a sense of balance? does being pro-black means anti-white?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    In this forum race issues are discussed all the time. Primarily and seemingly only how whites treat blacks.

    The concern is as follows:

    it seems that certain people here on the forum really express or it seems to express anti-white views. my question is can you be pro black and not be antiwhite?

    Does being problack in this forum means to overlook the fact that this is an IR website?
  2. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Despite the fact that race relations in western society have come a long way. White people still have a power dynamic over black people. Western society is designed for white people to be the "default" race and culture.

    So being 'pro-black' is a way for black people to let everybody (including other black people) know that we are here too, and our lives and culture are just as important as everybody else's.

    In no way, shape, or form should 'pro-black' be confused with 'anti-white'.

    To be 'pro-black' in this society is a way of saying "hey, we matter too".
    To be 'anti-white' is like saying "we matter more than you".

    I think there are two reason that 'pro-black' gets mistaken for 'anti-white'.

    • The first reason is because of our human tendency to only point out the negative in any given situation. We don't talk about all the decent white cops, and positive interactions between the races.

    • The second reason is because of a mutated form of "white guilt". When it gets pointed out that our society was deliberately designed to benefit white people at the detriment of black people. It makes (some) white people acknowledge their own privilege, which for (some people) can get internalized as blame.

    I'd be remiss not to acknowledge that there are 'anti-white' sentiments held by some people who consider themselves 'pro-black'. But those people don't represent 'pro-black' as a whole.
  3. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Sadly, this will always be a sticky topic. Well... I'm sure it will during our lifetimes.

    I don't think being pro-black means anti-white, but again, it's a touchy subject.

    My g/f was going through issues with her brother, and he has accused her of "siding too much with blacks". I think it's clearly that she's liberal, and he's totally taken on extreme right wing views, especially regarding inner-city problems and such.

    A good balance would be great. I think many of us have it, in that we're able to see others based on their character, but society is very much lacking.

    Many would disagree, but decades later... Dr King's dream has yet to be realized.
  4. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I tried to rep you but have to spread it around. You summed it up very nicely. Great post!
  5. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

    Reminds me of anti-racist is anti-white
  6. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Absolutely excellent post.

    I like "white" skin and all the other things I find oh so sexy about white women :D. I don't like the privilege "white" mentality. That I think is what some may mistake for being "anti-white".
  7. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I will not hesitate to say "you are surely one of the dumbest asses around here in the Forum".

    Anyone who thinks its OK to give a woman a beat down shouldn't have a say about anything.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
  9. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    You haven't been here long enough nor do you know people well enough to make such an assinine comment. Chill out, son.
  10. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    He is a real jack ass. Any dude who tries to justify beating a woman gets no respect.

    He also don't understand the convo. Its above him
  11. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Take a seat. Take several. Seriously. You don't know the personalities here.
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Sit your your ass down
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Foolfromengland don't even understand the damn question.
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I have to spread the rep around to give you another
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I've yet to really see any anti white views on this forum. How people may internalize things is a different story but I have not scene anyone distinctly say anything that is anti white. I know I personally say things that are anti establishment and point out white privilege and for some they take it as an attack on them personally. It's sad because when I point shit out I wish more people who acknowledge this white privilege bs is just an illusion just another way for the matrix to blind you to the truth. If you think police brutality or selective hiring practices or discriminatory practices for housing will stop at skin tone then you are gravely mistaken. The problems with humans is we have incredibly short memories, look at all the immigrant groups ranging from the Italians and Irish to the Jews who were treated like absolute garbage for no reason other than how they came into the world yet when given the opportunity treated black people exactly the way they were treated. Few don't connect the patterns of suffering and how this shit begins until they are on the shit end of the suffering stick.
    And GL when you say we ignore the suffering of white women please tell me what struggles they have for being white women?
    I am primarily attracted to white women, can't be helped but attraction doesn't nor should it equal reverence. The same way women can point out bs about the patriarchy and still enjoy men means I can do the same in reference to whiteness.
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    So when you said that "ww date bm cause they were rejected by wm" then you stated a fake study , how does that look? How is that to be viewed?

    You have been using the word patriarchy for years and when I asked you the definition and then you got it wrong. so please, stay from that word.

    You have always compared bm suffering versus women. So when the women here speak on their challenges you dismiss them. Just cause the bm victim stick maybe bigger doesn't mean you shouldn't listen to them and provide comfort and understanding to them. You expect that from the ww here so why can't you do the same? Providing that doesn't mean you are kissing ass. That means you are being human.

    When a ww was discriminated against for dating a bm all you could talk about "if it was a bw....." So answer this why couldn't you acknowledge what she was going through?

  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You insist on the back and forth but all I will say it's simply untrue. I have acknowledged what some women go through but as a group ww do not go through anything in this country even the feminist movement that focuses on their issues excludes women of color who aren't concerned with any wage gap as much as they are concerned with poverty related issues.
    And you're the one bringing this shit up GL and that's pretty much my litmus. It's not like women are the ones bringing this shit up. From what I've read on this forum even in relation to the race issues dealing with IR the vast majority of vitrol is directed at the men.
  18. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    From who???? Sorry, I agree with GL on this one. You expect us to be sympathetic with you and the issues you face as a BM (and we are) but if any of us mention a struggle we've faced, it's more or less dismissed because it simply doesn't compare in severity to anything you've faced. Because we benefit from white privilege, we don't struggle, in your mind. And to be sympathetic to us, as GL said, is not kissing ass. It's attempting to understand where we're coming from even if the struggle is not something you understand, whether it has to do with being white or just being a woman.
  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    The feminist surely don't care about bw but that's funny coming from you, The main bw basher. I brought it up cause it slightly touched on in another thread. Guess what? No one brought your name up. You assumed this thread is about you . it isn't. You told on yourself.

    For you to try to act like you sympathize with women's issues is a lie


    Again explain how it looks when you say "ww who date bm are rejects of wm". Why do you keep dodging that?
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Says who? Media, government, comments on the Internet take your pick.
    Ches do you have individual struggle of course you do you're human. What struggles do ww have as a group?
    What struggles have you guys brought up on here as a result of you being white?
    That was my point

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