I bet Pete Carroll is now wishing they took those three points when they tried to go on 4th down earlier in the game. And that missed field goal, too.
February 7th. Maybe the better question would be: what companies won't have ads run during the SuperBowl? LOL.
Absolutely insane, but I'm not suprised to see it from a QB like Rogers.. The drive, and hail Mary were both impressive.
So many of these games as of late have been absolutely on the edge of your seat thrilling an unbelievable down to the very last second of the game!!!
Yup! I think one thing that makes this years' playoffs more exciting is that they're no overly dominant teams. I'd say that more than half of the teams in the playoffs this year have/had a good chance to make it to the Super Bowl.
thanks chica...the steelers fans invaded Denver along with all the people in town for the stock show...it was a beautiful day...thankful for our kicker and his 16 points...McManus response..."it's my job to make those kicks" Cherokee...can you send Tom Brady a few boxes of Thin Mints...he eats so clean I am thinking they might give him a belly ache
If I'm betting... It'll be Carolina and New England. I'd like to see Carolina win it all, but of the remaining teams I really don't care who wins (except New England).
I got you! I really wish I still lived in Denver sometimes, my life would be so different! I would live to go to the games!
Yes, I agree. All strong teams and evenly matched but great on different ways. Carolina may be the exception here. I am thinking they may take the whole thing, but I'd love my Broncos to win before Peyton retires.