Should You Ever Take Womens Advice On How To Get Women ?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    You obviously didn't read what I posted.
    I said "unless she hits you first or is pointing a weapon at you".
    Obviously this dude thinks it's ok to hit a woman if he doesn't like what she said.
    He posted his fucked up pic after something Ches said.
    There was no threat, right?

    I agree that if a woman is violent, you may need to put her in check.
    But this guy has some really bad attitude towards women in general.
    This is not about defense, it's about a man who thinks he is superior and has every right to hit women just because he feels like it.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ok I understand better now thanks for explaining.
  3. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    You are welcome. Glad you understood my point.

    And @BrotherfromEngland:
    I neg repped you for that similar picture you posted in another thread.
    I was so pissed off that I forgot to sign it.
  4. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

  5. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Can you read this and give me your opinion about it?

    Thank you :smt083
  6. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, this is one thing that I disagree with. I've never been in the "man should never hit women" camp but I am firmly in the "people shouldn't be hitting other people." It reduces women to delicate flowers or children who can't control their emotions and I think that it ends up doing more harm than good. It comes pretty close to saying "It's okay for her to hit people. She's a woman, she doesn't know any better." I just choose not to lay my hands on anyone, period.

    Dear god, that man needs run from her as quickly as possible. What he's describing about his girlfriend isn't blackmail, it's straight-up abuse. And he's thinking about signing a lease and merging their bank accounts? He needs to get the fuck out now.
  7. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Maybe it's just really early but I don't understand what you're trying to say.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
  8. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

    Phew. I thought it was just me.
  9. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Lol. Did you have a rough night? :freehug: (I didn't get it either, and I'm fully awake.)
  10. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    Haha, I didn't wanna say anything.
    I was like "I didn't use my English much lately, but that can't really be the reason that I don't get it."
  11. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

    Couldn't agree more. Clearly has terrible issues with women. SMH
  12. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member


    All that he posted and that is what you got from it? No mention about the horrible and emotionally ugly shit those females are talking about, eh?

  13. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    I hear you but disagree. I too have a martial art/self defense background of over 20 years and understand joint locks, internal energy transfer, pressure points, etc...

    My thoughts are if you are stupid enough to throw a punch at me and I have done absolutely nothing with regard to physically harming you, yeah, she might need a "re-education" to the fact that I'm no punching bag. Of course there are ways to strike and subdue leaving no visible signs but after all of this, if a woman hits you she is too unstable to be with.
  14. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

  15. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

  16. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    No disrespect taken, brother. We are just exchanging positions and ideas :)

    Yes, if any of those people took an unprovoked swing (and I wasn't knocked the fuck out lol) they should also receive retribution. And let the chips fall where they may. As DMX said real niggas know real niggas and real niggas ain't gonna fuck with real niggas because it's too much of a headache. I hate that word but I think you catch what the meaning is. Kimbo, Rashed, etc... I don't think are going to just up and fuck with someone or just straight up hit them. So in that context anyone who places their hands on me, irrespective of who they are will 9 times out of 10 receive some form or physical response. If I get my ass beat, those are the way the cards were dealt and so be it but no one has the right to place their hands on anyone. None of the cats you mentioned are invincible. I'm not saying I'm all of that because I'm not but, naw. I don't care who you are, certain shit is not acceptable.

    Also, I never said I would hit anyone with all of my might or strength. If it's not a life or death situation that type of response isn't necessary.

    I have a question for you:

    If you were a nightclub bouncer and a fight broke out which you found yourself on the floor being kicked by the girlfriend of the guy who started the pandemonium would you punch her sciatic nerve to keep her from kicking you or would you continue to take the kicks and attempt a soft take down with bodies falling and being pushed around you?
  17. Satchmo

    Satchmo New Member

    Not my kind of porn but finally this forum gets less boring
  18. Satchmo

    Satchmo New Member

  19. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Blood pressure rising in here.
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


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