Who do you think knows more about racism in Florida, a White woman originally from up north or a Black man born and raised in Florida? Lol
My point is that people want to believe that Florida is the worst and most racist state in the union. What do you believe?
I read an article a while back that said Indiana has the high number of white supremacist/hate groups. For while that state had more Klansmen than any other state in the Union.
Yes, the hate that comes out of some is amazing, seeing as they consider themselves to be god-fearing christians. It's so sad. I knew the attraction was there for me too at an early age. I also was born in the 60s, but I grew up in NYC where IR was alot more acceptable. My biggest obstacle was that we were poor inner-city kids, and the schools I attended were all minorities. In high school, and college age, I still hadn't built up the courage for IR dating. Thankfully, I eventually got over that hangup.
I was born in the south but in 1980 (hence the screenname). By the time I was older and started noticing girls interracial dating wasn't that big of a thing. The first major crush I had was white and she is still completely awesome to this day.