult you should not be fucking with a 16 year old. I swear, with some of the comments on here, some of you sound like some "Reverse-R-Kelly" types on here. The boy is a victim. She was grooming him for sex from age 15? That is full on sexual predator. She apparently has multiple victims. If you are 29, looking to hook up with 15 and 16 year olds, then you are a sick ass person, plain and simple. I know some of the people where have daughters. So if a 29 year old teacher is showering her with gifts in the hopes of grooming your 15 year old daughter for sex, it is somehow her fault? They are called minors for a reason. That bitch is a sexual predator, a rapist, and I hope she dies a horrible death.
Unethical yes Criminal fuck no For me to see you as a sexual criminal two things have to be satisfied was the person involved at an age of reason where they could understand what was going on and could the perp exert true control over them. Not to mention in most states 16 is the age of consent. I don't think she should ever be able to teach again but criminal charges are a bit much and I feel the same way in most cases involving men too.
I disagree and agree. . she should not teach again. But teens aren't making sound decisions at that time. You aren't allowed to join the army until you are 18. Its is stupid for the variance in ages for states though
Nope, age of consent in California is 18. So, now she can go to prison and stop trying to rape 15 and 16 year old boys.
She knowingly broke the law and for that she's an idiot. But a "rapist who deserves a horrible death"??? Good God, dramatic much? 18 isn't some magic number that means emotional maturity is complete. It's simply the age that you've been groomed to believe is "adult". 15-16 year olds (unless there's some developmental issues) KNOW what they're doing. Do they make shitty decisions? Of course but I know 30 year olds that have that same buyers remorse after fucking that guy who's been wining and dining them. The young man in this story is NOT a victim. Giving him that title does SUCH an injustice to the true victims, being raped and abused each day. This is a guy who cried foul when he got caught (and when he realized he could cash in on his "victim" status). There are probably decisions most of us made at 16 that we later regret, but that doesn't change the fact that we knew what we were doing. Claiming victim status just for financial gain infuriates me about as much as the people blindly offering their support for that action.
You keep saying 16 as if she wasn't also grooming a 15 year old for sex and there are apparently multiple victims. That is an actual sexual predator. But, if you want to support sexual predators or blame victims of rape that is entirely up to you. She also had sex with the boy in question at the age of 15 and prior to and during that time gave him gifts. Essentially, child prostitution. Blame 15 year old boys if you want to, but that woman is a disgusting sexual predator. From the article: Soon after contacting him, the boy said she took him to the movies, tried to hold his hand and gave him $20. A week later she bought him an Xbox 360 and then made her first sexual advance. He said: 'She started rubbing my face, calling me cute, handsome. She started kissing me and from there we had sex.' He felt 'obligated' to continue seeing her, during which she treated him like a boyfriend, he told the broadcaster. This continued for several months, during which they would repeatedly 'eat, go somewhere, come back, have sex'. She is also alleged to have supplied him with alcohol, marijuana and the prescription drug Xanax before having sex. The boy's lawsuit claims school officials failed to investigate claims Yeh was grooming teenage boys. for the last time HE WAS 15 WHEN IT HAPPENED, NOT 16