a sense of balance? does being pro-black means anti-white?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Then WHY say it?

    Why is it that you since day one of posting here have done nothing but talk down to/at other adults, as if they know nothing about race or gender issues AT ALL? People express views and opinions here based on their own personal experiences, so why are you all in threads "correcting" other adults for expressing views and opinions that don't match up with your own? Why are you as a black man lecturing another black man on issues of race as if your views are the only ones that every black person should be lockstep with?
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Never said it was about me don't know where you got that from
    I'm not dodging a thing. In this country more often than not I notice a lot, not all, ww gravitate to exclusively dating bm when their options are low elsewhere.

    Why did you choose this link?
  3. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    You said here, on the forum, so I didn't understand who was being vitriolic towards men here.

    White women don't have struggles that are unique to them, you're right. Again, I was talking about the forum. Some of us have had concerns that are unique to dating interracially. Some WW, here and elsewhere, who date BM have been able to do so with little problem. Friends and family accept it, they get little if no backlash from society at large. But that's not the case with all of us. Getting cut out of your family's fortune may seem funny to you and it likely doesn't happen all that much, but I'm sure there have been some WW who have had to make huge personal sacrifices to follow their heart. And many of us make smaller ones.

    We also get caught in the crossfire when black folks lash out at white people. I don't get too excited because I get it, but it's hard at times to be lumped in with those you're angry with. I know that's part of what we have to live with if we're going to love BM. It's easier coming from those who don't know us, don't know we date IR. But when it comes from those who do, it stings. When WM are criticized, I think of my son, my nephews, my dad...

    I'm not trying to equate our issues with yours, just making you aware that we, too, have situations that hurt or cause concern. So when a BM understands that and supports us, I don't see it as him kissing ass. I see him as saying "I hear you and I understand."
  4. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Where have we heard that before? Over and over and over..... Oh wait....BFE is the British TDK!
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So how do we remedy this Ches? Should we not speak around you? Not trying to be a dick I'm really asking because this thing only gets better through you
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Excuse me? Smh
  7. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Stop acting as if BM are the ONLY ones with issues worthy of concern here. People can stop making assumptions that if a man defends white women here, that he's kissing ass. And if you're angry at particular white people, say that, rather than painting with a broad brush. Don't assume that all white people know what white privilege is and that they deliberately use it to their advantage. Just because they benefit from it doesn't mean they all understand what it is and how offensive it is to non-white people. And recognize that no woman here (that I'm aware of) insists on being glorified and put up on a pedestal (well. maybe Tarshi :p) but we do want respect, not only as women but as white women.
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    So if everyone has challenges in life and ww have challenges that are stated here then why dismiss it. This is a forum on wwbm not just bm.

    So if you are here talking that we should view what www go thru in IR and as women as a whole then why are you here?
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Well stated.

    Just cause we disagree doesn't mean you should be ugly.

    If he and TDK actually read the start of the thread then they might get it.
  10. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I just can't with you. :neutral:
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well here's the thing if you don't actively oppose the system you actually do aid in it through your silence and acceptance. We all do it different contexts like we all agree to child labor in foreign lands by buying cheap ass shit.
    And again what white woman is posting anY concerns that are being dismissed I've yet to see it. If an individual had a concern it's usually met with interest and concern so what issues are referring to?
    Sometimes it seems like certain members just want us to shut about the bs going on because they're tired of hearing it and it makes them feel uncomfortable.
    And if someone doesn't know what white privilege is then here's a perfect place to ask trust me you'll be educated if you want to be.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Get what? GL. YOU are the one who insults nearly on a daily basis you start that bs.
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Cause it goes to what I said in how you dismiss women issues often.

    Show me where I insulted you.

    In regards to the ww date after being rejected by wm statement, so when people say that's insulting , you don't see it that way?
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    No, I'm going tell you something . the point of the thread was

    one.....we talk racism all the time. Educate yourself about this site.Dudes will turn a thread about kitty Kat's into a race issue.

    2. You are talking about dating ww on this site so they aren't the enemy. The know about racism...they see it and hear all day everyday here.

    3. We have dudes here that will scream down ww with the "our plight is worse than yours" game if a woman bring up race issues.

    4. It was mentioned In another thread that they feel anti-white sentiment in the forum. The guy who made the statement apologized (cause he has class and is sensitive to other peoples feelings) moved me to do the topic.

    Just as thump said "problack doesn't mean antiwhite"

    To add on it would be prohuman. The problem is dudes here think or act problack means going all out day in day out. This does paint a pic
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
  15. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    For one, you mock the idea that a WW still may encounter flack from family. As I said, yes, the idea that Daddy's going to cut her out of the will is probably something from my generation than yours, but there are still those who are very closed minded about IR and wouldn't look kindly on a daughter dating/marrying a BM.

    And for the longest time, you refused to understand where I came from. I didn't expect the grief I got when I joined this forum. And the assumption that I turned to BM because I couldn't get the hot white guy, when in fact, BM approached me. Thankfully, you seem to have come to a different place in your thinking about my situation, at least.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    GL a black man (allegedly ) is the one who brings that up so that's why I dismiss him has a female poster posted about tbat?
    To be real usually people with that much to lose wouldn't risk that shit so it's a moot point.
  17. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Uhhh, yes. I have.
  18. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    That, is some funny shit lol

    Truth right there, son.
  19. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    How long does one have to be here before one can make what you consider to be asinine comments?

    How long have you been here, daughter?
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You said your family was gonna cut you off because of who you date and you were dismissed?

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