what do white women love about black men?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by kenny_g, May 25, 2008.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    double post

    as for the caribbeans, i did not know they werent "on the top"..

    white men, anyway..

    they seem to have so much dominion over the globe..at least in the movies

    thanks for the props to african-american men too


    on the note of controlling..i don't see myself as the controlling type..

    many women i met, were more controlling than me, lol

    "Yes ma!!"

    sometimes it's just all in good fun tho.

    other times..well..they're actually running the household
  2. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    :wink: 8) :wink:
  3. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    We (American BM) tend to pick our battles carefully....we give a lot of ground on most things but there are always a handful of things where we won't budge one inch.
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    what you're sayin'..

    is that we tend to be more like Bradley, than Patton

    Patton would fight a fight, just to be fighting, because he had that warrior heart..

    Bradley..wasn't as eager to "go in there and kick some butts"

  5. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    In Bermuda and In Jamacia, both black from wealthy families dominate in business and in politics. I would GUESS what their ancestors were ones who sucked up to the white colonizers.

    The two Jamacian men I dated were controlling in the sense that they monoplized my time, tracked my movements, decided where we would go, and told me what to wear. That might be okay to some women, but not yours truly. :D

    So despite the accent and being black (my two weaknesses in men), give me a homegown black man like the one I have. :smt050
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    that's straight bullshiiiiet.....

    that sounds really posessive and one could only gander what would happen, if you REFUSED to obey

    "how'd you get that black eye, bosox?"

    "Oh, I fell down and smacked my head on a curb"
  7. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    I did not always comply with their requests in terms of dress etc, and would turn off my phone if they annoyed me. That is the reasons they are both exs. FTR, any man who EVER hit me would deeply regret it :evil:
  8. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    amen to that, bosox. i'd come at 'em fully armed!! :smt066
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i'm just sayin..

    if they were that dominant...

    what would they do to assert such dominance, in the face of rebellion?
  10. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Pout, whine and generaly make the evening unpleasant, dating should be fun :D :D
  11. a_me

    a_me New Member

    so true. I haven't ever felt like I was truly beautiful when a WM looked at me.. but when my ex (a BM), and I first met he looked at me all the time, almost as if he was staring, but it wasn't creepy like you'd think. It made me feel gorgeous.. and it was strange because the first thing I thought when I saw him was.. "Damn, he's almost TOO gorgeous, there's no way he'd never go for me.."
  12. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member


    yup! i totally know what you're saying. :wink:
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Hope it wasnt a Michael Myers type of stare...

    you know...

    the one he does right before he makes cream puddin outta yo ass

  14. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    So I take it from the sounds of things that you were the one who broke up with him. I say this because if a guy finds you as irresistable as he apparently did, there's no way he's gonna walk away from that.
  15. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    There's just something very sensual about a bm. :D
  16. a_me

    a_me New Member

    haha. not michael myers at all. it was the kind of stare that i had to break to turn away and blush and then i'd look back and he was still looking and smiled.

    and tony--

    i sort of broke it off. because i'm an idiot..
  17. amanda 7527

    amanda 7527 New Member

    Ok here, Ive dated many types of men. These are my reason i prefer black me in no paticular order.

    Confidence- Ive been told im unapproachable. Ive been shy at times myself. I would look at guys , smile and get no response. Honestly, with most black guys, i just have to give one hint and they are approaching me. My case, they are more confident than most men. Also Ive NEVER heard from one i was with that im too pretty for him,not up to my level, shit like that. Love a man with confidence, most of the black men ive dated have shown this.

    Physical features- One, the dark skin, just love it from head to toe!!! I put it this way, what looks better, a shiny white corvette or a shiny black corvette? I think ya know what im gettin at. Most black guys seem to have naturally athletic bodies, and i love that.Looking sexy as hell without going to the gym,lol. Combine all this with usually full lips and its something that i cant stop tasting,lol

    Fun- I just have fun with black men. Dont know why nor do i care. I just find myself having more fun with black men. Whether its hanging out,partying, sex, just watching tv, cruising, etc. Just have a good time with them.

    Haters- I hear people talk about black men and hear comments and get looks from people when im out in public with them. Im not singling out white men, but thats what it mostly comes from. I dont hate white men by no means. But all the hating and how some put themselves on a pedestal over others , actually makes black men more attractive to me.

    Thast just some reasons, i have more , but some might be naughty,in a fun kind of way,lol. Justwanted to chime in on this topic. I could go on , but just summing it up.
  18. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    explains why every black dude on here is a buff stud

  19. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    tell em brother :lol: lmao
  20. Ragazza

    Ragazza New Member

    Hi to everybody!! I am from Russia... And during 1 year I can't date with white guys)) I prefer black ones... there are reasons:
    1. Great sex (they always know what to do; they are self-confident; i didn't hear they say "I am tired" during sex.. as white guys sometimes do..)
    2. They are beautiful... their skin colour, their lips.. their muscles.. they always look fitter than white guys..))
    3. Don't drink too much... as white guys do in Russia... (everybody knows how russians like vodka and so on :D )
    4. They are often more intelligent... i guess their IQ-level is higher...
    5. They know how to move on the dancefloor, they feel music))

    But unfortunately it's not so easy to have a black boyfriend in Russia, but it doesn't matter for me what other people think...

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