Should You Ever Take Womens Advice On How To Get Women ?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

  2. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    It does appear that way, doesn't it? :D
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So i guess we don't believe in equality anymore huh
  4. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member


    It does appear to be that way, doesn't it? :D
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    He is being treated equally.
  6. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Only when it's convenient.
  7. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

    I'd be interested to see what was happening before the woman took a swing at the man.
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    If someone says something " jacked up" or seemingly then don't we crack them for it?

    So now are we saying they shouldn't be challenged?
  9. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    This is true and I agree with it. An average woman's upper body strength is about half what an average man's is. While I can't blame a guy if he strikes a woman who hits him first, I'd really admire him if he could walk away or subdue her without hitting her. If she hauls off and hits him and he returns in kind, she's probably going to be really hurt where he may not be as badly. But these days, if a woman hits a guy, she better be prepared for the consequences and they may not be nice.
  10. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Agreed. Most of the time if a man is hit by a woman he usually can stop her and/or get away without going at her with all of his strength. I've walked away myself and was thankful that it didn't escalate any further. Sadly, there are those guys who feel like it's OK to hit females because they're mouthing off/and or they simply want to control them.
  11. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    She had a closed fist and went to punch that guy, he didn't punch her he pushed her into a thin plate glass window, which to me he didn't mean to do.

    Justified to get her out of his personal space, unfortunate that it was an old style framed glass window, if it had been a double glassed set up it would not have gone so easily.

    I get pissed off with these women who jump into arguments trying to land a few punches when no ones looking.

    If someone hits me I'm hitting them back man or woman.

    I remember a pregnant woman trying to punch my cousin (absolutely disgusting thing this woman) she was jabbing her in the chest making threats and I came back from the bar and I'm like WTF happened since I left? My cousin was like "I accidently knocked her drink" ( the whole thing was surreal) right up in my cousins face and she didn't know what to do considering the woman's situation.

    I had to step in and say to her buddies by her side, she pushes my cousin one more time I will smack her one in the face "you aren't pregnant in the face are ya?"

    She skiddaddled pretty quick.
    I really wouldn't have hit her, I'm not an animal, but she was relying on her condition to allow her to hit others.
    Seen it a few times before over the years and I've seen another woman take a punch because they wouldn't hit a pregnant woman.
  12. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I've seen far more videos than I care to on social media (courtesy of WorldStarHipHop) where women are slapping or punching men or other women. And many times, these people don't appear to even know each other. Whatever happened to just flipping someone the bird and walking away? Lol.
  13. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Naw, man it's not a balls thing. It's a respect me, I respect you situation. There should be a cost associated with hitting someone who has not laid a hand on you. Besides, as physically intimidating as Kimbo is, he can catch an ass whipping just like I can:


    LOL I'm going to have to use that. Listen, man it's not about being a pussy; the situation matters also; are you by yourself or with your daughter? Are you sick or in perfect health? Are you sober or tipsy? All of that matters too. But overall I'm saying I don't mess with anybody. Nobody. But if you fuck with me, there is a cost associated with it.That will make a person who decided to hit me think twice about doing such again.

    We agree on this. But what about something I said?

    Whilst having a conversation my ex didn't like the honest answer I gave to her question and she slapped me. Should I be been the physical recipient of her immaturity in not effectively being able to manager her emotions and not physically respond?

    I think not.

    She raised her hand at me another time and caught herself, stopping just before making contact. I guess she remember the last time she decided to use me as a punching bag and my associated response.

    Don't start no shit, won't be no shit. Simple.

    I concur.

    But if a woman knows this and decides to hit me anyway, with more than 20 years of martial art and self defense experience under my belt...she evidently must have lost her goddamn mind. As I am a beneficent and philanthropic humanistic man that I am I would be derelict in my duty to not physically help bring her back to sanity.

    That's different, man. I'm talking about people adults. And truth be told, few men are physically any other mans "equal". Some workout, some don't. Some workout hard, some work out once a month, etc... I'm talking about adults who should have been taught as children what the Georgia Satellites say..."keep your hands to yourself".

    We agree on this. I just intend to increase the probability that if she hits me that it will not happen a second time. I understand, as Tony Robbins points out that humans are motivated by 2 basic things:

    1. The desire to obtain pleasure
    2. The desire to avoid pain

    If she puts her her hands on me, she will more than likely be re-educated on #2.
  14. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    I agree. I have had women mouth off at me often (who would have guessed such a thing lol) and I have walked away. Place your hands on me and we have a different situation.
  15. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Eh, makes sense to me. :)


    That is some funny shit!

    Yep, the promise of pain makes many a motherfucker back the fuck up.
  16. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    I know, man it scary out there sometimes. I don't understand, I really don't.
  17. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    There's a difference between an eight-year old child and an adult woman, though. Kids hit each other because they're kids; they're literally too young to know any better (although eight years old is pushing it a bit) because they don't appreciate the consequences of their actions. It's why kids can't drive, or drink, or vote, or carry guns, or stay home by themselves, or be tried as adults. It's not the same thing when you're dealing with an adult.

    For example, let's say I'm at a bar and I've had one too many drinks. I'm stumbling around and being a belligerent asshole when I stumble into a dude who's 6'3", weighs somewhere north of 240, and is a start college runningback in way better shape than I have ever been in my life. I knock his drink out his hand but instead of apologizing and going on about my business like an adult I decide to stick around and start some shit just because I can, so I take a swing at him. He tells me to knock it off and even tries to walk away but I refuse to take no for an answer so I keep it up. He knocks me out flat on my ass and when I wake up it's already time for breakfast. Should he get a pass just because he's bigger than me and he "didn't have to" use his full strength, or is it my fault for even approaching him in the first place?

    If you ask me, it's completely my fault because I was the one that threw the first punch at him even though I knew that physically he could probably kick my ass. As an adult, I made a decision and to my detriment I paid the consequences. That should apply regardless of gender or size.

    This is all the more reason why women shouldn't men. And why men shouldn't hit women. And why adults shouldn't be hitting each other at all really, especially if they're supposed to be in a relationship. 9 out of 10 men will never lay their hands on a woman but that in no way gives her a reason or an excuse to put her hands on him, at all. I was always taught growing up that bigger people shouldn't physically pick on smaller people just because they can, that smaller person should also be aware of the fact that he's smaller and unless he's black belt he may not want to go around picking fights with someone bigger than he is.
  18. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    I read this in an English accent in my head and it cracked me up lol. But yeah, the window makes that punch looks worse than it really was. Had it been thicker glass or even up against a solid wall then it wouldn't have looked nearly as bad.
  19. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    I think that social media has made stupidity more obvious. People were always reckless and dumb but now that every single person is walking around with a camera in their pocket/jacket/purse stupidity is magnified by a thousand.
  20. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Hmmm. I think it's gotten worse. You have people starting fights for no other reason than to post them on social media. And the way kids disrespect teachers these days? Way worse than when I was in school.

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